Project “Empower the powerless: Visegrad experience for small scale family farms in the Western Balkans”
report of Young Researchers of Serbia for the 1st period
Young Researchers of Serbia (YRS), being one of the partners of the project, have been participating in planning and implementing project activities from the beginning.
In the first phase of project implementation all planed activities were realized and good cooperation was established in the project team.
Main results achieved so far:
- Established very good cooperation with institutions and farmers;
- Project promoted during different events and positive feedbacks received;
- Trained 30 person during ToT event in Szeged;
- Initiated process of awareness raising among farmers, associations and agriculture-related institutions about nature protection, importance of small scale family farms, organic farming etc.
- Collected number of ideas for future capacity building activities.
- Organized 2 trainings.
Trainings resulted in:
- strengthened capacities of farmers, representatives of institutions and NGOs;
- increased understanding on importance of cooperation between nature conservation and agriculture sector;
- better visibility and understanding of work of environmental NGOs among farmers;
- established and strengthened cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Chamber of Commerce;
- number of initiatives for activities.
As defined in the contract with project leader - CEEweb for biodiversity, Young Researchers of Serbia have done following activities:
Provided information on the project and the financial contribution of the International Visegrad Fund as well as of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea on its website
On the website of YRS general information about project is posted and logos of donors are linked with relevant websites. Also, space for adding information on webpage is provided and first information posted and uploaded.
Link to the website page
Provided input to the events and outputs of the project
YRS team have been in permanent communication with CEEweb and other project partners. Most of the information was exchanged duding skype conferences but also email communication was intensive. YRS have been in permanents communication with different stakeholders in Serbia in order to provide quality of inputs. In the first phase of the project information exchange was very good and it has influenced positively first activities.
Disseminated and collected questionnaires in Serbian from farmers before the Train the trainers event
Questionnaire was developed during November-December 2014 jointly by all project partners.
The aim of the questionnaire was not only to provide bases for planning training the trainer’s event but also to get information on interested of farmers and other stakeholders related to experiences in Visegrad countries and topics of interest for study visits. Final version of the questionnaire was translated to Serbian and disseminated. Finally 25 questionnaires were received. YRS analysed them and used it for providing inputs for training the trainer’s event but also for planning local trainings. Questionnaires were translated in English and shared with project partners.
Organised the participation of Serbian representatives at the Train the trainers event in Hungary (invitations, information dissemination to participants) and participated at the event
First activities related to ToT event started in November when project team shared ideas about scope, methodology and outputs of the training. YRS were providing inputs to CEEweb during development of agenda and planning logistic. In cooperation with Eko centar invitation were sent to potential participants and process of collecting applications, selecting participants and organizing trip was lasting during December 2014 and January 2015. The interest of stakeholders to participate was big but finally 24 representatives were chosen. YRS also coordinated involvement of presenters and lecturers from Serbia. Following the feedback of participants (and their evaluation) selected presenters from institution and organizations from Serbia were very good and simulative for farmers.
YRS team in ToT event in Szeged was represented by Tijana Ljubenovic and Brane Djukaric.
Contributed to the development of the training material
Development of training material was done during March 2015. YRS and Eko centar provided some inputs to CEEweb during skype conference and based on that and training information, supported by partners from Visegrad countries, CEEweb developed material. Material was translated to Serbian and disseminated to the participants of the training. Material is available on the project webpage within YRS’ website, as well.
Training „Agriculture and Nature Conservation“
Training took place at Zasavica Special Nature Reserve from 6-8th April. This training gathered 23 participants (mostly farmers, then representatives of farmers associations as well as representatives of local municipalities) from all parts of Serbia.
The main topics which were covered during the training were the following: Current status of small scale farming in Serbia and their way of association; EU common Agriculture Policy and the Development of small farms; National legislation regarding Agriculture and Nature Conservation and IPARD program.
During the last day of the training the participants went on a Zasavicas’ tour where manager of this reserve talked about sustainable agriculture, tourism and its opportunities in Serbia as well as problems he was/is facing nowadays.
Reading evaluation forms, the average mark of the whole event is 4 and as most common comment was number of the participants who could have been higher.
Training “The importance of organic farming for nature protection”
Second training took place in the touristic farm Gostoljublje, Village Mionica bb, Ražana, Kosjerić, from 20 till 22 of May 2015.
The main topic of the training was organic farming because many farmers expressed interest in building capacities on organic farming. During the training were covered also other topics, important for encouraging development of small scale family farms in Serbia, such as: Small scale family farms in Serbia – current situation; Common agricultural policy of the European Union; IPARD – Possibilities for organic production and nature.
Special session was dedicated to share experience from Visegrad countries, presentation was done by the group of participants from ToT hold in Szeged.
On the occasion on international biodiversity day- 22nd of May, presentation about this global initiative was done and one session was dedicated to talk about ways and possibilities for cooperation between nature conservation and agricultural sector.
Team meetings
YRS and Eko centar have been organizing regular meeting for coordinating activities on the project. So far 6 meeting were organized in Belgrade, where both organizations are based. Meetings were organized to discus progress, share responsibilities, assess situation in country and share all other relevant information. Both organizations find these “face to face” meeting very useful.
Other activities
Other activities implemented in the reporting period were related mostly to the promotion of the project during diverse events, financial management and other project management activities.
Belgrade, 5 June 2015