
YizkorProject 5778

“I will give charity on (their)behalf. As a reward for this,may(their) soul be bound inthebond of life”

Words from the Yizkor Prayer

DearMembers andFriends,

When ourloved ones pass from this world to the next, we remainconnectedto them and inspiredbytheir livesand examples. TheHigh Holidays andYizkoraretimes that we refocus on theserelationships. Weprayfor their souls andseek to emulate theirideals in ourown lives.

Once again, we arepleased to presentyou with theopportunityto honor thememoryofyourloved onesbyparticipating in theKesserIsraelYizkorBook, which is used during all Yizkor services throughout the year.Throughyour tzedakah, you both bring additionalmerit to relativesand friends who areno longer with us and make an important contribution to the vital work of CongregationKesserIsrael.

To submit names fortheYizkor Book,please fill out the enclosedorder form and returntotheshul no laterthanFriday, September 1. Alternatively, fill out our online form at:

You may also dedicate a Yahrzeit Plaque in memory of your loved ones, which will become a permanent part of the synagogue. With each plaque, the name of a loved one will be inscribed on the memorial boards in our Shul, illuminated during the month of their yahrzeit and on all days when Yizkor is recited.

If your loved ones are not yet memorialized in our sanctuary, the High Holiday period is a wonderful time to do so. Plaques are $360 each and may be ordered via the enclosed form, or online at The cost of the plaque is considered a tax-deductible donation to Congregation Kesser Israel.

Please contact us r call (503) 222-1239 with questions.Thankyou for your support.

Mayyou,yourfamiliesand thememories ofyourlovedones be blessed.

Aki Fleshler, PresidentRabbiKen Brodkin


Orders may also be submitted online at

Below, pleasecheckyourchoicefor the numbers of namesyouwish included,and thelevel at whichyou wish to sponsor. Writethe namesto be listed in the spaces provided below.

Pleasecheck one:

Yizkor Book Sponsor: $1000–Includes a listing for as many names as you wish, a personal message from you on the first page of the Yizkor Book, one memorial plaque on the Yahrzeit Memorial Tablet, and one Seudah Shlishit sponsorship in the week of yahrzeit

Diamond Level:$500–Includesasmanynamesasyouwish and one Seudah Shlishit sponsorship in the week of yahrzeit

Gold Level: $200 –Includes up to 10 names, additional names are $18 each

SilverLevel:$150 –Includes up to 5 names, additional names are $18 each

Bronze Level: $36 per name – Up to 4 names ($144 maximum)


Please use the same names I used last year (list any additional names below)

I’ve included the names I’d like listed below (please attach sheets for additional)

Name / English Date of Death (if known) / Hebrew Date of Death (if known)

Yizkor Book Donation: □ Yizkor Book Sponsor$1000 □ Diamond $500 □ Gold $200

□Silver $150 □ Bronze: ___#Names*$36/name = $___

Memorial Plaques–Order Form

Orders may also be submitted online at:

I/We would like to order the following memorial plaques:

1) English name of the deceased: ______

Hebrew name of the deceased: ______

Date of death (English Calendar): ______Time: ______(if not known, day or evening)

Date of death (Hebrew Calendar, if known): ______

2) English name of the deceased: ______

Hebrew name of the deceased: ______

Date of death (English Calendar): ______Time: ______(if not known, day or evening)

Date of death (Hebrew Calendar, if known): ______

(If additional plaques, please list on an additional sheet)