Analyzing Primary and Secondary Sources Project
70 points
1. Choose one event or era from world history in which you are especially interested. Use one of the documents or time periods listed below to study.
2. Your selection should be turned in an email to Mrs. Rondot before the end of class on August 21, 2012
3. Class presentations are due on August 31st, 2012.
4. If your project is ready on August 30th, 2012 you may present early.
Louis and Mary Leakey ...... 39
"In the Beginning” ...... 45
Confucius...... 71
The Bhagavad Gita...... 73
Solomon ...... 89
Hammurabi's Code ...... 91
Zoroaster...... 108
A Few Words From the "Great King..109
Hatshepsut...... 125
Opening King Tut's Tomb ...... 131
Herodotus...... 156
Pericles Praises Athens ...... 165
Cleopatra...... 184
How to Get Elected in Rome ...... 185
Claudius Ptolemy...... 194
Rome's Bloody Sport ...... 209
Olga...... 228
Life Among the Germans ...... 235
Saladin...... 245
A Crusader'sLetter...... 257
SonniAli...... 276
Ibn Battuta Visits the Sultan of Mali. 283
Taizong ...... 298
Marco Polo in China ...... 311
5. Read the selection.
6. In your presentation explain whether it is a primary source or a secondary source and why.
7. Include reading the selection to the class.
8. Explain what you found interesting about this document.
9. Decide on a method for presenting information about their topic to the class (e.g., skit, short story, book review, artistic rendering, and power point, show a brain pop or united streaming video).
10. You must present your own opinions and beliefs about the subject.
11. You may use additional print or internet sources to add to your presentation. All sources, including your textbook must be submitted in a properly formatted bibliography.
Grading Rubric
Items evaluated / Possible Points / Points earned1. Selection turned in on 8/21/2012 / 5 points
2. Selection read for the class / 5 points
3. Correctly identify primary or secondary source and explain why. / 10 points
4. Include what you found interesting. / 5 points
5. Present to class. / 30 points
6. Include your own opinions / 5 points
7. Bibliography / 10 points
Tips for improvement:
Total score / 70 points