Mark Lowes

Mark Lowes

Assistant professor

Department of Communication

* Member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Ottawa

* Member of the Research Centre for Sport in Canadian Society, University of Ottawa.


Ph.D. Communication, Simon Fraser University, 1999

M.A. Canadian Studies, Carleton University, 1995

B.A. Law, Carleton University, 1993


2002-05 $67,230, Principal investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Standard Research Grants (3years)

2002 $5000, Canadian Federation for the Humanities, Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme, book publication subvention.

1999 $5000, Canadian Federation for the Humanities, Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme, book publication subvention.


2002 $4180, Research grant, Faculty of Arts Research and Publications Committee.

2000 $8,500, SSHRC Seed grant for new professors, through the Faculty of Arts,.

2000 $2515, Research grant, Faculty of Arts, Assoc. Dean (Research).


1) Life-time summary (count) according to the following categories:

- Books authored 2

- Books edited 1

- Chapters in books .. 3

- Papers in refereed journal 2

- Papers in refereed conference proceedings. 1

- Major invited contributions and/or technical reports 0

-Abstracts and/or papers read 6


Mark Lowes

-Others (workshops presented) 0

Books authored:

2. Indy Dreams and Urban Nightmares: Speed Merchants, Spectacle, and the Struggle Over Urban Public Space (University of Toronto Press, 2002). 160pp.

1. Inside the Sports Pages: Work Routines, Professional Ideologies, and the Manufacture of Sports News (University of Toronto Press, 1999), 150pp.

·  Second printing, 2000

·  Third printing, 2004

Books edited:

1. Project Censored Canada: Blindspots in Canada’s News Agenda by Mark Douglas Lowes, Robert Hackett, James Winter, Donald Gutstein, Richard Gruneau (Simon Fraser University, 1996), 89 pp.

Chapters in Books:

3. “Sports Page,” in David Rowe (ed) A Reader in Sport, Culture and the Media. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2004. Reprinted from Mark Lowes “Sports page: A case study in the manufacture of sports news for the daily press,” Sociology of Sport Journal. 14(2):143-159, 1997.

2. “Major league sports, civic discourse, and the ‘world-class’ city”, in S. Ferguson and L. Shade (eds), Civic Discourse and Cultural Politics in Canada: A Cacophony of Voices. Ablex Publishing, 2002.

1. “Indy Dreams in the World-Class City,” in Peter Donnelly (ed) Taking Sport Seriously: Social Issues in Canadian Sport (Thompson Educational Publishing, 2000, pp. 147-149.

Papers in refereed Journals:

2. “Neoliberal power politics and the controversial siting of the Australian Grand Prix motorsport event in a public park,” Loisir et Soiété/Society and Leisure, 27(1), 2004.

1. “Sports page: A case study in the manufacture of sports news for the daily press,” Sociology of Sport Journal. 14(2):143-159, 1997.

Papers in refereed conference Proceedings

1. “Australia’s ‘high performance cities? Motorsport and sustainable urban environments,” (with Paul Tranter), State of Australian Cities National Conference. Parramatta, Australia, December 3-5, 2003. Paper available at http://www.uws.edu.au/about/acadorg/caess/uf/conference#3.

Conference Papers Read

“Australia’s ‘high performance cities? Motorsport and sustainable urban environments,” (with Paul Tranter), State of Australian Cities National Conference. Parramatta, Australia, December 3-5, 2003.

“Motorsport, Civic Discourse and the Challenges of Globalization: A case study of the Australian Grand Prix,” World Congress of Sociology of Sport. Cologne, Germany, June 18-21, 2003.

“Social Drama in Newspaper Coverage of Sports Franchise Relocation Controversies,” World Congress of Sociology. Brisbane, Australia, July 7-13, 2002.

“Social Drama and Sports Franchise Relocation Controversies,” North Central Sociological Association. Windsor, Canada, April 18-21, 2002.

“Resisting Spectacle: A Case Study of the Molson Indy Vancouver,” North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, 18th Annual Congress. Toronto, Canada, November 5-8, 1997.

“Newswork Routines and the Social Construction of Sports News for the Daily Press,” North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, 16th Annual Congress. Sacramento, United States, November 1-4, 1995.