Happy Valentine’s Day to our SMMS School Families!

Wow! Next week is a big week for our students at SMMS! Lots of wonderful events are happening on our campus. Yet, before I explain ‘what’s ahead,’ allow me to re-cap last week’s happenings at SMMS.

  1. Although last Sunday marked the beginning of a new week at SMMS, it also marked the end of Catholic Schools Week with a dinner dance for all our school dads and their daughters. I know I mentioned this is my last newsletter, but the FATHER / DAUGHTER dance was so impressive, that I feel it was worthy of another mention. Dads, if you missed this event with your princess, please make a point to attend next year! It is a “must do” evening. Thank you, Sandra Traversa and her crew of Moms Club volunteers for planning this memorable event.

  2. Last week, the students (particularly primary grades) celebrated 100 days of school. Mrs. Vicelja and her awesome kindergartners spent the day submerged in a variety of activities and games with the ‘100’ theme. Fun! Fun! Fun! Thank you, Kinder parents for helping out on a great day.
  3. On February 5th, the teachers of SMMS, traveled to Los Angeles to participate in a professional development seminar sponsored by the Los Angeles School District. At the seminar, they learned about new teaching strategies and curriculum.
  4. I was off campus on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for a three-day accreditation experience. I led a committee consisting of Catholic school teachers to analyze and evaluate ‘academic excellence’ within their school.
  5. Applications are in! Thank you, all families who turned in their student applications by the deadline! Yesterday, my bookkeeper (Mrs. Schwab) and I, tallied up the registration packets in effort to place each student on a roster. We also submitted paperwork to the Catholic Education Foundation for financial aid consideration. I am so happy to report that most classrooms are now full with few spots open in some grades. I am so sorry but students who did not turn in their registration form by the January 31st deadline, were taken off. We are now in the process of inviting prospective students to interview and test.
  6. As mentioned earlier, Financial aid applications have been received, reviewed and processed. The are now on their way to the Los Angeles Archdiocese for approval! * Please note – families who turned in a financial aid form withouta copy of their 2016 income tax forms WILL NOT receive financial aid.

  7. Reminder! – pets are not allowed on campus. Although they are quite cute, we have seen a number of pets at ‘pick up’ time. I kindly ask you to leave your pets at home when dropping off or picking up your child. We have a number of students who are very allergic to the dander of animals; particularly dogs. In addition, our little ones are afraid of unknown dogs. Thank you for your cooperation.
  8. Mrs. Hines and her Third Grade did a beautiful job hosting our “ALL SCHOOL MASS” this last Friday. Thank you 3rd graders for your ‘Mass of Love.’ Job well done! Thank you- Fr. Marinello for presenting.

Ok, now for the week ahead…

  1. FAT TUESDAY is almost here! Mrs. Traversa and her team have been planning and preparing for this exciting day. The festivities will begin at lunch time with the arrival of the WIENER WAGON! If you have not ordered your child’s meal, please do so by calling the office asap. Hot lunch through our regular program will not be available on this day. After lunch, the students will participate in a MARDI GRAS parade complete with bead necklaces and masks!! Students will be allowed to wear Mardi Gras colored shirts of purple, yellow and green. An umbrella contest will also take place following the parade. Teachers and their students have been busy decorating their ‘CLASS UMBRELLA.’ The class that artistically decorates their umbrella the best, wins!
  2. VALENTINES DAY IS WEDNESDAY but it is now Tuesday!!! Wait…what? This year, Valentine’s Day lands on one of the most sacred days of the Catholic religion... ASH WEDNESDAY. Ash Wednesday also marks the beginning of Lent. Because Lent is a season of prayer and fasting for all Catholics, the students will celebrate Valentines Day on Tuesday, February 13th.
  • Valentine’s Day parties will be on February 13th

  • 8th graders will also be visiting classroomsto handout pre-sold VALENTINES GRAMS on February 13th! Thank you all who supported that event.

  1. FEBRUARY 14TH – ASH WEDNESDAY- Services for school parents and parishioners to receive their ashes will be held throughout the day. All SMMS students will receive their ashes at 9:30 a.m. Due to the amount of people on our campus on this day, their will be an 11:00 a.m. dismissal. Hot lunch will be available as well as daycare. The teachers will convene for a faculty meeting.

  2. FAMILY NIGHT AT MCDONALDS!!! Please support our school by eating at McDonald’s on Wednesday<February 21st from 4-7.A portion of the profits go to ST. MARGARET MARY SCHOOL. Flyers will go out via family folder.


  • 2ndGRADE FEBRUARY 17TH (First Reconciliation)
  • 3RD AND 4TH GRADE – FEB 23


Mrs. Zimmerman MARCH 16TH 7:00 P.M IN HEGARTY HALL