This Agreement is entered into as of this ___ day of ______, 2014, between Omni Oil & Gas, Inc., hereinafter designated as “Operator,” and ______, ______, hereinafter referred to jointly as “Non-Operator.” Operator and Non-Operator shall collectively be referred to as the “Parties.”


WHEREAS, the Parties to this Agreement are owners of interests in oil and gas wells in the Fairfield Project, Medina County, Texas for oil and gas leases covering the tracts of land described Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and the Parties have reached an agreement to produce and develop the wells for the production and retrieval of oil and gas provided for in the Project, as defined below, and to the extent as hereinafter provided.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:


As used in this Agreement, the following words and terms shall have the meanings here ascribed to them:

1.  The words “Party” and “Parties” shall always mean a part or parties to this Agreement.

2.  The Parties to this Agreement shall always be referred to as “it” or “they”, whether the Parties are corporate bodies, partnerships, associations or real persons.

3.  The term “oil and gas” shall include oil, gas, casing head gas, gas condensate and all other liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons, unless an intent to limit the inclusiveness of this term, is specifically stated.

4.  The term “oil and gas interests” shall mean working interests in wells, which are owned by the Parties to this Agreement.

5.  The term “Project” shall refer to and include all of the wells and oil and gas interests intended to be operated for oil and/or gas purposes under this Agreement, whether the same be one or more units and/or one or more wells as identified in Exhibit "A”, attached hereto and includes only all oil produced by wells identified with the alpha numeric combination of F___ followed by a two digit number from the ______Lease and produced into the “F___” Collection Tanks.

6.  The term “turn-key” shall mean the complete cost of all operations of the project, save and except ad valorem taxes.

7.  All exhibits attached to this Agreement are made a part of the Agreement as fully as though copied in full in the Agreement.


A.  Title Examination. Prior to initiating payments to the owners of production from a well, Operator shall cause the title thereto to be examined and reported on for the benefit of all Parties.

B.  Failure of Title. Any defects of title that may develop shall be the joint responsibility of all Parties and, if a title loss occurs, its shall be the loss of all Parties, with each bearing its proportionate part of the loss and of any liabilities incurred in the loss. If such loss occurs, there shall be no change in, or adjustment of, the interests of the Parties in the remaining portion of the Project.

C.  Loss of Leases for Reasons Other Than Title Failure. Should any lease or interest subject to this Agreement be lost because express or implied convenants have not been performed, or should any lease be permitted to expire at the end of its primary term and not be renewed or extended, the loss shall not be considered failure of title, and all such losses shall be joint losses and shall be borne by all Parties in proportion to their interests, and there shall be no readjustment of interests in any remaining portion of the Project.


Unless changed by other provisions, all costs and liabilities incurred in operations under this Agreement shall be borne and paid proportionately by the Parties. All production of oil and gas from the Project shall also be owned by the Parties in proportion to their interests, but subject to all landowner’s royalties, severance taxes, overriding royalties and production payments, if any.


Omni Oil & Gas, Inc, shall be the Operator of the Project, and shall conduct and direct and have full control of all operations on the Project as permitted and required by, and within the limits of, this Agreement. It shall conduct all such operations in a good and workmanlike manner, but it shall have no liability as Operator to the other parties for losses sustained, or liabilities incurred, except such as may result from gross negligence or from breach of the provisions of this Agreement.


Operator will collect all working interest owners’ oil and gas revenue related to the total production from all oil produced by wells identified with the alpha numeric combination of F_ followed by a two digit number from the Keller Lease and produced into the “F_” Collection Tanks and deduct there from the fixed “turn-key” costs of operating and maintaining the oil and gas property in the amount of $ ___.__ per well, per month representing the turn-key cost to ___% of the working interest owners; ______, shall be responsible for $___.__ per month per well. The remaining revenue will then be distributed to each working interest owner monthly, proportionate to its working interest ownership in the oil and gas property included in the Project, notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in the Agreement by the 27th of the following month after sales have occurred.


The parties hereto understand and agree that the present number of F_ wells will increase in total number, up to a maximum of __. As additional wells are added, Assignee shall receive distributions based upon their adjusted prorata share of total number of F_ wells.


The number of employees or contractors and their selection and the hours of labor and the compensation for services performed shall be determined by Operator.


Except as herein otherwise specifically provided, Operator shall promptly pay and discharge all costs and expenses incurred in the development and operation of the Project, pursuant to this Agreement.


Operator is given a first and preferred lien on the interests of each party covered by this Agreement and on each party’s interest in oil and gas produced and the proceeds thereof, and upon each party’s interest in material and equipment, to secure the payment of all sums due from each party to Operator, and Operator hereby grants a first lien on its interests covered by this contract to the other parties hereto in the same manner as above.


This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for as long as any of the oil and gas leases subject to this Agreement remain or in continued in force as to any part of the Project whether by production, extension renewal or otherwise, and until the leased premises are properly abandoned in accordance with the terms of the leases and applicable governmental regulations.


