3rdInternational Conference May15-17, 2012 Tatranské Matliare

Renewable Energy Sources 2012High Tatras, Slovak Republic


Author1, A., Author2, B.

Authors’ affiliation


Author3, C.




The abstract giving a concise summary of the paper topic must not exceedone-paragraph of maximum 8 rows (10 pt, italic, justified).


Maximum 5 keywords (10 pt, italic, justified)


Accepted papers prepared in camera-ready format will be published onUSB key and will have an ISBN.

The full paper and extended abstract are to be submitted in *.pdf format.

2Publishing conditions

The Conference USB key will include all accepted papers uploaded before February 17, 2012 if the registration fee for at least one author has been paid before February 17, 2012.

3Manuscript preparation

Page size: A4, one column format.

Margins: top and bottom – 2cm, left and right – 2,5cm.

Headerhas to appear on each page 0,5cm from the top edge.

Font: Times New Roman for the whole paper.

Title of the paper: 14 pt, CAPITAL LETTERS, bold, centred.

Author('s) name: 10 pt, bold, centred, 6pt space before paragraph. In case of more than one author, please indicate the corresponding author indicate with an asterisk.

Affiliation:organization, address, country, 10 pt, italics, centred, 0pt space before.

Headings: 10 pt, CAPITAL LETTERS, bold, justified, 18pt space before paragraph, 0pt after. Sections should be numbered with Arabic numerals, without dots.

Subheadings: 10 pt, bold, justified, 12pt space before.

Body text:10 pt, single spaced, justified, 6ptspace before each paragraph.

4equations, tables and figures

Equations, tables and figures are numbered consecutively throughout the abstract.


Equations indentation is 1 cm from left. Equation numbering: in parentheses, aligned to the right-hand margin:



Tables are justified, placed as close as possible to the first reference in text. Thetable captionis above the table,justified.

Tab.1 Table caption

P [MW] / 0 / 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100
N 103 [Sk] / 10 / 15,2 / 26,8 / 44,8 / 69,2 / 100


Figures are centred, placed as close as possible to the first reference in text. The figurecaption is below the figure,centred.

Photographs, charts and diagrams are all considered to be figures. They are to be referred to as Fig.1, Fig.2, etc. and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred.

Fig.1Figure caption


In addition, you can express thanks, or you may omit this part completely.


[1]Author1, A., Author2, B.:The book title. The name of the publisher, place of publication.

[2]Author1, A., Author2, B.: Article title. Journal title, Vol. 3, No. 4, 35-40.

References should be cited in numerical order in the text in the order they appear, using a number in square brackets. In the case of two citations, the numbers should be separated by a comma [1,2], and in the case of more than two, the first and last numbers should be given connected with a dash [1-4].

Corresponding author