Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost September 4, 2016

Rehoboth Reformed Church

Winning People for Christ and Equipping Them to Serve

Rev. Adam Grill Rev. Keith Stewart

Pastor Family Pastor


Welcome, Announcements & Call to Worship

*Praise Time

Days of Elijah

He Reigns

Everlasting God


Children’s Blessing

(3 year olds thru 5th grades are dismissed to Sunday School classes)


ACTS 5 & 6

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Offertory Hymn #309

Pass It On


Closing Song



8372 S. Lucas Rd. Church Fax e-mail

McBain, MI 49657 775-7943 775-4845 ch


A warm welcome to everyone. May renewal come to us as we worship the living God. May we find that having been with God, our burdens have been lifted and our spirits strengthened to face life’s challenges. Open yourself to the Holy Spirit and extend your hand in friendship to those about you.

8:15 A.M. – The Blue Praise Team will practice.

This morning we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. If you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ and are part of a Christian community of believers we welcome you to participate in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. If there are any shut-ins who would like to receive the sacrament, please call the church office.


Children’s Ministry volunteers:

Infant: Cathy Grill, Nicci LaChonce, Blake & Madison Whetstone.

Toddler: Steven & Sarah Eisenga, Brook Goodrich.

3 yrs. – Pre-K: Lisa Moomey, Megan Taylor.

Greeters & Coffee Fellowship

Organist: Sandy Bode.

Pianist: Kenda Gilde.

Praise Time: Blue Team.

Sunday School classes for those in 5th grade and under will meet after praise time (see order of worship). Please wait until 11:00 A.M. to pick up your 3 year olds through 5th graders.



9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet

inthe church basement

7:30 P.M.*Crazy Love Bible Study will meet from 7:30 – 9:00 P.M.


11:00 A.M.*There will be a Senior Get Together in the Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, Sept. 7th at 11:00 am. We will be having a potluck and a time for games & puzzles. If you consider yourself a senior, man or woman, come and join us for a time of fun & fellowship.

7:00 P.M.*The Worship Choir will begin practice and would love to

welcome any that would like to join us for this exciting year of singing and worship. Come and join us for a time of praise as we worship our God through song and fellowship.


9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet

in the church basement.

7:00 P.M.*The Consistory will meet.The elders meeting will start

at 7:00 P.M., deacons at 7:00 P.M. and together jointly at 8:00

P.M. If anyone desires Baptism or to make Profession of Faith

please contact Pastor Adam or call the church office at



9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet

in the church basement.

NEXT WEEK – Sunday, September 11high school.

8:15 A. M. – The Yellow Praise Team will practice.

Our monthly Building & Maintenance Fund offering will be received.


Children’s Ministry volunteers:

Infant: Chris Lee, Shelly Beerens, Haley & Madison Swiger.

Toddler: Derrick & Jenny Nederhood, Claire Goodrich.

3 yrs. – Pre K: Josh & Meghan Herweyer, Abigail Abrahamson.

Greeters & Coffee Fellowship: Adam & Jen Gilde, Cainen & Kelly Gilde.

Pianist: Rachel Potter.

Praise Time: Yellow Team.

SundaySchool classes for those in 5th grade and under during the service.

We would love for you to join us for a Family Festival on Sunday, September 11that 11:00 A.M.! This free event is for the entire family: food, massive inflatable’s, 30 ft. Rock Wall, train rides, Family Relay Games, Corn Hole Tourney, Bubble Soccer for the teens, giveaway prizes, and so much more! The Festival will begin immediately after church at the Lucas ball fields. We are encouraging everyone tobring your own chair plus one for a friend you are bringing with you!Sign up Sheets are in the Fellowship Hall for food donation, 30-minute serve rotations,and the Corn Hole Tourney.

Financial Peace University--not your typical money class- it's practical, entertaining, and fun. During the class, you willlearn how God intended us to manage money from Dave Ramsey,a renowned financial adviser, radio host, and best-selling author.The class will meet on Sunday afternoons at 4 pm starting September 18, and finishing November 13.You are welcome to attend a FREE, no obligation preview on Sunday, September 11, at 4 pm to see what the class is all about.

Tuesday, September 13 – Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in

the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

-Crazy Love Bible Study will meet from 7:30 – 9:00 P.M. All are welcome. This group’s mission is related to Human Trafficking.

Wednesday, September 14–The Worship Choir will practice at 7:00 P.M.

