Southern Arizona Healthcare Coalition

2017 U of A Game Changer Full-Scale Exercise

Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG) – Long Term Care

Part I: Evaluation

Instructions: Please complete the information in the table below. A space is provided in the right column for you to note any comments relating to each of the questions.

Long Term Care / Evaluator Comments
  1. Was your facility notified of the emergency incident by the AzHAN within 30 minutes of the incident?
/ □ Yes □ No
  1. Did your entire facility network activate its Mass Casualty Plan?
/ □ Performed without Challenges
□ Performed with Some Challenges
□ Performed with Major Challenges
□ Not performed
  1. Did your facility activate its Command Center and Incident Command System structure?
/ □ Performed without Challenges
□ Performed with Some Challenges
□ Performed with Major Challenges
□ Not performed
  1. Was your facility provided with periodic situational updates from ESF-8?
  1. Did your facility provide situational feedback to ESF-8?
/ □ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
  1. Did your facility utilize available communication platforms such as telephones, AzHAN, and Survey Monkey, to receive or exchange information with ESF-8?
/ □ Yes □ No
  1. Did your agency contact ESF-8 for support in requesting licensing waivers?
/ □ Yes □ No
  1. Was your agency contacted by at least one hospital to arrange patient transfer to your facility/agency in order to decompress hospital patient surge?
/ □ Yes □ No
  1. Did your agency staff complete at least 5 patient assessments?
/ □ Yes □ No
  1. Did your agency staff alert the Command Center about supplies and staffing needed to manage patients?
/ □ Yes □ No
  1. Optional: Did your agency activate and implement its internal evacuation plans?
/ □ Yes □ No

Part II: Strengths and Areas for Improvement

  1. Please list the top three Strengths you observed for your facility/agency during this exercise.

Strength 1:


Strength 2:


Strength 3:


  1. Please list the top three Areas for Improvement you observed for your facility/agency during this exercise.

Area for Improvement 1:


Area for Improvement 2:


Area for Improvement 3:


Part III: Additional Questions and Comments

  1. What training opportunities would help you participate in an exercise such as this in the future?



  1. Which exercise materials were most useful? Please identify any additional materials or resources that would be useful.



  1. Please provide any recommendations on how this exercise or future exercises could be improved or enhanced.



  1. Additional Comments:



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