Awarding Authority: Town of Barnstable

Project: Walkway To The Sea Arts Shanties At Ruth Rusher Park

DATE: March 3, 2017

TO: All Bidders

DUE DATE: March 9, 2017, 2 pm.

The following items shall modify or be added to the Bid Documents and Project Manual. This addendum forms part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original bidding documents. Portions of the Bidding and Contract Documents not altered by this addendum remain in full force.



1.  Base bid to include construction of building 1, 2, 3. Building number 4 and 5 are to be carried as individual add alternates. See attached revised bid form and building layout plan.

2.  Question: Spec says” all wood framing less than 18” above ground” must be PT. Plan and other parts of spec say all framing to Doug Fir. Does that include wall framing(plywood, fir posts/plate beams)? Please provide clarification on the above questions.

Answer: Specifications were written to allow alternate types of framing. All framing options are required to provide pressure treated sills in contact with new foundation system. Framing systems that differ from framing required by code shall be stamped by a Massachusetts registered engineer.

3.  Question: Please provide AS-Built Electrical Drawings

Answer: As-built electrical drawings are not available. Utilities on site will need to be located by the contractor utilizing an underground utility location company.

4.  Question: Please provide AS-Built Drawing of how the Bench Foundation is to be constructed

Answer: Bench foundation detail is attached to this addenda

5.  Question: Please provide further details on how you want the drywells to be constructed.

Answer: Drywell detail is attached to this addenda.

6.  Question: The Irrigation Section of the Specification calls for a designed plan by a designer….. The area to be sprinkled is exactly the same less the areas of the shed so pressure is not an issue as the system already works. The system only needs to be re-routed and the heads reconfigured with perhaps more heads which would be adjusted to account for coverage. These minor modifications do not seem to justify the expense of a full blown re-design of the system. PLEASE confirm a designer with experience is not necessary

Answer: Shop drawings of modifications to the existing system by a designer or qualified installer will be acceptable


7.  Question: The roofing specification calls for a GAF Master Elite roofer. At best there will be 5 sheds which would involve less than 10 squares of roofing. I doubt very much if a CERTIFIED MASTER ELITE BUILDER would be interested in such a small job.

Answer: Certified Master Elite Builder is not required. Warrantee of roofing system by roofing manufacture is required.

8.  Question: Schedule – May 1 date can only be achieved with a quick award and fast turnarounds on submittals, etc. I also see construction of mock ups etc are being asked for. Such requirements do tend to slow things down an add to the cost. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR SCHEDULE and the necessity for such items.

Answer: May 1 completion date is the schedule. Mockups not required.

9.  Question: Schedule – Please clarify the intent of the foundation construction

Answer: The foundation design shows four sono-tubes connected with a reinforced grade beam. This was done to save concrete and excavation costs. The depth of the grade beam varies with the slope of the grade. The depth of the grade beam is specified from grade.

10.  Question: Do you really want a SURVEYOR STAMPED AS-BUILT DRAWING upon completion of the project, or can this be done by a competent person?

Answer: The existing site plan is provided by the Town Of Barnstable Survey Department. There is some flexibility in the layout location of the buildings but no flexibility in their relationship and distance from each other. Surveying to be done by a surveyor licensed in the state of Massachusetts

11.  Question: Parking - You mention areas available for use on the site, however, no mention of where we might park construction vehicles and equipment – Any spaces available for our use in the adjacent parking lot abutting the Town Hall? Any spaces at the old Armory?

Answer: Parking for contractor work force will be made available across the street at the armory parking lot

12.  Question: The specification calls for lumber to be Douglas Fir. Can other species be used

Answer: Since the specifications call for the interior to be painted, other species of wood can be considered. All wood exposed on the interior is to be rough sawn

13.  Question: Where is site access allowed for equipment such as concrete trucks.

Answer: Access to the site for equipment can be made from the curb along Ocean Street. Brick walkways have been used as access for pickup tricks and lifts. The driving of cement trucks on the brick walk should be limited to a specific cross over location. Damage to the walk by construction equipment shall be repaired by the contractor.

14.  Question: If savings can be realized, can the new electric service line be brought to the site from the electric pole on Ocean Street versus the specified pole on South Street.

Answer: Yes

15.  Question: Foundation details are confusing please clarify

Answer: The foundation system consists of four 10" dia concrete sono-tubes that project a minimum of 4'-0" below grade. The four sono-tubes are tied together by four reinforced concrete grade beams. The grade beam extend 18" below grade. The concrete slabs can be poured as part of the grade beam, or installed by a separate pour at the discretion of the contractor.