Thursday, September 15 - Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in

thechurch basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Friday, September 16- Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in

thechurch basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.


Information for the October issue of the Reflections is due to Brian Chapman at or the church office by next Sunday, September 11th.

The flowers in front of the sanctuary this morning are given in memory of Bruce Brumels who passed away one year ago today.

In order for Rehoboth to move into our fiscal year with an approved budget, elder and deacon nominating ballots were in your mailboxes last week. Prayerfully nominate two people for each office. Each member of Rehoboth may turn in only one ballot for elder and one for deacon. Turn in ballots to the boxes in the lobby TODAY. Our Town Hall meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 26th at 7:00 P.M. and our annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Monday, October 17th.

Attention All Instrumentalists: Rehoboth will be hosting a “Hymn Sing” October 16th at 4:00. We need instrumentalists to accompany the singing. If you and your band or orchestra friends are interested in playing, please contact Angela Warner at and she will get music and a rehearsal schedule to you. Skill level of 8th grade and up is required.

LAST CHANCE - DONT MISS OUT! If you're still interested in attending the Fall Women's Retreat at SpringHill, please sign up on the bulletin board TODAY (Sept 4)! If you have signed up, but haven't turned in your money ($80), please do so ASAP so we can get an accurate count and reserve enough space for all of us. (Checks can be made payable to Rehoboth Reformed Church and given to Connie Schepers). Everyone who plans to attend this retreat, plan to meet briefly on Sunday, September 18th, right after the service at the front of the sanctuary, for a quick and informational meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Connie Schepers, Dixie Nelson, Krisann DeZeeuw, or Hilary Sawmiller.

Please note change of date for the Priscilla circle this month! We will meet on September 19th rather than September 26th due to the Town Hall Meeting.

CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT: Attention all corn hole enthusiasts and people with the ability to throw a beanbag 25 feet. Rehoboth will be having its first annual Family Festival Corn Hole Tournament on Sunday, September 11. Please sign up in the fellowship hall with your team of 2. Open to all ages. For questions or if you have a wooden style game with a minimum of 6 bags that the church can borrow. Contact Bryan Meyering 231 920-4105

Rehoboth Family, We are excited to announce that we have plans to publish a Devotional Journal for Rehoboth! We have a team in place ready to gather, edit, and complete the background work for this project. However, we need YOU to make this happen. The plan is to have Rehoboth men, women, teens and children write one devotional entry each. Your Devotional entry needs to include a Bible verse or short passage, your thoughts about it, and a short prayer. Your devotional needs to easily fit on one half of a standard 9X11 sheet of paper. We will have a basket sitting on top of the mailboxes labeled: DEVOTIONAL ENTRIES. When you have completed your work you can simply drop it in the basket or if you prefer you can email your entry to: . We would like to have your entry as soon as possible but the cutoff date for entries will be October 1st. If you have questions you can call: Bruce Eisenga (231-878-4630), Gert Eisenga (231-878-8233) or Cathy Grill (616-844-8257). We are looking forward to seeing what God places on your heart to share!

Financial Peace University--not your typical money class- it's practical, entertaining, and fun. During the class, you willlearn how God intended us to manage money from Dave Ramsey,a renowned financial adviser, radio host, and best-selling author.The class will meet on Sunday afternoons at 4 pm starting September 18, and finishing November 13.You are welcome to attend a FREE, no obligation preview on Sunday, September 11, at 4 pm to see what the class is all about.The cost for the class is $85 (a $15 discount!), which covers you, your spouse, and any teenagers living in your home. You will receive a book, workbook, budget tools, and more. For more information aboutFPUor to register, go to or contact Bob and Rachel r231-878-8172.

Rehoboth Ladies, come join us for our fall kick-off event! We are privileged to have Sandy Wiltzer coming to Rehoboth on Saturday, September 24th for a Paint and Snack afternoon! She will lead us in painting a lovely picture-even those of us who are artistically challenged! From 1:30 to about 4:00, Sandy will guide us step by step so each of us can go away with a painting we will be happy to hang in our homes. There will be a table in the Fellowship Hall after church September 11 and 18 so you can sign-up and pay the $25.00 fee which includes all the art supplies and snacks too!

Please join us for the annual All You Can EatFishFryon September 9 and 16 at Northern Michigan Christian School from 5:00-8:00pm. The delicious menu includes: All you can eat cod, walleye, baked walleye, chicken, corn, baked beans, French fries, baked potatoes, rolls, salad, homemade desserts, ice cream, and drinks. Cost is $12 for age 10 & up, $5 age 4-9, and 3 & under are free. Questions, call 231-825-4055. We hope to see you there!

