Student: / Major: Information Technology (BIT)
Laker ID: 900 XXX XXX / Semester: Fall 2010
Advisement Dates: / Catalog Year: 2010

A total of 120 credit hours are required for the Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT).
Below are the Lower Division Major Requirements for the degree (Area A-E; 42 credit hours; Area F; 18 hours)

Area A – Essential Skills (9 hours)
A1 / Complete both courses below Semester Grade Credit Comments
ENGL 1101 / English Composition I / 3
ENGL 1102 / English Composition II / 3
A2 / Complete 1 Mathematics Course
MATH 1101 / Intro. to Math Modeling / 3
MATH 1111 / College Algebra / 3
MATH 1112A / Trig & Analytic Geometry / 3
MATH 1113 / Pre-Calculus / 3
MATH 1501 / Calculus I / 4*
* / Only 3 credits will count toward the BIT major
Area B – Critical Thinking & Communication (5 hours)
B1 / Complete 1 Critical Thinking Course Semester Grade Credit Comments
CRIT 1101 / Critical Thinking / 3
B2 / Complete 1 Communication Course
COMM 1110 / Presentational Speaking / 3*
  • Two hours of COMM 1110 count in Area B2, 1 hour counts as part of the required IT Foundation

Area C Humanities (6 Hours)
C1 / Complete 1 Lit., Phil. or Language Course Semester Grade Credit Comments
ENGL 2111 / World Literature / 3
ENGL 2112 / World Literature / 3
ENGL 2121 / British Literature I / 3
ENGL 2122 / British Literature II / 3
ENGL 2131 / American Literature I / 3
ENGL 2132 / American Literature 11 / 3
FREN 2001 / Intermediate French I / 3
FREN 2002 / Intermediate French II / 3
PHIL 2201 / Intro to World Philosophy / 3
PHIL 2601 / Ethics/Hist/Cntmpry Pers. / 3
SPAN 2001 / Intermediate Spanish I / 3
SPAN 2002 / Intermediate Spanish II / 3
Area C Humanities 6 Hours (cont.)
C2 / Complete 1 Fine Arts or Language Course Semester Grade Credit Comments
ART 2301 / Art of the Pre-Modern World / 3
ART 2302 / Art of the Modern World / 3
CMS 2100 / Introduction to Film / 3
FREN 2001 / Intermediate French I / 3
FREN 2002 / Intermediate French II / 3
MUSC 2103 / Music Appreciation / 3
MUSC 2301 / Introduction to World Music / 3
PHIL 2401 / Introduction to Aesthetics / 3
SPAN 2001 / Intermediate Spanish I / 3
SPAN 2001 / Intermediate Spanish II / 3
THEA 1100 / Theater Appreciation / 3
Area D Natural Sciences and Mathematics (10 hours)
D1 / Complete 1 Science Sequence (7 hours) Semester Grade Credit Comments
ASTR 1010 / Solar System Astronomy / 3
ASTR 1020 / Stellar & Galactic Astronomy / 3
ASTR 1020L / Astronomy Lab / 1
BIOL 1111 / Introduction to Biology I / 3
BIOL 1111L / Introduction to Biology Lab / 1
BIOL 1112 / Introduction to Biology II / 3
Area D Natural Sciences and Mathematics (10 hours) cont. Semester Grade Credit Comments
CHEM 1151 / Survey of Chemistry I / 3
CHEM 1151L / Survey of Chemistry Lab / 1
CHEM 1152 / Survey of Chemistry II / 3
PHYS 1111 / Introductory Physics I / 3
PHYS 1111L / Introductory Physics Lab / 1
PHYS 1112 / Introductory Physics II / 3
D2 / Complete the following course
MATH 1221 / Finite Math / 3
Area E Social Sciences (12 Hours)
E1 / Complete 1 American Government Course Semester Grade Credit Comments
POLS 1101 / American Government / 3
E2 / Complete 1 World History
HIST 1111 / Survey of Pre-Modern World History / 3
HIST 1112 / Survey of Modern World History / 3
HIST 2750 / Critical Trends & Issues / 3
E3 / Complete 1 American History Course
HIST 2111 / Survey of US History to 1877 / 3
HIST 2112 / US History Since Reconstruction / 3
E4 / Complete 1 Behavioral Science Course
AFAM 2010 / Intro-African American Studies / 3
PSYC 1101 / Introduction to Psychology / 3
SOCI 1101 / Introduction to Sociology / 3
WST 2010 / Intro to Woman’s Studies / 3
Area F Lower Division Major Requirements (18 hours)
F / Complete each course listed below Semester Grade Credit Comments
