The University of Manchester and Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust

R&D Executive Risk Management Sub Committee

October 21st 8-30am Division Meeting Room


Present:Peter Crowe, Wendy Johns, Chris Griffiths (chair), Linda Gibbons, Sid Swindells, Judy Hadfield, Margaret Hoadley, Martin Gibson, Linda Coulston, John Crosby, Lloyd Gregory

  1. APOLOGIES: Julia O` Toole
  1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting; Accepted as correct
  1. Matters arising: None
  • July Minutes The amended minutes have been re-circulated.
  • Martin Gibson will attend RM meetings ( if possible) when JOT is unable to.
  • Carol Ward (purchasing officer) will order all radioisotopes for the Division, but only if they are countersigned by a R.P.S
  • LG is making progress with DSE assessments in the Division..
  • CG will discuss the relocation of pathological specimens with JH today.



JOT prepared an update document for the Committee which was circulated to the members. This document highlights the following issues

  • The Centralisation of Research Management and Governance
  • Concept of Best Research Best Health
  • Recruitment of a full time Research Governance Manager
  • GMRA Research Administration Leads
  • JointUniversity and NHS Trust pilot study for the coordination of all commercial clinical trial agreements and approvals. This will be undertaken by Louise Brewer our accounts officer.

PTC informed the committee that Ann Durie ( Research Business Manager) will assist in the implementation of Governance, and that a meeting is planned to include Richard Sherburn ( C/V Governance Officer), JOT, AD, and PTC

LC informed us that a Gene Therapy symposium had been organized by Stuart Thompson, so that experiences regarding the setting up of studies can be shared ( re: Ark Therapeutics). MH will attend on our behalf.


Work on the waste pipes in Isotope Rooms B305 and C308 has yet to be completed. The sink in C308 will be replaced.

Work in Academic Dermatology and in the UTB is soon to be completed..

Work will begin on clearing the pigeon waste and proofing as problems have occurred in Rooms B302, 304, 305 and the gents toilets.

The rats are back in B211. This has been reported to Estates

PTC is concerned about the ceiling crack in B103, Sid assures us it is safe.

Quotes are required for work in A107.


CG is meeting with JH to discuss accommodation for education in the UTB as this will affect future plans for movement of staff.

SS informed the committee that the CSB is definitely staying but there is a delay in financing for the initial process. We expect work to start in 2007.

The Resuscitation Trolley is still not in commission. PTC requested that Tim Rainey provide a list of consumables necessary. These have been ordered and will be paid for via R&D.


The first of a series of 3 monthly meetings took place yesterday. These meetings are intended to give support to RPSs when reviewing documents and procedures.

There are several Radioactive designated laboratories in the CSB, which are no longer used for this purpose, this requires looking into with the view of de designation.

WJ and SS will inspect room B207 regarding its use for radioactive waste disposal.


No incidents have been reported

Fire Drill: The overall evacuation was good, but a survey of wardens showed levels of uncertainty with procedures. PTC will report back to the Fire Officer and ideas for improvements will be fed back to the wardens. LC informed us that the University would be requesting annual fire drills and we should look into arrangements for the UTB.

An issue has occurred regarding suitability of laboratory seating. Risk Assessments have been carried out by the user and members of the Health and Safety team. LC has also liaised with the team. A report will be passed on to PTC who will refer it to Occupational Health.

PTC has sent out a security notice based on information given by the Head of Security. This notice informs everyone that a known thief is again at large and we must be extra vigilant regarding security.

Two cars have been broken into, but this is a highly unusual event on this site these days as we have been free of car crime for quite a long time, since the introduction of CCTV.

Freezer Alarms: Ongoing. PTC is liaising with Bill Lundy ( Electrical Manager). Three systems are being looked at. PTC will report back.


An Occupational Health Services Training Committee has been set up to act as a well being monitoring group after meetings with the HSE


LC reported that the Health and Safety Inspection Report had been circulated to all laboratory stewards, PIs etc and would be placed on the Hope Web site. Lingering problems would be reviewed on a quarterly basis. Overall it was thought that Health and Safety communication on site was good.

The Annual Report from the Committee was approved by the chair and will be circulated where appropriate.


Nothing to report.

PTC will report back on the new appraisal scheme.

A budget for training is not yet in place


We are reassessing formaldehyde fumigation of laminar flow cabinets on site in co ordination with Walkers and Howarth (suppliers and servicing companies). Risk Assessments will be carried out on their usage. LC will feed back on University policy.

Stuart Thompson has informed us that it is appropriate for CG to sign off his own GM/Biohazard applications along with the rest of the divisions.

LC said there is to be a review of GM / Biohazard systems to make them more transparent.


Undergraduate Education Technicians post has been filled.


LC and Lloyd Gregory met to formulate specific Out of Hours and Lone Working Policies for the TIU. These were ratified by the Committee on the assurances that no human beings would be scanned out of hours and that workers would liaise with Security about call back procedures. The Work Permits should also have a time window. Lloyd said that this was already in place, as a new one was required for each occurrence.


LC informed us that equipment bids can be made via Wolf Laboratories at present by contacting the Purchasing Officer in Life Sciences.

Date of next Meeting: 24th November 2005