AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form



(1) Unsatisfactory / (2)
Needs Improvement / (3)
MeetsExpectations / (4)


1. Qualityofwork-Forexample,doesitfulfillrequirements,andisitacceptabletothoseitserves?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

2.Quantity of work - Forexample,canthepersonworkon morethanonetaskconcurrently,andis theworkcompletedwithinreasonabletime?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

3.Thoroughnessofcompletedwork-Forexample,istheworkcomprehensiveinscopeand completeindetail?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

4.Accuracyofthecompletedwork-Forexample,doesthispersonproduceworkthatisrelativelyfreefrom error?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

5.Technical Knowledge - Forexample,towhatextentdoesthispersondisplayskill and proficiency in carrying out assignments and have the ability to work independently?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

6.Communicationskills - Forexample,doesthepersoncommunicatethroughwritten and spoken messages, reports, etc. in a logical manner and sequence, using appropriate grammar, punctuation and sentence structure?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

7. Decision Making - Forexample,howeffectivelydoesthepersonarriveatsoundconclusions by analyzing facts, problem solving, and using common sense;and howpreciseisthepersonindeterminingwhenactionisneededandwhatactiontotake?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form



  1. Initiative-Forexample,isthepersonaself-starterinpursuingactivitieswhichleadtosuccessful attainmentofobjectives?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

2. Reliability - Forexample,canthepersongenerallybedependeduponinday-to-dayactivitiesandin mattersofahighlyimportantorconfidentialnature?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

3. Enthusiasmandcooperation -Forexample,isthepersoneagertoaccomplishtasksanddoesthis personcontributetotheclimateofcollaborationandteamworkamongco-workers?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

4. Team Player - Forexample,howeffectivelydoesthepersondevelop strong relationships by exhibiting the appropriate respect and concern for customer service in all interactions with co-workers, citizens, and their Supervisor?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

5.Perseverance-Forexample,howsuccessfulisthepersoninfollowingataskthroughtocompletion inspiteofsetbacksordiscouragement?

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6. Work Habits-For example, how carefully does the person follow instructions, care for equipment, and exercise proper safety procedures. As well as punctuality, attendance and other habits related to work time.

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7. Integrity - For example, does the person hold themselves accountable for assigned responsibilities and see tasks through to completion in a timely manner?

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8. Customer Responsiveness/Public Relations - For example, does the employee provide timely courteous and responsive service to both internal and external customers?

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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form


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AFSCME Employee Annual Performance Appraisal Form

Summary Comments:

Supervisor SignatureDate

Department Head SignatureDate

Employee Comments:

Future Objectives and Development Plan:

This evaluation and future objectives have been discussed with me by my immediate supervisor.


A copy of this evaluation is provided to the employee and the original is forwarded to the Human Resources Division for placement in the employee’s official personnel file.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the “Employee Annual Performance Appraisal” is to increase communication between employees and supervisory personnel concerning the performance of employees in accomplishment of their assigned duties and responsibilities, the establishment of specific work-related goals and objectives and the preparation of a personal development plan for further employee development.


Review the employee’s work performance for the entire period; refrain from basing judgment on recent events or isolated incidents only. Disregard your general impression of the employee and concentrate on one factor at a time.

Evaluate the employee on the basis of standards you expect to be met for the job to which assigned considering the length of time in the job. Place an “X” on the line following the number that most accurately reflects the level of performance for the factor appraised using the rating scale described below:

Unsatisfactory(1) -The employee’s work performance is inadequate and definitely inferior to the standards of performance required for the job. Performance at this level cannot be allowed to continue.

ImprovementNeeded(2) -The employee’s work performance does not consistently meet the standards of the position. Serious effort is needed to improve performance.

Meets JobStandard (3) - The employee’s work performance consistently meets the standards of the position.

Exceeds JobStandard (4) -The employee’s work performance is frequently or consistently above the job standard.

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