Effective Classroom Management

1.  The Daily Schedule:

·  Maximize instructional time

·  Balance activities (teacher directed, independent, and group)

·  Be proactive to address times of day when students are more likely to misbehave (examples- after recess, returning from lunch, dismissal)

2.  Physical Space:

·  Physical arrangement of the classroom should maximize positive teacher student interaction while minimizing the possibility of disruptions.

·  Teacher should be able to navigate for monitoring.

·  Room should be free of clutter

·  Objects should not obscure the teacher’s view

3.  Attention Signal:

·  Use an auditory and visual signal to gain the full attention of all students in the classroom.

4.  Beginning and Ending Routines:

·  Opening activity for the students each day.

·  Procedures in place for students who are tardy, have been absent, or do not have required materials.

·  A specific wrap-up routine for the end of the day, class period, or activity.

5. Classroom rules:

·  Post rules in an easily visible area

·  Three to Six positively stated rules that describe specific, observable behaviors students are expected to follow.

·  Specific corrective consequences in place if classroom rules are violated.

6.  Student Work:

a.  Easy procedure for assigning class work and homework

b.  Easy procedure for turning in class work.

c.  Procedure for students to ask questions during independent work time.

7. Teach the BEHAVIORS you want:

·  Teach Expectations for all settings, routines, and transitions.

·  Model and role play rules and routines.

·  Give reminders of rules.

·  Display expectations before each activity/lesson (flip chart).

Increasing the Use of Praise

1.  Catch GOOD behavior:

2.  Reminder to praise:

·  Various types of reminder (written, vibrators, computer ping, etc.)

3.  Double up on praise:

·  Catch two students and praise both.

4.  Increase the number of opportunities to respond provided to students.

·  Praise correct answers along with effort.

·  Create a win-win situation.

5.  Use varied forms of positive reinforcement.

·  Specific praise

·  Gestures (thumbs up, clapping, a nod of the head)

·  Tangibles (stickers)

·  Points toward a reward.

·  Contacting parents with Student Success

·  Spend more time being positive than correcting.