Battalion Commander (Bn Co):
The cadet battalion commander is appointed to this position because he/she has demonstrated outstanding leadership ability. This is the most demanding position in the Cadet Corps. It requires the use of good common sense and judgement. The cadet appointed to this position must be mature and willing to accept responsibility, delegate authority, supervise subordinates, and stand by his/her convictions. The cadet battalion commander is responsible for everything that his/her battalion does or fails to do. He/she exercises control of his/her staff through the battalion executive officer, and control of subordinate units through the company commanders. His/her specific responsibilities include:
(1)Command the battalion at all formations.
(2)Preparation for and conduct the training of the battalion on battalion drill days.
(3)Maintain a direct and personal relationship with his/her staff and company commanders.
(4)Ensure that the company commanders deal directly with him/her in all command matters.
(5)Use his/her staff to assist him/her in giving information and preparing plans for training and controlling his/her unit.
(6)Designate staff officers to assist in the supervision and execution of his/her orders.
(7)Ensure that a feeling of mutual respect and confidence exists between the staff and the companies that the staff is capable, and that they understand their responsibilities to him/her and to the battalion.
(8)Through the chain of command, insure compliance with the Milby Senior High and JROTC Dept. regulations.
(9)Seek advice from and carry out all orders issued by the SAI.
(10)Convene promotion boards as required and forward recommendations of the board to the SAI
(11)Appoint committee chairmen: i.e. Military ball, fund-raising projects, etc.
Battalion Executive Officer (Bn Xo):
The battalion executive officer is the principal assistant to the battalion commander. He/she coordinates and supervises the details of training and administration, thereby enabling the battalion commander to concentrate on all other aspects of command. The primary duty of the executive officer is the supervision of the battalion staff. He/she supervises and directs the staff to prevent overlapping efforts and to assure that the desires of the battalion commander are understood and achieved. He/she keeps the staff informed on the policies of the commander, and keeps the commander informed of the status of projects assigned to the staff. The battalion executive officer assumes command of the battalion in the absence of the battalion commander. His/her specific responsibilities include:
- Supervision of the preparation and submission of required reports as required by higher authority.
- Ensuring that the staff is properly organized, working as a team, and that it is engaged in planning all future activities for the battalion.
- Ensuring that instructions and orders issued to the battalion are in accord with established policies of the commander and the SAI.
- Report all violations to the commander.
- Conducting periodic inspections of the JROTC area and taking necessary action to see that it is properly policed and arranged.
Battalion Adjutant (Bn S-1):
The battalion adjutant is the administrative assistant to the battalion commander. The adjutant is responsible for maintaining record of specific assignments of all cadets, preparing orders, and maintaining a current record of all cadets in the battalion. He/she performs such other administrative duties as the battalion commander and/or executive officer may direct. His/her specific responsibilities include:
- Aligning the battalion at all formations.
- Posting promotions, reductions, duty assignments, marksmanship scores, awards, and decorations to the cadet record folder, and filing all information on the cadet in his/her DA201 folder.
- Maintaining the JROTC offices in a high state of police.
- Publish daily bulletin.
- Publish unit orders.
- Training the assistant adjutant, and directing him/her in the performance of his/her duties.
- Advises the battalion commander on personnel matters.
Battalion Intelligence Officer (Bn S-2/Bn PIO):
The battalion information officer is the voice of the cadet corps. He/she is the contact between the corps and all representatives of the student body, the faculty, and the school news media. He/she must be alert that the many JROTC activities are publicized in such a way as to create the best possible image of the cadet corps. His/her specific responsibilities include:
- Prepares and distributes news releases to all elements of the local news media, and school newspaper.
- Maintains the cadet historical books. Two loose-leaf notebooks that will depict the pictorial and printed record of the 4th battalion will be started at the beginning of each school year. All news articles, photographs and other items of information pertaining to the corps will be included in this record.
- Maintains HISD Form 6-1 and 6-2 for a community service and school events in which the battalion and color guard participates.
- Plans and oversees all community and school events in which the battalion participates.
- Ensures that all articles for release to the news media have been cleared and approved by the SAI prior to release.
- Maintains the bulletin board in the ROTC department.
- Supervises the assistant PIO.
Battalion Operations and Training Officer (Bn S-3):
The battalion operations and training officer assists the battalion commander in the conduct of training and general supervision of all training of the cadet corps. He/she is responsible for all outdoor training and for insuring that classrooms are prepared for instruction. Under the supervision of the SAI, he/she prepares the weekly training schedule. He/she keeps the battalion commander informed of the progress in training and prepares the drill field for ceremonies. His/her specific duties include:
- Prepares and publishes the weekly training schedule and assigns cadet officers and noncommissioned officers as instructors and/or assistant instructors as needed.
