St Gregory’s CE Primary School
“Where learning has no limits”
17th January 2018
Dear Parents / Carers
PE: please can you ensure that all children have their PE kits in school every day.
Winter kit – outdoor joggers, sweatshirt, t shirt, trainers or appropriate other footwear eg football boots if asked for. Indoor shorts / t shirt / plimsolls
There may be sessions when staff might ask children to go barefoot for inside PE – this would be according to the activity children are doing. Long hair (below shoulder length) must be tied back - boys and girlsand earrings taken out or covered with tape.
Clubs – commencing week beginning 22nd January
Please note footballers will need to bring shin pads
Day / Time / Activity / Yr group / Person in chargeMonday / 12.40- 1.10pm / Busy Bunnies art + activity club / Yr1
Max 12 / Group of Year 6 + Mrs. Cook-Paine
Monday / 3.15 – 4.10pm / Hockey / Yr 4-6
Max 20 / Miss Williams – external coach
Monday / 3.15 – 4.10pm / Football / Yr 3-4 / External coach
Tuesday / 3.15 – 4.10pm / Football / Yr 5-6 / External coach
Wednesday / 12.40 – 1.10pm / Dance club / Yr 2-4
Max 20 / Group of Year 5 girls + Mrs Nutburn
Wednesday / 3.15-4.15 / Simply Football / Yr 1-6 / Mr Flatters
3.15 – 4.10pm / Fun Maths home learning club – a separate letter has been sent out / Yr 6 / Miss Clack / Miss Edwards
Thursday / 8.15–8.40 / Running Club – children will be running in the village so please sign extra on permission slip / Yr 4-6
Max 20 / Mrs. Dike / Miss Clack + x2 parents
Thursday / 12.40 – 1.10pm / Tag Rugby / Yr 2-3
Max 14 / Leah (Yr5) + Mrs Barge
Thursday / 3.15 – 4.10pm / Netball club / Yr 4-6 / Mrs Barge
Please ensure that your child is in the year groups offered for the clubs – so to avoid disappointment.
The last week of these clubs will be week beginning 5th March.
Additional clubs may start after half term but these need to be confirmed. Details will be sent out later if they go ahead.
Please complete the slip below stating which clubs you wish your child to take part in.
Best Wishes
Debbie Field
Extra-curricular clubs:
I give permission for my child/children…………………………………………………………………………. to attend the following after school club/s.
Monday Busy Bunnies club
Monday Hockey Monday Football
Tuesday Football
Wednesday DanceClub
Thursday Running Club Thursday Netball Thursday Tag rugby
RUNNING club I give permission for my child to go out of the school grounds for club
Signed ……………………………………………
My child will be collected by ………………………………………………………………………. at the time the club finishes