Assault Bulletin

May 26, 2008

Sexual Assault

WHEN: Friday, May 23, 2008 at around 5:50 p.m.

WHERE: South Women’s PE Complex

WHAT: A female student was confronted by two unknown male subjects outside the east entrance to the Women’s PE Complex. One of the suspects threatened the student if she did not comply with his instructions. Suspects 1 and 2 walked the student inside the Women’s PE Complex. While inside the Women’s PE Complex, suspect #2 served as a look out while suspect #1 sexually assaulted the student. Suspects 1 and 2 then left the Women’s PE Complex in an unknown direction. If anyone has any information about the suspects or witnessed the incident, please contact the El Camino College Police Department 310-660-3100.

Suspect #1 Description:

Male black adult, approximately 18-20 years old, dark complexion

Approximately 5’5”, medium build, short black hair, clean shaven

Wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans

Suspect #2 Description:

Male black adult, approximately 18-22 years old, light complexion

Short hair, wearing blue jeans

No further description


·  Have keys in hand before walking to your car

·  Always be aware of your surroundings – remember the use of iPod devices and cell phones may significantly distract you

·  Don’t walk alone

·  Use the buddy system

·  Learn the location of “Code Blue” POLICE phones located throughout campus. These phones are directly linked to the college Police Department and are considered 911 priority lines. Students and staff are encouraged to utilize these phones for any emergency

·  Use ECC Courtesy Shuttle operated by ECC Police from 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Use one of the POLICE phones located throughout campus, or call campus police 310-660-3100 for this service.

·  In an emergency contact campus police by using one of the POLICE phones on campus; calling 911 from any pay phone on campus; or by calling 310-660-3100 from a cell phone

·  Night students and faculty are encouraged to park in the same general area as other faculty or students with night classes in their building; this provides the opportunity for a group of students and faculty to walk to their cars after dark

·  Immediately report any suspicious activity to campus police

·  Be alert

·  Be prepared