AP European History 2015 - 2016

Congratulations and welcome to AP European History. You have chosen to challenge yourself by taking AP European History next year. I look forward to seeing you all in the fall and to exploring European history with you. This class will be one of the most challenging that you have taken thus far in your academic career. However, you will learn more than you expect and accomplish more than you think possible, if you work hard and take your studying seriously. This paper is to let you know that there is some summer work you will need to do in order to prepare you for the class. Start early and you’ll appreciate your accomplishments at the end of the summer and throughout the year as we refer back to these activities.

The Summer Assignment comes in two parts:

Part I requires reading the book A World Lit Only by Fire, by William Manchester, followed with a journal assignment and an essay.

Part II requires labeling a map of Europe to prepare for a map quiz during the first week of school.

Both parts of the summer assignment will be due on the first day back to school.

Please sign this form below and return it to Ms. Martin. This will indicate that you and your parents understand the summer-reading expectations. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.

Have a great summer and thanks for reading!


Ms. Martin

AP European History Instructor

I have read and understood the summer reading responsibilities for incoming AP European History students for the 2015 - 2016 school year.


Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature

Part I – A World Lit Only by Fire

Journal Assignment

For each of the three sections of the book:

·  Identify the main theme of the section

·  Identify the most significant events

·  Identify the most significant people

You must also:

·  Explain why you think each event/person is historically significant. You should list these events /people in a clear and concise way.

·  Cite the specific page # in which you found the event/person.

·  On the bottom of each journal, write down one or two questions you have about the section. The questions may be about things you did not understand or ideas you would like to discuss in class.

(This assignment must be handwritten)

Essay Question

According to Manchester, the humanist message was, “an expression of confidence that men would learn to understand, and then master, natural forces, that they could grasp the nature of the universe, even shape their individual destinies.”

Compare and contrast Martin Luther, Ferdinand Magellan, and Desidarius Erasmus’s specific actions, and assess which man best exemplified the above quote by defining his destiny and thus, that of modern Europe’s. In your essay, be sure to directly compare and analyze the actions of ALL three individuals.

(You must demonstrate your understanding of Manchester by citing specific examples/page numbers from the book.)

Note: All essays must:

_ have a clear introduction (UNDERLINE YOUR THESIS)

_ have well-developed paragraphs

_ have citations (examples from readings for support; cite page #’s)

_ be typed

_ be double-spaced

_ be proofread

_ be written in third person (no first person - “I”)

_ be in a standard 12 pt. font (standard margins)

Part II – Labeling of a map of modern Europe

Directions: Fill in the map of Europe and be prepared for a quiz of the modern map of Europe the week you return. Use the list attached for the map.

Nations and Regions / Cities
Note: Not all cities are starred on the map provided
The Balkans
The Baltic States
Czech Republic
The Netherlands
United Kingdom / Berlin
St. Petersburg