ITFN 1101 / Foundations of Information Tech / 3
ITFN 1303* / Foundations of Programming, C# / 3
ITFN 2123 / Foundations of Project Mgmt / 3
ITFN 2313* / Intermediate Programming, C# / 3
ITFN 2411 / Intermediate Webmaster / 3
* / May choose CSCI 1301 and CSCI 1302 in place of ITFN 1303 and ITFN 2313; or
May choose WBIT 1310 and WBIT 2311 in place of ITFN 1303 and ITFN 2313; or
May choose ITFN 2314 in place of ITFN 2313
Complete 1 of the following math courses
MATH 1231 / Introductory Statistics / 3
MATH 2020 / Introductory Discrete Math / 3
MATH 2502 / Calculus II / 4*
WBIT 2300 + / Discrete Math for IT / 3
* / Only 3 credits will count toward the BIT major
+ / This course is part of WebBSIT offered online via the internet. WebBSIT courses cost $350 per credit hour.
Lower Division Major Requirements IT Foundations (19 hours)
Complete each course listed below Semester Grade Credit Comments
COMM 1110 / Spoken Communication / 1*
ITFN 1201 / Foundations of Database Design / 3
ITFN 1401 / Foundations of Webmaster / 3
ITFN 1501 / Foundations of NW & Security / 3
ITFN 2001 / Prof. Development Seminar / 1
ITFN 2012+ / Lower Division Capstone in IT / 2
ITFN 2211 / Intermediate Database Design / 3
ITFN 2511 / Intermediate NW & Security / 3
* / Carry-over from Area B2
+ / May substitute a lower division IT elective course (1xxx or 2xxx). A substitution will result in 1 excess credit hour.
Upper Division Major Requirements (15 hours)
Complete each course listed below Semester Grade Credit Comments
ITFN 3112 / Systems Analysis & Design / 3
ITFN 3134 / Secure Systems Development / 3
ITFN 3314 / TQ&A in Software Development / 3
ITFN 3601 / Operating Systems / 3
ENGL 3900 / Prof. & Technical Writing / 3
Major Concentration – Select 9 hours from one of the following Areas of Emphasis (9 hours)
E-Commerce Emphasis Semester Grade Credit Comments
ITDB 4201 / Advanced Database Modeling / 3
ITMM 4413 / Infrastructure for E-Commerce / 3
ITMM 4423 / Security for E-Commerce / 3
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Major Concentration – Select 9 hours from one of the following Areas of Emphasis (9 hours) cont.
Database Administration Emphasis Semester Grade Credit Comments
ITDB 4201 / Advanced Database ModelingD / 3
ITDB 4202 / Database Applications / 3
ITDB 4203 / Database Admin. & Arch. / 3
Networking & Security Emphasis
ITNW 4501 / NW Planning & Design / 3
ITNW 4502 / Secure NW & Comm. Protocol / 3
ITNW 4511 / Bus. Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery / 3
Software Development Emphasis
ITSD 4301 / Algorithms I / 3
ITSD 4303 / Human Computer Interaction / 3
ITSD 4312 / Algorithms II / 3
Internship or Clinical Requirements (5 hours)
Complete each course listed below Semester Grade Credit Comments
ITFN 4003 / Portfolio Dev. & Presentation / 2
ITFN 4014 / Internship Cooperative / 3*
* / Internship can be 3 or 6 credit hours. The additional 3 hours can only be applied to upper-division free electives.
Upper Division Information Technology Electives (6 hours)
Select and complete two additional 4000 level courses from the Major Concentration Areas of Emphasis
Course / Course Name Semester Grade Credit Comments
ITXX / 3
ITXX / 3
Upper Division Free Electives (6 hours)
Select and complete any two courses at the 3000 or 4000 level (may also select IT courses)
Course / Course Name Semester Grade Credit Comments
All IT courses, all upper division courses, all MATH courses, COMM 1110, CRIT and ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102 require a grade of “C” or better.
Individual with disabilities who need to request accommodations should contact the Disability Resource Center, Student Center 255, (678) 466-5445,

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