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The facts about binge drinking and young people

Assessment Task

This assessment task covers reading for knowledge

Either save this document on your computer, type in your answers then print


Print this document and write the answers by hand.

About the text in general . . .
1. / What is this text about?
a. explaining the facts about binge drinking and its short and long term effects
b. explaining the benefits of binge drinking and how to maximise them
c. explaining the laws about binge drinking and how to observe them.
2. / Name 2 layout features used to make the text easy to read?
Info in the text . . .
3. / What is the main idea in the Introduction about young people and alcohol? Summarise it in your own words.
4. / What are three of the main words you would expect in any definition of binge drinking.
5. / Look at the section, “People who should take particular care with alcohol.”
In the table below tick the category that best fits each character
Character / Family history of alcohol-related problems / Pregnancy / Taking medications / Activity involving skill and concentration
Yim who’s due to have a baby soon
Justin who takes tranquillisers
Pepe whose dad is suffering from alcohol induced memory loss
Josie who’s a pilot
6. / In your opinion what are the three most serious short term physical effects and two most risky behaviours related to binge drinking. List them below.




7. / In your opinion, which long term effect discussed in the article, is the most serious consequence of binge drinking?
8. / What information in the article shows that today’s youth has a bigger problem with alcohol than previous generations?
9. / What was the source of information the writer used to back up this fact?

Compared to other texts . . .
Go to www.fuel.org.nz and click on “Alcohol and Your Body”.
Spend a few minutes exploring the three links on this page.
10. / What does the information in “The Day After” link have in common with the “Facts about Binge drinking and Young People” text?
a. they both look at long term effects of alcohol
b. they both look at short term effects of alcohol
11. / Do you find the “Alcohol and Your Body” website or the “Facts about Binge drinking and Young People” text more informative and why?
Your final thoughts . . .
12. / What part of the “Facts about Binge drinking and Young People” text, do you think would influence teenagers against binge drinking?
13. / What do you think is the best way to convince teenagers about the dangers of binge drinking? Choose one of these or type your suggestion in the box below.
a. a facts sheet
b. re-enactments in commercials
c. songs and movies
d. classroom teaching
e. can’t – they’ll just keep doing it
f. your suggestion

When you have completed your writing, submit the task to your teacher for assessment.