16.  Question: Are we to sale the drawings for the location of the shanties?

Answer: Dimensioned shanty location Plan is attached to this Addenda

17.  Question: Are drywells required to be HD20 units

Answer: Yes. See detail attached to this addenda

18.  Question: Is slab reinforcing required to be bonded to a ground rod

Answer: Yes. Each building foundation is to be grounded separately

19.  Question: What direction is the 1x12 rough sawn board sheathing to be installed.

Answer: Rough sawn board sheathing can be installed in any direction on the walls depending on the approved framing system. If Rough sawn sheathing is instilled horizontally on the wall an layer of 1/2" exterior grade plywood installed vertically would need to be installed on the exterior to tie the plate to the sill Boards to be installed perpendicular to roof rafters on the roof.

20.  Question: Is exterior plywood required on exterior of building?

Answer: Depending on the approved engineered framing system. The intent is not to have exposed nails visible on the interior of the structure. Original designs detailed exterior plywood, but shed vendors insisted this would not be required with their

framing systems.

21.  Question: Specification calls for stainless steel nails and connections, is this correct

Answer: Yes

22.  Question: GAF does not provide a 50 year warranty for commercial installations can CertainTeed Shingles be used?

Answer: GAF Timberline Prestique Lifetime shingles are the standard shingle used by the DPW. Installation per manufacturers requirements in high wind prone areas is acceptable.

23.  Question: Please provide further details outlining hand hole specification (H20) etc for the connection of the underground service to the existing electrical pole.

Answer: HD20 loading is required for handholds. No further information is available. All components required by code to be installed




To: Town of Barnstable, Awarding Authority



(name of general bidder)

A. Base Bid: The undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials required for the WALKWAY TO THE SEA ARTIST SHANTIES Project, in accordance with the accompanying plans and specifications prepared by The Town Of Barnstable Department Of Public Works., for the contracted price specified below, subject to additions and deductions according to the terms of the specifications.

B. Addendum: This bid includes addenda numbered ______.

C. The proposed contract base price with 3 buildings (shed 1, 2 and 3) is:


Total Contract Price written in Words (which govern)


Total Contract Price in numbers

Alternate Prices:

Add Alternate 1:

Alternate 1: Consists of the installation of one additional building including all work required for its installation (shed 4)


Total Add Alternate 1 Price written in Words (which govern)


Total Add Alternate 1 Price in numbers

Add Alternate2:

Alternate 2: Consists of the installation of one more additional building including all work required for its installation (shed 5)


Total Add Alternate 1 Price written in Words (which govern)


Total Add Alternate 1 Price in numbers

Rule for award: Award will be made to the lowest responsible eligible bidder for the base bid plus selected alternates. The Town reserves the right to reject all bids if deemed in its best interest.

D. Sub-Division of Bid: (Reserved)

Item 2: Sub-bids (Reserved

E. The undersigned agrees that, if he is selected as general contractor, he will within five (5) days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded, after presentation thereof by the awarding authority, execute a contract in accordance with the terms of this bid and furnish a performance bond and also a labor and materials payments bond, each of a surety company qualified to do business under the laws of the Commonwealth and satisfactory to the awarding authority and each in the sum of the contract price, the premiums for which are to be paid by the general contractor and are included in the contract price; provided, however, that there is more than 1 surety company, the surety companies shall be jointly and severally liable.

The undersigned hereby certifies that he is able to furnish labor that can work in harmony with all other elements of labor employed or to be employed on the work; that all employees to be employed at the worksite will have successfully completed a course in construction safety and health approved by the United states occupational Safety and Health Administration that is at least 10 hours in duration at the time the employee begins work and who shall furnish documentation of successful completion of said course with the first certified payroll report for each employee; and that he will comply fully with all laws and regulations applicable to awards made subject to Section 44A of Chapter 149 of the Massachusetts General Laws.

The undersigned further certifies under the penalties of perjury that this bid is in all respects bona fide, fair and made without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this subsection the word “person” shall mean any natural person, joint venture, partnership, corporation or other business or legal entity. The undersigned further certifies under penalty of perjury that the said undersigned is not presently debarred from doing public construction work in the commonwealth under the provisions of section twenty nine F of chapter twenty-nine, or any other applicable debarment provisions of any other chapter of the General Laws or any rule or regulation promulgated hereunder

The Bidder acknowledges that no proposal may be withdrawn for 30 days, Saturday, Sundays, and legal holidays excluded, after opening of bids per MGL C. 149, 44A(3).

Name of Bidding Contractor: Date: ______



(Name Title of Person Signing Bid)

(Business Address)

(City, State, Zip Code)



E-mail address:

End of Addendum Number One