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ECHO 2014

Name of Applicant Organization Full address
Title of contact hour activity
Activity Number / North Dakota Action Coalition Leadership Program: Navigating the Complex Health System: A primer for the Nurse
Location of activity / North Dakota Center for Nursing
Date of activity

(ü yes - no – n/a)

1.  Did the presentation format demonstrate effective teaching strategies? / Yes / No / N/A
Ø  Navigating the Complex Health System
2. Was the overall activity purpose/goal met?
Increase your understanding of how knowledge of the health system will help you, the nurse, provide patient-centered care to guide each patient toward desired health outcomes.
3. Did you the learner, NOT the presenter, achieve each of the following objectives?
Navigating the Complex Health System
Review the health care system’s care provider types and levels of service, regulation, and reimbursement mechanisms.
Investigate your organization’s structure and processes;
Investigate your organization’s structure and processes
Describe your position and role within the overall structure
of the organization.
Demonstrate your knowledge of the health system to help a patient (and family) consider and access viable options for achieving personally desired health outcomes.
Identify one element of your position you would like to change to improve your effectiveness.
Using a scale of 0 = no knowledge to 5 = expert knowledge rate the following:
4. At what level would you rate your knowledge of this subject before this conference? Write number here Ø
5. At what level would you rate your knowledge of this subject after this conference? Write number here Ø
6. As a result of attending this activity will your competency in the following areas be enhanced? (see definitions below) / ü yes / ü
no / ü N/A
Providing patient-centered care
Working in interdisciplinary teams
Employing evidence based practice
Applying quality improvement
Utilizing informatics
7. Was this activity free of commercial bias?
Yeso Noo If No explain:
8. Suggestions for future educational activities.

Provide patient-centered care: Identify, respect, and care about patients' differences, values, preferences, and expressed needs; listen to, clearly inform, communicate with, and educate patients; share decision making and management; and continuously advocate disease prevention, wellness, and promotion of healthy lifestyles, including a focus on population health.

Work in interdisciplinary teams: Cooperate, collaborate, communicate, and integrate care in teams to ensure that care is continuous and reliable.

Employ evidence-based practice: Integrate best research with clinical expertise and patient values for optimum care, and participate in learning and research activities to the extent feasible.

Apply quality improvement: Identify errors and hazards in care; understand and implement basic safety design principles, such as standardization and simplification; continually understand and measure quality of care in terms of structure, process, and outcomes in relation to patient and community needs; and design and test interventions to change processes and systems of care, with the objective of improving quality.

Utilize informatics: Communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making using information technology.

--From Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality. Institute of Medicine, 2003