Name ______Date ______Period ______

Review #9- Logarithms

Solve algebraically.

1. 5(23x) = 8 2. ex+3 = πx

3. 5x-2 = 33x+2 4. x4/3 = 10

5. log4 6. 32x – 2(3)x = 8


7.  How long will it take for $100 to become $1000 if it is invested at 8% compounded:

a) annually b) quarterly c) continuously

8.  A fossilized piece of wood is found to contain 30% of the normal level of carbon-14 present when a tree of this type is alive. Estimate the age of the fossil. (The half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years. Round to the nearest year.)

9. A pond is seeded with a small type of prolific fish. The number of fish after t months can be estimated by the following equation:

a)  How many fish were present initially?

b) When will the population of fish reach 2000?

10. The consumption of cola in the United States follows the continuous growth model. The amount consumed is measured in billions of gallons per year and t is years since 1980. The consumption rate doubles every 5 years with a rate of 6 billion gallons per year in 1980.

a) Write the model for the consumption of cola (in billions of gallons) in year t since


b) According to the model, what was the consumption rate for the year 1987?

c) When would the rate exceed 150 billion gallons per year?

Graph by hand and solve using a graphing calculator.

11. ln x = x2 – 2 x = ______12. ex = x = ______

Rewrite each log expression in exponential form. Rewrite each exponential expression in log form.

13. log 45 = x ______14. e-3 = ______

15. loga16 = 4 ______16. 9½ = 3 ______


17. 103log5 = ______18. ln e-⅔ = ______19. = ______

20. log21 = ______21. ln (-12) = ______22. log7= ______

23. = ______24. log5= ______

Use the properties of logarithms to expand as much as possible.

25. log 26. log3 54

27. 28.

Use the properties of logarithms to condense as much as possible.

29. 3log2x + 30. log (x2 – 9) − log (x2 + 7x + 12)

31. 2ln12 – ln 6 + ln 3 – 5 ln2 32. log43 + log4(4 − x2) – log4x

33. e2ln3+ln5 34. 2log2 3 – log2 72

Solve each equation for x.

35. log2 36. log (x − 1) = log (x + 1) − log (x + 2)

37. 26-x = 42+x 38.


Note: The questions below are examples of the type that will be asked on the test. The parent functions and their characteristics are on the function chart (A 9-8).

39. Is the function an even function, an odd function, or neither?


40. What is the range of the function f(x) = x2 ? ______

41. Are the following sets of points symmetric about the x-axis, the y-axis, the origin, or y = x?

{(-2, 3), (5, 4), (-1, -3), (0, 4)} and {(2, 3), (-5, 4), (1, -3), (0, 4)} ______

42. Start with the graph of y = x2. Stretch it by a factor of 2 in the y direction, shift it to the right 3 units and down 5 units. The new function is f(x) = ______

43. Which of the following functions are one-to-one? ______

a)  d) f(x) = x3

b)  f(x) = x2 e)

c)  f(x) = x f)

44. Supply the following information about the rational function.

Domain: ______VA: ______

x-intercept(s) ______HA: ______

y-intercept: ______SA: ______

Hole(s): ______

45. Write the equation for the asymptote of each function.

f(x) = 2x ______

f(x) = log2x ______


Answers to Review #9

1. .226

2. 20.728

3. -3.212

4. ±5.623

5. , -22

6. 1.262

7. a) 29.919 years

b) 29.069 years

c) 28.782 years

8. 9952.813 years

9. a) P(0) = 4 fish

b) 14.101 months

10. a) A(t) =

b) A(7) = 15.875

billion gallons

c) in 2003

(23.157 years)

11. .138, 1.564

12. -3.981, 1.074

13. 45 = 10x


15. 16 = a4

16. log93 = ½

17. 125

18. -⅔

19. -⅓

20. 0

21. Not Possible

22. ½


24. -3

25. log5 – log3 – 2logx

26. log32 + 3

27. 6log2x + log2y

28. lnx + ln(x2+1)

– ln(x–2)

29. log2x

30. log

31. ln

32. log4

33. 45

34. -3

35. 8


37. ⅔

38. -2, 1

39. Even

40. [0, ¥)

41. y-axis

42. f(x) = 2(x-3)2 – 5

43. a, c, d, f

44. D: x ≠ 4, -1

Xint: (-5, 0)



VA: x = 4

HA: y = 1


45. y = 0

x = 0

x = 0 and y = 0

Answers to Review #9

1. .226

2. 20.728

3. -3.212

4. ±5.623

5. , -22

6. 1.262

7. a) 29.919 years

b) 29.069 years

c) 28.782 years

8. 9952.813 years

9. a) P(0) = 4 fish

b) 14.101 months

10. a) A(t) =

b) A(7) = 15.875

billion gallons

c) in 2003

(23.157 years)

11. .138, 1.564

12. -3.981, 1.074

13. 45 = 10x


15. 16 = a4

16. log93 = ½

17. 125

18. -⅔

19. -⅓

20. 0

21. Not Possible

22. ½


24. -3

25. log5 – log3 – 2logx

26. log32 + 3

27. 6log2x + log2y

28. lnx + ln(x2 + 1)

– ln(x – 2)

29. log2x

30. log

31. ln

32. log4

33. 45

34. -3

35. 8


37. ⅔

38. -2, 1

39. Even

40. [0, ¥)

41. y-axis

42. f(x) = 2(x-3)2 – 5

43. a, c, d, f

44. D: x ≠ 4, -1

Xint: (-5, 0)



VA: x = 4

HA: y = 1


45. y = 0

x = 0

x = 0 and y = 0