Note of meeting held in Riverbank Centre
On Thursday 15th March 2012
Elaine WyllieCambuskenneth Community Council
Jim WyllieCambuskenneth Community Council
Pat McBethRiverside Community Council
Ann GrahamRiverside Community Council
Mike WatsonBridge of Allan, Community Council
Wilma ComrieStirling Council
Shirley BlairStirling Council(minute)
Paul FlemingCentral Scotland Police
Pat ScroggieCentral Scotland Police
Councillor Brown
Des Friel
Barbara Allan
Anne Marie Timmoney
Jackie McKechnie(CAP)
David Black
Councillor Houston
Isabella Gorska
Wilma Comrie welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting and made introductions.
Note of previous meeting – No Changes
Single Outcome Agreement
Outcomes for Stirling
Lesley Gallagher provided a copy of the Outcomes for Stirling paper which outlined what will be looked at for the Stirling Area.
2.1 The current Single Outcome Agreement had an initial lifespan of 3 years. It is now due to be revised. As the next local authority term is for five years from 2012, it makes sense to prepare a new Single Outcome Agreement to match this timescale.
2.2 Scottish Government established the Commission chaired by the late Campbell Christie. The remit was to offer recommendations for the reform up public services. Lesley explained that this would mean things like keeping old people in the Community and also getting young people involved in community issues as well. The recommendation of the Commission was for a reform of public services.
2.3 It was suggested that the four main principles for the reform were
1. Empower individuals and communities by involving them in the design and deliver of public services
2. Require public service providers to work more closely in partnership to integrate service provision and achieve outcomes.
3. Prioritise expenditure that prevents negative outcomes.
4. More efficient public service system by reducing duplication and sharing services wherever possible.
2.4 The commission also suggest a particular role for Community Planning Partnerships in reform, through the development and co-ordination of
- Preventative actions and early intervention to tackle the root causes of poverty and negative outcomes
- Working more closely with local communities and individuals to more fully understand needs, and build capacity and resilience to meet these needs
- Improving coherence and collaboration between agencies and sectors
- Improving transparency, challenge and accountability to more strongly focus on value for money and achieving positive outcomes.
2.5 In September 2011, Scottish Government published its response to the Christie Commission and noted that it will seek to reform public services.
3.1 Stirling Community Planning Partnership has endorsed the recommendations of the Christie Commission and the Governments response. Lesley said that they have learned from the first Single Outcome Agreement as this was done too quickly. This time it was noted that they should involve and engage with all stakeholders.
3.3 There are certain key stages required to progress an evidenced, prioritised and targeted plan. There are a few key stages noted.
Lesley said she would come back to the Forum if any more information is required and said she would be willing to answer any questions.
Paul Fleming asked if there will be stakeholder workshops. Lesley said there would be. The Directors/leaders of the Community Planning Partners will look at this and will prioritise. Paul acknowledged that they would facilitate workshops where people from the Forum can attend. Lesley noted that economic development will be part of the discussion. The last thing to look at will be how to organise and keep outcomes for Stirling fresh and working. At each stage this will be put out for discussion. Ann Graham asked how this would be cascaded out to the communities as not everyone attends community council meetings. Lesley said there will be different ways to get people to engage and they will also be encouraging people to come out for public meetings. Ann said she would try to arrange it in her local community. Mike Watson said one issue will be for service providers to engage and work together. Lesley said she was more confident this time as they have leadership. Bob Jack is clear he wants Service Managers and Corporate Management to speak to Community Planning and she would expect a Corporate Plan to follow this. Mike said things are improving in the main. Paul said they are at the point of a Single Police Force and asked where this will sit in terms of accountability as this will change in the future. Efficiencies that have to be made will only be by working closely with partners. Pat Scroggie explained about the Public Protection Unit as this is an area of business that focuses on protection in different areas. This was then opened up to other partners NHS & Social Work and they are now housed in one unit in Larbert Police Station. The focus of this is on saving money etc. Paul said this shows that joint working does work. Pat explained about the new base at Larbert. Pat said it was good that Stirling got in on this venture quite quickly. Wilma asked if this has been rolled out to other councils. Pat said Stirling have bought into this and one of the drivers for this was the HMIe inspection. People can look and see that these projects are working. Paul said they used to have partners working independently but now they are working as a team. Mike said it makes good sense to use this model. Pat said there are problem families and this can be tackled before major issues arise. Some of them will not change but others will. This is about getting in at the very early stages.
Wilma noted that topics for future meetings needed to be discussed and asked if there were any suggestions. Wilma said one previous suggestion had been elderly care and the changes that have affected them. Lesley said there has been a lot of changes and this would be a good discussion. Police and Fire reform should also be looked at. The Forum can look at the way it will be working. Detail around Police and Fire reform and how this will work. The Government asked about piloting this and if they want they can do this and carry it forward. Once the local Government elections happen this will be looked at. One decision is do they want to pilot. Mike asked about the design exercise on transfer asset, where did this go. Lesley said the Asset transfer was a work in progress and was still around. The plan is in draft form. Lesley said part of this is to have a government who expect to be in power for at least 10 years. Lesley said that as Community Partners they would keep an eye on this and look at what is out there for discussion.
