Safety Management System Procedures Checklist

Written Procedures / OK
Yes / No
Policy Statement – Does the written policy statement meet the following requirements?
Contain a statement of principles and goals
Refer to the Occupational Health & Safety Act, 1993
Acknowledge the right of every employee to work in a safe and healthy workplace
Reflect management’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace
Recognize the priority of safety in relation to other organizational goals
Statement is signed by the General Manager or most senior person
Statement is dated and reviewed annually
Responsibilities – Are health and safety responsibilities written for:
Enforcement – Are there:
People designated to enforce the safety program?
Penalties outlined?
Procedures established to ensure compliance and to administer penalties?
Safe Work Practices & Job Procedures – Are there written procedures for:
Working in awkward positions?
Interacting with people?
Proper housekeeping?
Vehicle safety?
All equipment and machinery?
Hazardous substances?
Safe lifting?

Emergency Procedures – Are written procedures established for unexpected events such as:
Fire or explosion?
Critical injury?
Workplace violence?
Chemical spill?
Natural disaster?
First Aid and Medical Care – Are there written procedures or instructions:
Requiring workers to report all injuries to their supervisor?
Identifying certified first aiders?
To reach further medical attention?
Worker Orientation
Are there written procedures that outline a mandatory orientation which includes a section specifically for health and safety?
Is there a standard checklist, signed off by both the supervisor and the worker, which is used during new worker orientation?
Training – Is health and safety training provided for:
New manager training?
Investigation and reporting incidents?
Toolbox meetings, informal safety talks, or department huddles?
OH&S Act and Regulations?
First Aid?
Personal Protective Equipment?
Specific hazards in the workplace?

Reporting and Investigating Incidents – Are there written procedures for:
Use of a standard form
The participation of the supervisor, person involved, and a member of the OH&S Committee?
Collection of physical, eyewitness, and documentary evidence?
Identifying direct, indirect, and root causes?
Recommending corrective actions?
Ensuring recommended corrective actions carried out?
Evaluating the effectiveness of the corrective actions?
Inspections – Are there written procedures that specify:
Who will perform the inspections?
A schedule for inspections?
How the inspection will be performed?
The person(S) to whom inspections are reported?
Occupational Health & Safety Committee – Are there written procedures that include:
Composition and selection of members?
Term of membership?
Meeting frequency?
All member duties?
WHMIS – Are there written instructions that specify:
Labeling requirements for supplier and workplace labels?
Worker and supervisor training requirements?
Where material safety data sheets are to be stored and who is responsible for maintaining them?

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