The Cold War: Linking it All Together

As we near the end of the Cold War Unit, its time to see if you can figure out how it all fits together. In groups of four, you will be creating a graphic that shows the causes and effects of the Cold War.

• You will be working in preassigned groups of four, or fewer.

• Each group member will have an assigned responsibility.

• You will receive two grades for the assignment: a group grade and an individual grade.

Your project must be quality. That means it must be neat. It should be colorful. And it must make sense. It must be APPROPRIATE.

Use the key terms/events/people below to construct your project. You MAY add more information as you see fit. There my be some items that we have not discussed yet. Use your resources to gather the necessary information.

Mao Ze Dong / Bay of Pigs / Hiroshima / Cuba
President Truman / Cuban Missile Crisis / Nagasaki / Totalitarian
President Kennedy / Atomic Bomb / China / Vietnam War
Joseph Stalin / Communism / Korea / Hollywood 10
Fidel Castro / Berlin Airlift / NATO / Berlin Wall
Containment / Iron Curtain / Arms Race / HUAC
North Korea / South Korea / USSR








Facilitator / Materials Handler
Time Keeper / Quality Control



A (4)


P (3)


PP (2)


U (1)

Content / The project includes all of the required information. / The project includes most of the required information. / The project includes some of the required information. / The project includes little of the required information.
Connections / The group makes accurate and sophisticated connections between the events, concepts and people. / The group makes accurate connections between the events, concepts and people. / The group makes some accurate connections between the events, concepts and people. / The group makes few accurate connections between the events, concepts and people.
Quality / The project is neat, legible and demonstrates a great deal of effort and creativity. / The project is neat, legible and demonstrates both effort and creativity. / The project is legible and demonstrates some effort. / The project is illegible and/or demonstrates litte effort.

Grades: A 12-11 B: 10-9 C: 8-6 F: 5 or less