November 14th 2012

Dear coaches,

Congratulations on qualifying for this year’s «AAA» volleyball provincials. We are working very hard at Gabrielle-Roy to make these provincials as memorable as possible.

At this juncture, we need a few things from you.
Coaches: if you have already registered your team through the provincial AAA website, we wish to thank you for completing the registration of your team online. Please be sure that you have also included a team photo & school logo. If you haven’t done so yet, please reply to this email and attach missing pictures. If you have yet to register through the AAA provincial boys website, please do so tomorrow (Thursday). Thanks!


a)Coach’s home & cell numberand hotel contact phone number (if applicable).

b)Provincial T-shirt sizes: We have received your T-Shirt orders via the MHSAA website but still need the sizing information. T-Shirts will have to be pre-ordered to give us a better idea as to the numbers we need to order. Official souvenir shirts for players, coaches and public are white this year. (Volunteer shirts are yellow.) See below for a sample of the design.We need this order as soon as possible (at the latest Monday morning at 10am but preferably this week!) I know this is always difficult and that it is hard to get the kids to commit to buying the shirts before the tournament, but these orders need to be done in advance.

c)Complimentary black golf shirts for coaches: Your team will be receiving twocomplimentary black golf shirtsas a gift to coaches for all their hard work . Please let us know what size you would like. If you require any additional black golf shirts accompanying teachers, for extra coaches, bus drivers or other people from your school, you may purchase them at cost for $30.

d)Banquet : We have a great banquet for both AAA Boys and Girls teams at the TransCanada Centre in Île-des-Chênes. Speakers and performers include:

Kristi Hunter,Team Canada Women’s Volleyball Team

Kristi Hunter is currently a member of Team Canada Women’s Volleyball Team. She has also has played volleyball for the Ohio State Buckeyes.

Kristi has also left her mark on the Manitoba volleyball scene. She is a former recipient of the Dale Iwanoczko Memorial Volleyball Scholarship, a formerGrad All-Star, a MHSAA All-Star Athlete of the Week as well as the MHSAA Female Athlete of the Year. She wasa Provincial bronze medalist, a member of the All-Manitoba Team, and won a gold medal for Manitoba at the Canada Summer games in 2009.

As a member of the Canadian women's team,Kristi traveled with the team to the FISU games in Shenzhen, China in 2011, and was a member of the team again in 2012.

Patrick Grégoire, magician

Patrick offers a unique blend of comedy and astonishing interactive magic. His careerhas spanned over 18 years and he has performed at a variety of large functions.

Imagine a funny comedian performing astonishing magic tricks that involve members of the audience. It truly is a priceless experience!

Catering for the event is done by Danny’s Whole Hog!Banquet fee is $10 per person. This includes up to two free meals for coaches.

Please make checks payable to É/CRGR.

The banquet is in the town of Île-des-Chênes, right next to the arena in the Trans-Canada Center.

Dress is semi-formal. Nohats, no jeans would be the recommendation.

My e-mail address is se forward us all information as our timelines are very tight!

Thank you very much for your cooperation and yours in volleyball,

Michel Lavergne & Roger Vermette

«AAA» Boys provincial volleyball co-convenors

Collège régional Gabrielle-Roy

T-shirt Order Form

2012 AAA Provincial Championship Souvenir

T-Shirts and Coaches Golf Shirts

School: ______

Provincial Souvenir T-shirts

Small t-shirts / Quantity : ______
Medium t-shirts / Quantity : ______
Large t-shirts / Quantity : ______
Extra-large t-shirts / Quantity : ______
TOTAL / Quantity : ______/ #_____ shirts x $17 = ______$

Coaches Black Golf Shirts

Small collared golf shirt /
Quantity : ______
Medium collared golf shirt /
Quantity : ______
Large collared golf shirt /
Quantity : ______/ 2 complimentary shirts
Extra-large collared golf shirt /
Quantity : ______/ +
Quantity : ______/ ____ shirts x $30 = ______

Total amount of order: ______$

Banquet ticket order Form

2012 “AAA” Provincial Volleyball Boys & Girls Banquet
Trans-Canada Center, Île-des-Chênes

School: ______

Number of players attending banquet : ______x 10$ = ______$

Coaches’ supper(please circle amount): 1 or 2

Total number of suppers (including free coaches’ meal): ______

*Checks to be made payable to E/CRGR please.

  • Please note: provincial player t’s are white. (The volunteer shirts will be yellow).