Each party shall have access to the Project at all reasonable times, at its sole risk, to inspect or observe operations, and shall have access at reasonable times to information pertaining to the development or operation thereof.


Each well subject to this Agreement which has been completed as a producing well shall not be plugged and abandoned without the consent of all parties. If all parties, however, do not agree to the abandonment of any well, those wishing to continue its operation shall tender to each of the other parties their proportionate share of the value of the well’s salvageable material and equipment, less the estimated costs of salvaging and the estimated costs of plugging and abandoning. Each abandoning party shall then assign to the non-abandoning parties, without warranty, express or implied, as to the title or as to quantity, quality or fitness for use of the equipment and material, all of its interests in the well and its equipment.

After the assignment, the assignors shall have no further responsibility liability or interest in the operation of, or production from, that well in the interval of intervals that open. Upon request of the assignees, Operator shall continue to operate the assigned well for the account of the non-abandoning parties at the rates and charges contemplated by this Agreement, plus any additional costs and charges which may arise as the result of the separate ownership of the assigned well.


Operator may assign operations to another operating company without the approval of the parties if a substantial portion of the ownership of the new operating company is the same as the previous operator. Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, no party shall sell, encumber, transfer, or make other disposition of its interest in the leases embraced within the Project and in wells and production unless such disposition is made expressly subject to this Agreement.

If at any time the interest of any party is divided among and owned by two or more co-owners, all such co-owners shall enter into and execute all contracts or agreements for the disposition of their respective shares of the oil and gas produced from the Project and they shall have the right to receive, separately, payment of the sale proceeds thereof.


Operator may resign from its duties and obligations as Operator at any time upon written notice of not less than 60 days given to all other parties. In this case, all parties to this contract shall select by majority vote in interests, not in numbers, a new Operator who shall assume the responsibilities and duties and have the rights prescribed for Operator by this Agreement. The resigning Operator shall deliver to its successor all records and information necessary for the successor Operator to discharge its duties and obligations.

Operator may be removed upon the vote of a majority in interest, not in numbers, of the non-operators; provided, however, that non-operators appoint a Railroad Commission qualified party to be the new Operator. In this event, the removed Operator shall turn over all operations and all records and information necessary for the successor Operator to discharge its duties and obligations as soon as possible.


The liability of the parties shall be several, not joint or collective. Each party shall be responsible only for its obligations, and shall be liable only for its proportionate share of the costs of developing and operating the Project. It is not the intention of the parties to create, nor shall this Agreement be construed as creating or constructing a mining partnership or other partnership or association, no action hereunder is meant to render them liable as partners.


It is expressly agreed and understood that it is not the purpose or intent of this Agreement to create, nor shall this Agreement be construed to create a mining partnership, association or a partnership for Federal and State income tax purposes, or to render the Parties jointly and severally liable as partners. By the terms of this Agreement, each Party hereby agrees to elect for the operations under this Agreement to be excluded from the application of the provisions of Subchapter K, Chapter 1 of Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


If any Party to this contract is sued on an alleged cause of action arising out of operations on the Project, or on an alleged cause of action involving title to any lease or oil and gas interest subject to this Agreement, it shall give prompt written notice of the suit to all Parties.

The defense of lawsuits shall be under the general direction of a committee of lawyers representing the parties, with the Operator’s attorney as Chairman. Suits may be settled during litigation only with the joint consent of all parties. All expenses incurred in the defense of suits, together with the amount paid to discharge any final judgment, shall be considered costs of operation and shall be charged to and paid by all parties in proportion to their interests in the Project.

Damage claims arising out of the operations on the Project shall be handled by Operator and its attorneys. The settlement of claims of this kind shall be within the discretion of Operator so long as the mount paid in settlement of any one claim does not exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) and, if settled, the sums paid in the settlement shall be charged as expenses to and be paid by all parties in proportion to their interest in the Project.


If any party is rendered unable, wholly or in part, by force majeure, to carry out its obligations under this Agreement other than the obligation to make money payments, they shall give to all other parties prompt written notice of the force majeure with reasonably, full particulars concerning it; thereupon, the obligations of the party giving the notice, so far as they are affected by the force majeure, shall be suspended during, but no longer than, the continuance of the force majeure. The affected party shall use all possible diligence to remove the force majeure as quickly as possible.

The requirement that any force majeure shall be remedied with all reasonable dispatch shall not require the settlement of strikes, lockouts or other labor difficulty by the party involved contrary to its wishes; however, all such difficulties shall be handled entirely within the discretion of the party concerned.

The term “force majeure” as herein used shall include an act of God, strike, lockout or other industrial disturbance, act of the public enemy, war blockage, public riot, lightning, fire storm, flood explosion, government restraint, unavailability of equipment and any other cause, whether of the kind specifically enumerated above or otherwise, which is not reasonably within the control of the party claiming suspension.