- Post the weekly training schedules on bulletin board not later than Thursday, two weeks prior to the scheduled week of training, and submits to the director a copy of the weekly training schedule at least two weeks prior to the scheduled week of instruction.
- Inspects the drill field prior to use by the battalion, and ensures that the drill field is left in a high state of police upon completion of training periods.
- Secures a detail of four cadets to lay out the football field for reviews and ceremonies or the gym in the event of inclement weather.
- Maintains a record of all extracurricular training conducted by the corps of cadets.
- Posts team membership in records of all cadets accepted for membership in a JROTC team.
- Trains the operations sergeant so he/she is capable of performing his/her assigned duties.
Battalion Supply Officer (Bn S-4):
The battalion supply officer is responsible to the battalion commander for the maintenance, security, record keeping, issue, and turn in of all government property, except weapons. Under the supervision of the military staff, the supply officer determines supply requirements; maintains a running inventory of property; prepares requisitions, and stores supplies in the supply room in a neat orderly manner. His/her specific responsibilities include:
- Ensures that the clothing record for each cadet is being properly maintained.
- Prepares requisitions as directed by the SAI.
- Maintains the supply room in a neat and orderly fashion, maintains the security of the supply room and other storage areas.
- Conducts periodic inventories of supplies and equipment and informs the SAI of discrepancies.
- Assist the military staff in the issue and turn in of clothing and equipment.
- Directs and supervises the assistant S-4, to insure that he/she is familiar with and capable of performing his/her assigned duties.
Battalion Sergeant Major (Bn SGM):
The battalion sergeant major is the senior enlisted member of the corps of cadets. As such, he/she supervises the other enlisted members of the battalion. He/she is responsible to the battalion commander and his/her staff and advises him/her in all matters pertaining to enlisted cadets. His/her specific responsibilities include:
- Assists the Adjutant in the formation and alignment of the battalion at all formations.
- Receives absentee reports from the company first sergeants.
- Insures that the color guard maintains an exceptionally high state of bearing and completeness of uniform at all times, and insures that the colors, staffs, web slings and other color guard equipment is checked and serviceable. He/she reports all deficiencies to the color guard advisor.
- Makes frequent inspections of uniforms for serviceability and cleanliness and of cadets for compliance with cadet regulations.
- Conducts individual and team training of color guard.
- Coordinates with the color guard commander and advisor for the scheduling of the color guard for home games, assemblies, pep rallies, and community functions.
- Reports to the battalion commander any instances of lack of interest during training, lack of respect of the colors, and any other detrimental information concerning the color guard and the cadet corps.
- Directly supervises the battalion staff noncommissioned officers to be sure that they are properly fulfilling their responsibilities. This will require tactful coordination with the officer supervisors of the battalion staff nco's.
- Supervises the flag detail to insure compliance with the flag detail SOP. He/she will report all violations to the battalion commander for appropriate action.
Company Commander (Co CO):
The company commander is responsible to the battalion commander for everything his/her company does or fails to do. He/she keeps the battalion commander advised of the status of training of his/her company, and especially of any areas where additional training is required. He/she insures that his/her subordinate leaders are prepared for training on the on the drill field; and constantly supervises the training to insure that it is conducted correctly. He/she recommends assignments, reassignments, promotions and reductions of cadets under his/her command. He/she must be expert in all phases of drill, but most specifically, company drill. The company commander is the production man. They get things done. Their job is not finished when they tell a member of their company to do something. The "telling" is the easiest and smallest part of the task. The company commander must provide the why, when, frequency of and the how to accomplish the mission. Then he/she must check and inspect to assure that what he/she wanted done is being accomplished in accordance with his/her instructions. A good company commander is an outstanding leader, with plenty of initiative. Rather than waiting for someone to tell him/her what to do, a good company commander must think ahead and plan what he/she believes is best for his/her company. The company commander will find they must be right most of the time. They shouldn't worry about making mistakes, because the greatest mistake of all is to do nothing when it is obvious that some action should be taken. While they have one of the most difficult jobs in the battalion, they have plenty of help in the company of cadets. The company commander should keep them informed and use them to solve their problems, and accomplish their mission. The specific duties of the company commander include:
- Command the company at all formations.
- Consult the training schedule, study the drill references, and insure that they and their subordinates are prepared to instruct.
