This pro forma is to assist the Full Governing Body in undertaking a review of its establishment, constitution, membership and terms of reference.
Date of review: 11.7.17
1.Terms of Reference (the responsibilities and statutory requirements)Are the terms of reference still appropriate? Yes
Has changing legislation altered responsibilities? No
What needs to be added, taken away, amended? Nothing
Recommendations re Terms of Reference None
2.Constitution (the size and make-up of the Governing Body)
Is the size of the Governing Body appropriate to its role? Yes, however, the reduced number of governors increases the workload for each governor and this is challenging for the governing body as a whole.
Does the constitution require any particular categories of governor and if so why? No
Is there a need to consider any associate members to the Governing Body? To support our financial capabilities on the GB, Mark Taylor was made a new Associate Governor at the first Summer meeting 2017, following him coming to the end of his Term of Office (18.6.17).
Recognising the change in the Foundation governors (retirement, significant family commitments) from September 17, suggest the need for an Associate Foundation Governor, to provide additional support during the transition from current to new vicar.
Recent Parent Governor ballot: only two parents applied, one was voted on but the other received a good number of votes. This interested and enthusiastic parent could be invited as an Associate Governor to support the work of the GB.
Recommendations re the Constitution Consider Associate Governorship
3.Membership (who needs to be on the Governing Body)
Does any change in the membership need to be considered eg end of term of office? Rev Ward retirement: consider replacement Foundation Governor.
Is the skill/ expertise/experience/succession planning balance right? Yes- there have been significant changes in the Governing Body during 16/17 and the new Body will require training and support to enable them to meet their 3 Core Functions successfully.
Recommendations re membership Retain the GB at 9 members, appoint new Foundation Governor.
Consider appropriate Associate Governors’ appointments to support the main GB to deliver on its 3 Core Functions.