To be held over the weekend of
Saturday 23rd AUGUST 2014
Age groups U11 & U13 & U15,
U11 will be a 9 v 9 game
A league format within groups, progressing to finals.
Trophies awarded to all finalists.
Sunday 24th AUGUST 2014
Age groups U12, U14, U16,
U12 will be a 9 v 9 game
A league format within groups, progressing to finals.
Trophies awarded to all finalists.
Dear Club / Team Official,
At past tournaments we have welcomed teams from Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and further afield
This year we would like to welcome your team to the Barrowby FC 2014 “Pre-season” limited entry 11 a side football tournament to be held at our Low Fields ground, Low Road, Barrowby, near Grantham on the weekend of the 23rd and 24th of August 2014.
Entry fee is £35 per team; players may only play for one team during the course of the tournament.
To enter your team(s) into the tournament please complete and return the attached form by email to Mr Richard Cross, who will reserve your place in the tournament. You will then need to send the relevant fees (cheques / postal orders payable to Barrowby FC) along with your full contact details within 14 days of email registration to:
Mr Richard Cross, 8 Old Orchard, Barrowby, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 1EJ
If you require any further information about the tournament please contact Mark Jessop on 07967321884 or email
Once your entry fee has been received we will mail you a confirmation pack which will include: entry confirmation, tournament rules, code of conduct and a map of our location.
The closing date for entry is Saturday 2nd August 2014; please note that no refund of entry fee will be made to any teams withdrawing from the tournament after the 5th August 2014.
This is a limited entry tournament; we would urge you to submit your application early so that your place
can be confirmed, entries will be allocated on a first come first served basis (teams did miss out last year)
All teams are limited to a total squad of 15 players, with 11 players on the pitch at any one time (9 players for U11 and U12 age groups). Substitutions can be made at any time during the game on a roll-on roll-off basis as long as the referee is informed.
The registration time on each day will be 9.15am, with a tournament start time of 9.45am. The programme is arranged so that each age group will play on a designated pitch, ensuring that time between games is kept to a minimum and it is envisaged that the tournament will finish approximately 3.30pm on both days.
We will use qualified referees where ever possible
There will be a BBQ and light refreshments along with a raffle prize draw
A programme for the day’s arrangements will be given to all cars entering the Barrowby Field’s car park, the cost of which will be £2.00 per day per car.
We look forward to receiving your application as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support.
………………………………...... Detach and return with payment ...…….………………………
Please send form to: Mr Richard Cross at 8 Old Orchard, Barrowby, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 1EJ
Barrowby Football Club 2014 11-a-side Pre-Season Football Tournament - Entry FormTeam Name(s)
Age Group of Team(s)
2014/15 season
Total Entry Fee Enclosed / £
Your Contact Name
Address /
Post Code
Telephone Number
Contact E-Mail Address