The Lighthouse Café of Missaukee County meal program, serving the needy in our community with a hot meal and a box of groceries, is in need of help. Our biggest need this year is cooks! Also needed are cook assistants, set-up helpers, and clean-up helpers. To sign up to help with this very important ministry supporting Missaukee county, please call Pam Jospeh at 231-510-5202.

“Rehoboth family: I could not have made it through the last week and a half without you. Your prayers helped me make great progress toward being myself again. Rehoboth's great prayers have also helped me mange and reduce my pain. Your warm and friendly visits have been greatly appreciated. The deliciousmeals and baked goods have allowed me to rest and recuperate. Your cards and calls have been a great encouragement. Words can't fully express how thankful I am for all of you. Many, many thanks to all of you.” Patti Bosscher

4th Annual Paint The Town Black 5K - Thank You! For coming out and helping us raise a total of $18,000 to be sent to the University of Michigan to research a cure for Melanoma skin cancer. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who made this event an outstanding success!!! Mark your calendars for next year as we do this again on Saturday, August 5, of 2017. Thanks again!!! The Kelly Van Houten Family

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in

everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,

present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

Requests for prayer

Please continue to pray for Phyllis Liedeke, Leslie Whetstone & Barb VanderVlucht who are undergoing chemotherapy treatments for cancer.

Please remember and keep in your prayers the members of our congregation who are in nursing or health care facilities. They are Loy VanderVeen at Green Acres, Bill Schaaf & Gert Marcus at Autumnwood, Clara Kuipers at Currie House, Marian Longstreet at Sunnyside Senior Living, Stena Schepers at Maple Ridge Living Center and Edna Shoobridge in Traverse City.

We extend our sympathy to the many close relatives and friends of Dick Lucas who passed away at his home last Sunday.

Letha McGraw had foot surgery on Friday at Munson Hospital Cadillac.


Ignite is Rehoboth Reformed Church's Middle School (6th-8th) Student Ministry reaching to inspire a community of young disciples to enjoy loving and serving God, in a safe environment.

Ignite Leaders: Ashley Bronkema, Jen Gilde, Kendra Vandervelde, James & Emily Nederhood, Lucas Taylor,Craig Sterk.

Middle School and High School student ministry will kick back up on Sunday, September 18th. Middle School will meet from 5:00-6:30 and High School will meet from 6:00-7:30. It's going to be a great year!


Calling all youth 9th – 12th grade: Youth Impact is Rehoboth Reformed Church’s High School Student Ministry, designed for students to grow in their personal relationship with Christ by worshiping, praying, building relationships, studying God’s Word in a new way, and creating a willingness to serve.

Youth Impact Leaders: Ashley Bronkema, Bryan Meyering, Brent Eisenga, Tammy Westdorp, Haven DeZeeuw, Keegan DeZeeuw, Rachel Potter, & Patti Bosscher.

Middle School and High School student ministry will kick back up on Sunday, September 18th. Middle School will meet from 5:00-6:30 and High School will meet from 6:00-7:30. It's going to be a great year!


Pastor – Rev. Adam Grill

Email – ch

Phone – 231-846-5664

Family Pastor – Rev. Keith Stewart

Email – ch

Phone – 231-920-9954

Youth Program Coordinator – Ashley Bronkema

Email – ch

Phone – 231-878-4253

Church Secretary – Nancy Thompson

Email – ch

Phone – 231-775-7943

Office hours – Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Maintenance Director – David Thompson

Phone – 231-775-7943

Choir Director – Angela Warner

Email –

Phone – 231-775-1067

Media Director – Brian Chapman

Email –

Phone – 231-846-6073


Consistory Members


Mark Scholten (16) 231-878-2359Trent Mulder (16) 231-942-1771

Tom Whetstone (16) 231-775-2943Michael Vandervelde (16) 231-876-2097

Pat Birtles (17) 231-775-5544Troy Finstrom (17) 231-878-0012

Ken DeZeeuw (17) 231-775-3518 Bob Potter (17) 231-942-1154

Dave Meyering (18) 231-825-2114Darwin Eisenga (18) 231-920-0015

Tom Schepers (18) 231-920-2869 Josh Herweyer (18) 231-846-6119