SAAGH Goals: The Goals are provided in every agenda to constantly keep in front of us the desired results we are working to achieve.

  • Increase paid membership to 1,000 by 2015-2017

-Offer excellent, interesting events of good value that focus on socializing and appeal to a variety of interests

-Increase the percentage of members that renew

-Get at least 15% of New Retirees to join

  • Maintain a diverse, sustainable and renewable Board; keep membership at 16 – 20
  • Establish and maintain the relationship with Shell to inform future retirees about SAAGH in Retirement Planning Program sessions
  • Enhance our role as a “Facilitator” in connecting our members with Shell’s sponsored volunteer opportunities
  • Continue to improve our Board management processes


  1. Arrive ~11:30 am
  1. Lunch 12:00pm (During lunch we welcomed new directors for 2016 and made introductions)
  1. Call to order: Randy Petty, President, called the meeting to order at 12:19 pm. In attendance were Ken Brossaurd, Jim Castles, Bill Chalmers, Carol Coleman, Linda Durant, Thor Hanson, Jimmie Isaac, John Kiappes, Kim Muller, Randy Petty, Vaughn Phillips, Bud Prime, Jose Solano, Rick Swain, and Bob Weiner.
  1. Agenda Review: Randy reviewed agenda.
  1. Approval of Minutes of Sept 16, 2015 Board Meeting: MOTION, to approve September 16, 2015 minutes as presented, seconded and unanimously approved.
  1. Treasurer’s Report: John presented the Treasurer’s report, highlighting expenses and revenue for Astros event, wine tasting, Sonoma trip, annual luncheon, Texas wine tour and financial seminars. He noted improvements in deficit on events ($6.48 per person) and better cost control for board meetings. He added $2,248 pre-pay for Grand Opera event.
  1. Membership Committee Report:Bill Chalmers reported 20 events held in 2015 versus 5 in 2011; 771 members in 2015 versus 757 in 2014; 230 new members, 205 nonrenewals. Bill will give directors a call list in January of nonrenewals for follow-up. He noted Shell will pay for mailing annual membership drive letter in January to about 1420 local retirees and spouses. Bill concluded his report saying 22% of new retirees have joined, which means the focus on our membership goals is paying off.
  1. Update on Liability Insurance and Waiver process: Randy reported contacting an insurance broker and expects to have offer on general liability coverage to present in January. Kim discussed parts of waiver that may not provide protection if challenged and noted issues with record retention as well as impracticality of obtaining quorum of entire membership to vote on providing indemnity to defend and indemnify. Kim recommended using a revised waiver at any events where transportation and/or alcohol are provided by SAAGH, and retaining signed waivers for 3 years after the event.
  1. Retirement Planning Program 2015: Randy reviewed the upcoming schedule

-Nov 16 – OSP NewVal Brock

-Dec 2-3 – OSP Vaughn Phillips

-Dec 7 – OSP Randy Petty

Randy will send talking points to Thor to post on website for presenters. Jose noted he had about 50 attendees at each of 3 programs he did in a row.

  1. Communications/Website VP Report: Thor Hanson reported on the following:

-Access to PayPal Account – chairs of events have access, he will resend email on how to access documents

-Newsletter – needs articles, will list new board

-Snail Mailing System – 24 members need communications by snail mail. Board discussed a system and agreed to the following -- newsletter will include current list of events and list the board member who is chairing the event as a contact to call for information; the VP Membership will maintain and update snail mail list and mail the quarterly newsletter to those members. 2015 membership will be used until updated.

  1. Reports on Recent SAAGH Events: (Attendance, financial summary, good/bad)

Annual Luncheon: Oct 7 Lakeside CC - Linda Durant, Jose Solano, Bob Weiner. Linda presented a written report including lessons learned such as imposing 72 hour cut off for registration.

Texas Winery Tour: Oct. 17-18 Val Brock. Randy reported 21 attendees enjoyed touring 5 wineries resulting in a very slight $12 deficit. Holding an annual tour, the Board felt, would be too frequent.

Wine Tasting: Nov 3 – Bob Weiner/Bill Chalmers. Bob reported 39 paid attendees, down from 70+ in past; however, the event was scheduled at the last minute. He said he thinks future events could benefit from a different venue for similarly sized groups, with a series of tastings and fewer food items.

Financial Series Seminar4: Nov. 5 Willis Johnson & Associates Vaughn Phillips/Randy Petty. Vaughn reported 16 attendees enjoyed the luncheon seminar with a market update.

  1. Reports on Upcoming 2015 SAAGH Events: (Sign-up progress, issues)

Queensbury Dinner TheaterNov 14: Carol Coleman & Linda Durant “Wait Until Dark” with optional dinner before the show. Carol said event sold out, and additional tickets were obtained for a total of 34 for show and 14 for dinner.

Holiday EventDec 8: Invited by Shell NW Club Christmas Brunch at Northgate CC. Randy Petty said NW Club expects 45-60 members. Board discussed matching subsidy ($5) so same price to our members as NW Club members ($45), and not using waiver since it’s NW Club’s event and limited to 2 mimosas.

  1. Events for 2016. Randy discussed various events, including those noted on the agenda and listed below. He asked chairs to spread events so there is 1 per month but no more than 2 nonshared events per month, and ok to have fewer in summer. He is looking for a new financial presenter to keep it fresh for members. Bud said he and Jose will work out a plan for the Galveston Opera House, including a lunch option. Bud added we have 30 tickets at $75 each for the Producers on Saturday 1/16 at 3:00 pm. Linda offered to try and get Motiva President as speaker for Spring Luncheon. Randy will promote SHO golf tournament as a spring event and try to collaborate with Shell Employees’ Club on Jazz Fest or contact Vickie Stein. John Kiappes agreed to chair an Alley Theatre event and look into a Greek Fest event; Jimmie and Rick will chair the annual BBQ, and Bill suggested honoring veterans there. Bob said he is planning a Sonoma or Williamette Valley wine trip in May and he will present it at January board meeting. Linda, Jose and Ken will chair an Astros event. Steve Paul can work with another board member on a chef event.

Bordeaux wine tasting Rice Hotel Jan ? Bill can you coordinate?

Galveston Opera House Jan 16: “The Producers” Bud Prime

Financial Seminar Feb ? Goff Financial Group Randy Petty

Spring Luncheon March/Apr Motiva President? Linda Durant + others

Wine Trip Spring/Early Summer ? Bob Weiner

Target ~1 event per month

  1. Volunteerism: John Bowser. Randy reported we will continue a passive approach by just putting Shell’s schedule on the website and in our newsletter. Bill provided an update on a reading mentor program through United Way, noting that UW is not able to provide details in time for SAAGH to announce and promote the program so we won’t pursue it at this time.

Upcoming Shell Volunteer Schedule

Other Volunteer Opportunities

  1. Next Board Meeting:

January 13 (2nd Wed of odd months) at Marriott Energy Corridor

  1. Future Board Meetings (2016):

March 9 at Lakeside CC

  1. Adjournment: MOTION to adjourn, seconded and unanimously approved at 3:21 pm

Minutes reported and offered by Vaughn Phillips, Secretary.