Youth Services – Rowan Maguire
Rowan explained that they are responsible for a project looking at Young Working Lives and said he would give the background to it. This will look at dealing with young people who are not in employment or education or there are barriers. Staff work with them to get them into a work place. This would encourage them to attend interviews and to help them with selling themselves and would support them to make the best of themselves. They hope to do this within 18 months and are looking at getting 101 apprentices in 100 days. This will involve encouraging local employers to engage. It will also make young people aware of the opportunities out there for them. This was launched in January by Angela Constance, SNP Minister for Youth Employment. Youth services hope to encourage employers to take on young people for the duration of the apprenticeship. Sixty-five apprenticeships will be filled by the Council. Six have already been taken on by Waste services. Youth Services have also taken on a couple of others.
Rowan explained that local employers have made enquiries and are willing to take on apprentices. Youth Services are looking to fulfil these opportunities. They will look at where and how. They are now on target to reach their goal of helping young people to get on the career ladder. Rowan said they took referrals from SDS as the Stirling Observer. Some local employers have referred young people to the project. There are things out there that some people were not aware of.
Rowan explained that there are different levels of apprenticeships and this means different lengths of time. Ann asked what financial benefits were available for the young people. Rowan said 16-19 year old modern apprentices receive £2.16 per hour but some employers pay more. If they are over 19 years conditions start to change and young people need to be paid the national minimum wage for their age group.
Mike asked if these apprenticeships involve training. Rowan said yes, the young people will do some on sight training and also possible day release. Some companies have qualified assessors. Mike asked where the young people go for the initial referral. Rowan said it is a notion that if young people don’t stick it out at school then an apprenticeship is the answer. If young people don’t cope well with new situations then they could be referred to go along to volunteer but would always be supported in doing this. There is a very small voluntary sector in Stirling. Mike said this was almost a weakness and asked if the Council could do more. Rowan said Youth Services do lots of work in different areas and young people are given the opportunity to take part. Mike suggested having youth workers who do volunteer work and they could set up a system to work with the young people to get them into employment. Rowan said there would be too many. Paul said all of this leads into some of the discussion already gone over. Paul asked if all apprenticeships are 12/18 months? Rowan said that Forth Valley College are currently recruiting apprentices to do the higher level qualifications. These are for young people who are more likely to be able to achieve. Rowan said employers are willing to offer these apprenticeships if the apprentice continues to improve, they can be kept on. Rowan said they also have a list of young people who need to complete their apprenticeships. Paul asked if this was about helping the disadvantaged. Ann noted that some young people who have had a deprived background don’t have the motivation. Paul said that there is the potential for every young person to be promising. Pat said that it used to be the expectation for people to go out to work. Rowan said some young people have lost this initiative. If they don’t invest, there will be a generation of young people who don’t go out to work. Elaine Wyllie asked if Youth Services go into schools to speak to the leavers. Rowan said they go into schools and speak to the young people and the teachers. SDS and Job Centre Plus are partners in this venture and refer young people to the project. Pat said people need a purpose and noted that he used to be involved in the Princess Trust. Rowan said they have a policy called “Opening Doors” and this should be adhered to. Pam asked if this was being tied in with the National Park. Rowan said yes they are currently looking at feasibility studies. Pam said she would also acknowledge that these areas, although they appear affluent, there are young people who leave school who don’t have any qualifications or any hope. Rowan said it was about making young people aware of what is expected. Wilma said she thought that the school curriculum was moving towards these goals. Rowan said the curriculum for excellence is moving towards this. What they want is a young person who turns up on time etc and they will teach them the rest. Mike said 20% of young people leave school without any qualifications. Rowan said schools highlighted, have a designated programme to help young people.
Wilma thanked Rowan for his presentation.
Topics for Future Forum meetings
Elderly care.
Police & Fire Reform – Paul said lots of work being done at Scottish Police College. Scottish Policing is the best in Britain.
Housing – How this affects communities.
Any other business
Ann spoke about the Inner Forth Initiative and said this was very interesting and highlighted issues in the River Forth corridor. Only three Community Councils were represented.
Paul said this would be his last Forum meeting. He said this has been a short involvement but it has been a privilege to serve communities. He has met lots of nice people and had some positive discussions. Paul thanked everyone for their support. Wilma thanked Paul on behalf of the Forum for his input at meetings and wished him the best for the future.
Wilma thanked everyone for attending
Date of next Meeting 24th May @ 7pm in Riverbank Centre
Meeting finished at 9pm