Mentee Progress Report Form

Name: Today’s Date:

Mentor Name:

Mentorship Start Date:

This is my ______6 month report _____ 1 year report

This is a good time to review how well the mentoring process is working to help you become comfortable and knowledgeable about the NDSU Extension Service. This is not a review of your mentor’s performance, but rather a self-assessment to help you determine if things are going well or if you need additional support. Assess your participation. What went well and what do you need to work on to have the process work better for you?

Consider all the contacts you have had with your mentor and others in your county/Multi-Planning Unit (MPU). Use sections below to review progress. Describe what is going well and what needs continued attention.

Report progress to date by completing sections below. Submit form to your district director and send copy to Cindy Klapperich, Staff Development Coordinator, .

Organizational Development
·  Daily planning (calendars)
·  Dates and deadlines
·  Organizing work area
·  Setting up personal files
·  Handling phone calls
·  Managing emails
·  Discuss Extension policies and protocol / Notes and discussion date
Time Management
·  Scheduling meetings and programs
·  Office conferences
·  Reporting - Quarterly Program Reports (QPR), Impact Reports
·  Deadlines
·  Balancing work and family
·  Mail, email
·  Farm/home visits (goals, purpose, techniques, skills, approaches)
·  Volunteer utilization / Notes and discussion date
·  Program development process
·  Advisory systems
·  Needs assessment
·  Impact planning and evaluation
·  Program planning process on Web
·  Programming within the Multicounty Program Unit (MPU)
·  Multi-disciplinary or Issue-based programs
·  Utilizing specialists and other resources
·  Utilizing volunteers
·  Evaluation, reporting
·  Networking with other agencies/associations/departments
·  Co-sponsoring of programs with other agencies/associations/departments
·  Discuss importance of understanding local power structures and relationships
·  Share successes and failures in programming
·  Share program announcements
·  Share programming resources
·  Share key contacts and resource persons / Notes and discussion date
Public Relations / Marketing
·  Community involvement
·  Professional image (dress, demeanor)
·  Relationships with key leaders (county and state officials)
·  Relationships with local media
·  Community contacts; meet and greets (goals, actual)
·  Relationships with co-workers
·  Customer service, response to clients
·  Share newsletter/news articles you prepared
·  Invite mentor to see you conduct a program / Notes and discussion date
Professional Development
·  Professional development plan
·  Identify professional associations / upcoming dates and invite to join/attend
·  Invite to upcoming in-services
·  Self-directed study
·  Discuss professional image / Notes and discussion date
·  Study demographics
·  Target diverse clients / Notes and discussion date
Managing Resources in Local Extension Office
·  Telephones
·  Secretary
·  Shared equipment
·  Vehicles
·  Meeting rooms
·  Office hours / Notes and discussion date
County Budget and Budget Process
·  Access to local funds
·  Reimbursement of expenses / Notes and discussion date
Extension Philosophy
·  Professional educators
·  Grass roots, committees
·  Mission/vision
·  Land grant system / funding
·  Handling money
·  Civil Rights / Affirmative Action / Notes and discussion date

Mentor / Mentee: Suggested Activities

·  Visit mentor's county office
·  Job shadow (accompany mentor in daily activities)
·  Attend county 4-H club meetings, judging events, fairs, etc.
·  Socialize to build positive relationships (lunch, birthdays, cards, notes, etc.)
·  Attend county advisory council meeting with mentor
·  Make home/farm/site visits with mentor
·  Observe activities from all program areas
·  Identify an upcoming program and ask mentor to help plan and co-teach the event. / Notes and date of activity
·  Assist with reports/paperwork:
o  Quarterly Program Reports
o  Narrative reports
o  Impact Reports
·  Share record-keeping strategies
·  Visit mentee's county office
·  Discuss "Extensionese" terminology
·  Discuss the New Staff Orientation website and review/clarify any questions
·  Review resources (most useful Web sites, publications, CDs and other resources)
·  Host mentee at unit and district meetings, conferences and in-services
·  Introduce mentee at professional association meetings
·  Share educational programming ideas (prepare an educational program together; team teach)
·  Introduce new staff to specialists and potential subject matter mentors
·  Share how to handle difficult situations with clients / Notes and date of activity