- Keep their executive officer informed, and insure that they keep themselves informed so that they can assume command in the commander's absence.
- Make on-the-spot corrections, and at the same time, be sure that all members of the company understand and comply with cadet regulations.
- Insure that all members of the company know and use the chain of command.
- Take an interest in the problems of his/her subordinates and make an effort to help to solve them.
- Make each cadet an effective member of the company.
- Conduct an inspection during each company formation and make on-the-spot corrections. Follow through during later inspection to insure that the cadet is not making the same mistake repeatedly.
- Execute the orders of the battalion commander even though he/she might not personally agree with them.
- When they encounter a problem to which they do not know the solution, seek advice. First, they should go to the company advisor; if they do not know or cannot give a satisfactory answer, discuss the problem with the battalion commander. If there still is no good answer, seek the assistance of the SAI.
Company Executive Officer (Co XO):
The company executive officer assists the company commander in the training of the company and performs such administrative duties as designated by the company commander. He/she should be well versed in all of the functions of command, and be prepared to assume command of the company during absence of the company commander. He/she must be an expert in all phases of drill. He/she also functions as the company supply officer for the company. In these roles, it is imperative that he/she be familiar with the SOP.
Company First Sergeant (Co 1SG):
The company first sergeant is the senior enlisted member of the company. He/she is responsible for the administrative matters of the company. He/she is responsible to the company commander for forming the company and taking the report. He/she keeps the company commander informed on all matters pertaining to the company. He/she checks all merit and demerit slips with the company commander before submitting them to the JROTC office. His/her specific duties include:
(1)Responsible for the initial formation and alignment of the company, except when directed otherwise by the company commander.
(2)Insure all cadets of the company are properly uniformed.
(3)Assists the company commander and executive officer in administrative details as directed.
(4)Must be thoroughly familiar with all phases of drill and ceremony.
(5)Assumes command of the company in the absence of all cadet commissioned officers.
(6)Sets the example.
(7)Trains the platoon sergeants to take over their job in an emergency.
(8)Trains the company guidon bearer.
Platoon Leader (Plt Ldr):
The platoon leader's responsibilities to the company commander are the same as the company commander's responsibilities to the battalion commander. He/she must be an expert in all phases of drill, and train his/her platoon to perfection. The platoon leader is the most desirable commissioned officer duty assignment in the battalion, because you are a leader of men and women with direct responsibility for the control of a platoon of cadets. Primarily, your job is one of leadership, training and discipline. It is a rare opportunity for a young man or woman of high school age to have the privilege of leading and instructing a group of young Americans. Accomplish the mission at hand and your reward will be a sense of pride in your ability to assist your fellow cadets in becoming better citizens. Such an accomplishment is worthy of the highest praise. The specific responsibilities of a platoon leader include:
- Organize and maintain an effective chain of command in their platoon. Be sure that all of the cadets know and understand where they fit into the chain of command.
- Use the chain of command to accomplish all assigned tasks. Specifically they deal with the Platoon Sergeant and Squad Leaders.
- Learn the names of all cadets in their platoon and use their names when addressing individual cadets.
- Conduct an inspection of the platoon at each formation.
- Emphasize personal appearance and cleanliness.
- Assign a subordinate to conduct instruction for those not proficient in drill.
- Insure that all members of the platoon have their authorized clothing and equipment, and that it is being maintained as prescribed.
- Must be thoroughly familiar with Cadet Regulations.
- If a member of the platoon asks a question and they do not know the answer, admit that they do not know, but that they will find out. Get the answer and at the next formation, inform the cadet of the answer. They are not expected to know everything but they are expected to know where to look for the required information.
- Enforce all orders from the company commander even though they might not agree with them.
- Do not complain and "gripe" especially in the presence of their subordinates.
- Insure that the platoon sergeant forms the platoon properly in the prescribed area at the appointed time.
- Develop a spirit of teamwork in the platoon so that they get a willing obedience, cooperation, and respect.
- They must have a thorough knowledge of all phases of drill. FM 22-5, is their "bible" for drill. They must be able to conduct company drill.
- Make every effort to resolve all leadership, training and disciplinary problems at the platoon level. Do not be a "buck passer". If they cannot solve a problem, seek the advice of the company commander.
- The success achieved by the battalion depends in a large part upon the platoon leaders. Set a high standard of personal appearance and duty, and demand that all of the cadets meet the standard.
- Be prepared to command the company in the absence of the company commander and the executive officer.
Platoon Sergeant (Plt Sgt):