A.C.E.Membership Monthly Meeting
Date: Monday, May 11, 2015
Time:4:15 pm
Location: 715 Main Street
Present:April Waters,Ko’ona Cochrane,Renée McGurry, Angela Fey, Stephanie Miller,Donna Lee Munro,Deborah Clark
Regrets:Val Noseworthy, Kim Johnson, Linda Connor, Vince Solomon, Dino Altieri, Gerri Crilly
1)Call to Order:The Meeting was called to order at 4:33 pm byApril Waters
2)Adoption of Agenda:
Motion: To accept the Agenda as amended
Moved By: Donna Lee Munro
Seconded By:Renée McGurry
3)Approval of Minutes:
Motion: To accept the Minutes as circulated
Moved By: Renée McGurry
Seconded By: Stephanie Miller
4)Sharing Circle: Thanks to everyone who was able to make it today.
5)Executive Director’s Report
a)The Sponsorship and Nomination packages and are being mailed [and emailed] out. We are looking for presenters.
b)I attended the Community Schools meeting. The next development day will be in November. Work on the planning has begun.
c)We did not receive Celebrate Canada funding for our Aboriginal Day event. We are waiting to hear from other potential funders.
d)I attended a Council of Coalitions meeting. Topics included governance and volunteer management.
e)The Hand Drum Making Workshop was successful The Feast was held April 9 and all participants attended. I am looking for facilitators for other cultural workshops as well.
f)I have been working on the Journeys Retreat to be held in July.
g)I have been updating forms and templates and am developing forms for Committees I applied for a summer intern from the PACE Program.
h)We have received a United Way of Winnipeg Governance Grant.
Motion: To accept the Executive Director’s Report as presented.
Moved By: Deborah Clark
Seconded By:Donna Lee Munro
Motion: To apply to mentor a Human Resources Intern from the University of Winnipeg PACE Program
Moved By: Renee McGurry
Seconded By:Stephanie Miller
6)Financial Report
a)Monthly Report—Profit and Loss statement and Balance Sheet were circulated.
Motion: To accept the Financial Report as circulated.
Moved By: Renee McGurry
Seconded By: Angela Fey
b)Budget 2016-16—Tabled. Members are requested to review the pro forma budget for next month’s meeting.
7)Business Arising
a)ECSP Grant- For cultural programming in the upcoming year.
Motion: To apply for an Ethnocultural Community Support Program Grant for cultural workshops.
Moved By: Renee McGurry
Seconded By: Donna Lee Munro
b)UWW Governance Grant-We have been approved for a United Way of Winnipeg Governance Grant. Discussion regarding whether other Aboriginal and non-profit groups should join was undertaken.
Motion: To invite other Aboriginal and non-profit organizations to attend A.C.E. Governance workshops.
Moved By: Ko’ona Cochrane
Seconded By: Angela Fey
c)Journeys Retreat—Add a deadline of June 21, 2015 to the registration. Minimum registration is five, maximum registration is 23.
d)Workshops—We are looking for facilitators for the following workshops. They may not be held until fall.
i)Beading Workshops
ii)Blanket Workshops
e)Red River Heritage Fair—We had three winners. They will be announced in the newsletter and on the website.
f)Aboriginal Day—Without confirmed funding we will have to cancel the event.
Motion: To cancel the Aboriginal Day at the Circle of Life Thunderbird House due to lack of funding.
Moved By: Renee McGurry
Seconded By: Angela Fey
i)Adult Education Resources—No Report.
ii)Executive—Met and discussed governance, procedures and staffing. Deborah was tasked with developing Grant and Banking procedures and sending a Doodle to the Executive regarding the next meeting.
iii)Finance—No Report.
8)New Business
a)Manitoba Moon Voices Inc. Annual General Assembly—A.C.E. is a charter member of the MMVI. Debora will attend the Assembly.
b)Red River Internship—We were approached by a Red River College Aboriginal Governance Administration student to do a practicum with A.C.E. for one month.
c)Distribution of Information—Members need to be informed of happenings in the organization and on the Board.
Motion: To distribute monthly finalized minutes and the Executive Director Report to the current membership monthly.
Moved By: Ko’ona Cochrane
Seconded By: Angela Fey
d)Secretary Resignation—Ko’ona Cochrane tendered her resignation as Secretary.
9)Conference Committee Report/Business
a)We have several workshop presenters.
b)We need more people to work on the committee and to network for the event to be a success.
8)The Meeting was adjourned at 6:02 pm.