ED 586, Seminar for Supervision of Student Teaching

1 Credit


A seminar for supervisors of student teaching. Discussion and study of selected problems related to the supervision of student teaching.


The objectives of this seminar are to assist supervising teachers to

1) understand the Professional Education Program at Northern Michigan University

2) apply the procedures and policies related to student teaching at NMU

3) understand the roles and relationships of those involved with student teaching

4) work effectively with all involved in the student teaching process

5) apply professional standards in supervision of student teachers

6) guide the student teachers to total involvement in the activities and responsibilities of teaching and assist student teachers to make a successful transition to become excellent teachers

7) demonstrate effective observational and reporting skills

8) conference effectively with student teachers

9) deal with problems that arise in the course of student teaching

10) articulate a philosophy of supervision and teaching

11)  reflect on and analyze the supervisory process and develop more effective supervision

12)  understand what every entry-level teacher should know and be able to do

13)  accurately and helpfully evaluate teacher proficiencies using the NMU evaluation forms and Michigan Criteria for an Assessment of Pedagogy

14)  evaluate and make recommendations for the on-going improvement of NMU's teacher education program


The content of the course listed below is based upon the Guide to Student Teaching Supervision and the reflections, needs and concerns of the supervising teachers.

I. Northern Michigan University's Teacher Education Program: General Program, Field Experience Programs, and Student Teaching Handbook

II. Philosophy, Models and Objectives of Field Experiences and Student Teaching: Field Experience Assignments, Policies and Procedures; Gradual Induction and Orientation of Student Teachers

III. Roles and Responsibilities: Director of Field Experiences, University Supervisor, School Coordinator, Principal, Supervising Teacher, and Student teacher

IV. Supervision, Conferencing, Observation and Evaluation: Knowledge Base, Instructional Competence, Assessment Competence, and Professionalism

V. Michigan Criteria for an Assessment of Pedagogy

VI. Dealing with Problems


The teaching strategies include TEAC meetings, Web CT, problem solving, discussions, readings, research and written documentation of proficiency in the objectives and content. Instructions for using Web CT will be given to each student who will respond to each of the topics listed below.


Guide to Student Teaching Supervision, Northern Michigan University.


To receive credit, students must attend at least two full days of TEAC meetings and its classes. Final grades will be satisfactory/unsatisfactory based upon documented evidence of successfully completing the weekly web postings on the following topics.

1) How well do you feel your student teacher was prepared in professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills and dispositions? What area do you feel he/she needed more preparation?

2) Read the Proposed Sequencing for Student Teaching (pp. 14-15) and describe how you are guiding your student teacher to total involvement in the activities and responsibilities of teaching and assisting him/her to make a successful transition to become an excellent teacher.

3) Read the Responsibilities of the Supervising Teacher and Student Teacher in the Guide (pp. 10-11) and give some examples of how you both have meet them.

4) Read the Strategy List (pp. 15-16) and share how you provide for initial success, conference and give feedback effectively, and direct the development of classroom management skill with student teachers.

5) Read the Professionalism section of the Guide (pg. 8) and share how you model professional standards for your student teacher and use them in your supervision.

6) Read the Student Teaching Policies in the Guide (pp. 2-4). How do the procedures and policies related to student teaching at NMU improve or negatively affect the student teaching experience? Would you suggest any changes?

7)  Read the Suggested Observation Techniques for Supervising Teachers (pp. 17- 21) then share effective observational and reporting skills you use with your student teacher.

8)  Read NMU’s Evaluation Procedures (pp.4- 8) and the Criteria for and Assessment of Pedagogy (Appendix D) then look at the evaluation forms. What suggestions can you give that may make the evaluation more useful?

9) Describe a problem you have encountered in your supervision and how you have dealt with it. If you needed outside help from your administration or the University, did you get it?

10)  Read the Philosophy of Teaching Program, Goals of the Student Teaching Program (pp. 1-2) and Teacher Education Conceptual Framework (Appendix E), then write your philosophy of supervision and teaching.

11)  Reflect on your supervisory process and briefly describe how you might do things differently in the future.

12)  Read the Responsibilities of the Principal, University Supervisor, and Director in the Guide (pp. 11-13). Describe how these individuals and the University have met their responsibilities in the student teaching process and been supportive to you and your student teacher.

13)  Describe three strong points and one weak area that could be improved in NMU’s Professional Education Program.

If you have a need for disability-related accommodations or services, please inform the Coordinator of Disability Services in the Disability Services Office at 2001 C. B. Hedgcock (227-1700; TTY 227-1543). Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation, in accordance with federal, state and University guidelines.