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Frisby on the Wreake Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on25th October 2016 at 7.30pm, inthe Methodist Hall.

Present:Cllrs Thew, Baxter, Farrow, Ford and Sercombe

In attendance; 2 members of the public,Borough Councillor Ed Hutchinson, County Councillor Joe Orson and Sue Norledge (clerk)


Apologies had been received from Lisa Bailey of NPAC.

77/16Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Sercombe declared an interest in the event of any discussions on the Great Lane site.

78/16Minutes of the previous meetings:

The minutes of the meeting held on 15th September 2016were agreed as a true and accurate record and were signed by the Chair.


79/16Public Participation:

  • A member of the public queried if the Parish Council would take the opportunity to speak for 3 minutes when the Great Lane planning application was presented to the Melton Planning Committee. Also queried was the likely nature of the response.

It was confirmed that the Parish Council would take the opportunity to speak for 3 minutes and it was likely that the response would be along the lines of the submitted objection.

Councillor Hutchinson also reported that he would take the opportunity to speak and would be speaking against the application. He was likely to present a broad objection, mentioning the unfair re- allocation of housing numbers from villages that had not been able to propose any SHLA sites.

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The member of the public agreed to provide some information on the points that they felt were relevant in making an objection. This information could be used to inform the Council’s response.

  • A member of the public commented that they felt the responses to the 3 major applications in the village and the response to the emerging local plan were two separate issues. They felt the two issues were being confused
  • County Councillor Orson felt that the objection should focus on points that have been made and not adequately explained by the developer or statutory consultees. The density of the development may be such an issue.
  • A member of the public asked if the Council supported the recent Limits to Development Survey and did they think it was fair to all landowners. Of particular concern is the inclusion of the Great Lane site in 80% of the options with the Cooks site only appearing in 40%. They also felt that it was misleading to talk of the potential to build over 300 houses on the Cooks site. The Council confirmed that they were supportive of the LTD survey.
  • County Councillor Orson confirmed that the Chair of the Planning Committee had the powers to allow more speakers at the Planning Committee meeting. Speakers would need to approach the Chair directly.


80/16Reports of the Borough and County Councillors:

County Councillor

The Council asked Councillor Orson to pass on their thanks to the

Highways Department for the excellent work they had undertaken

recently on the footpaths in the village.

Borough Councillor

Councillor Hutchinson reported that the 6 week consultation period

for the Local Plan commences on 8th November with an event

launch at the Council offices at 18.30. It is important to respond

to this document as amendments can still be made. It was

confirmed that the reserve site for 24 houses is to meet under-

performance in the whole Borough. Councillor Hutchinson’s view is

that any shortfall should go into brown field sites in the Borough.

It was also reported that the re development of the Melton Cattle

Market site is on schedule.

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81/16To approve an application for reservation of burial plot:

The application for the purchase of a burial plot in the Burial

Ground by Mr Currer was approved.

82/16Planning Applications:

P/00794/outline application to build 48 houses on land south of Frisby:

It was agreed to follow the same process that was used for the

Great Lane application:-

  • A site visit by Councillors would be held on Wednesday 26th October. Contact would be made with Mr Cook to gain permission for access to the site.
  • A public meeting would be held on Wednesday 9th November in the Methodist Hall at 19.00. The publics views would be taken into account when the Council made their response.
  • It was noted that the application for the Water Lane site was now live on the MBC website. Once this had been studied, a further public meeting would be arranged to consider this application. This was likely to be Wednesday 16th November.

83/16Neighbourhood Plan Updates:

Lisa Bailey was unavailable to provide a full update. But the plan

was progressing well. An application for further funding of £5,150.00 was being to Locality.

The LTD survey deadline had been extended to 29th October to take into account half term. The results would then be counted in front of an impartial onlooker. There would also be a further opportunity for interested villagers to recount the results to get independent verification.

84/16Grass cutting and hedge cutting in the Burial Ground:

A quote of £325.82 was approved from Derek Overfield to cut the

grass in the Burial Ground.

The Clerk was obtaining quotes to cut the hedges in the Burial


85/16Website progress:

The existing website had been extended to the 31st October to

enable the new website to be finished. Councillors were requested

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to let the Clerk have some information about themselves.

86/16Maintanance Issues:

a Mill Lane

Councillor Sercombe reported that John Simpson had looked at

holes in the path and felt that there may need to be more

extensive work undertaken to repair the area. He was to provide a

quote to undertake the work before the next meeting.

b Foliage

The sites where foliage was blocking the street lamps were

confirmed as opposite the pub and on Oak Way. The Clerk would

report this to LCC Highways.


aThe Clerk presented the following accounts for payment;

Cheque No.PayeeAmount

bpS Norledge£ 443.86

bpDerek Overfield £ 90.00

bpLadywell Accounting £ 54.00

It was agreed the accounts were correct and the payments were approved. The bank reconciliation was signed by the Chair.


The following correspondence had been received:-

  • A letter had been received from Pat Reid at MBC concerning an application made by CAMRA for the Bell Inn to be nominated as an Asset of Community Value. This application had been turned down as CAMRA does not meet the requirements of a voluntary or community body with a local connection under section 89 (2) (b) of the Localism Act. The Clerk was to contact Pat Reid to start the process of the Parish Council making an application for the Bell Inn to be nominated as an Asset of Community Value.
  • An invitation had been received for the launch of the Melton Local Plan on 8th November at 18.30 at the MBC offices. Councillor Thew and Councillor Farrow were to attend.

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  • A letter had been received from MBC concerning the precept which needed to be approved 22nd January 2017.
  • An invitation had been received for the Hoby and Rotherby Neighbourhood Plan Stakeholder Meeting on Wednesday 2nd November.

89/16Date and time of Next Meeting:

aThe next meeting of the Frisby Parish Council is scheduled for Tuesday 15th November 2016

Signed Chair of Frisby Parish Council
