Upgrade Data Survey for TeA 5.3x

In preparation of your software upgrade, complete ALL questions below and email to (In the subject line indicate: Company Name and Product being upgraded)

Background Information
CU Name
CU Contact Person / Tel # / Email:
Preferred Date/Time to Install / Preferred time of day(indicate time zone)
Before Business HoursAfter Business Hours
Product to be upgraded / TotaleAtlas TotaleReceipts TotaleChecks EZNotice Other
Current version installed / Server / Client
Are there any other apps running on this server? / Yes No If so, please specify: TeC, TeR, EZNotice etc.
Host/Core Processor
Is your environment thick, thin or mixed? / Thick Thin Mixed
If your environment is thinor mixed please indicate which thin client app and version you are running. / Type of Product:
Citrix version: RDP version:
Zenappversion: Other version: VMWare Viewversion:
If thin/mixed please indicate:
  1. OS version
  2. Service pack
  3. 32 or 64 bit
  4. # of Host / servers
  5. Physical or Virtual servers
/ if Windows 2008 is this a R2
Product Add-ons
(if applicable) / DocQ Workflow Document Exchange TeAWeb
LaserChex Loan Coupons TotaliSign TeAIdentify
OtherIf Other, please specify:
TEST Server (if applicable)
  1. IMM Server OS Version
  2. Service Pack
  3. 32 or 64 bit
/ if Windows 2008 is this R2
  1. Will it become a Production server?
/ Yes No
  1. Is this TEST server new or existing?
/ New Existing *Please note there is a fee for the migration of our applications to a different server. Make sure you discuss with the Installation/Upgrade Coordinator*
  1. Physical or Virtual server

  1. # of CPUs
  2. CPU Speed
  3. Single/Dual/Quad Core
/ (indicate SINGLE, DUAL or QUAD)
  1. RAM

  1. Available Hard Drive Space
/ (indicate space on drive to be installed on)
  1. .Net Framework version installed

  1. Is SQL installed on this server?
/ Full SQLSQL Express
  1. Asp.net Installed

  1. IMM Server OS Version
  2. Service Pack
  3. 32 or 64 bit
/ if Windows 2008 is this R2
  1. Is this Production server new or existing?
/ New Existing *Please note there is a fee for the migration of our applications to a different server. Make sure you discuss with the Installation/Upgrade Coordinator*
  1. Physical or Virtual server

  1. # of CPUs
  2. CPU Speed
  3. Single/Dual/Quad Core
/ (indicate SINGLE, DUAL or QUAD)
  1. RAM

  1. Available Hard Drive Space
/ (indicate space on drive to be installed on)
  1. .Net Framework version installed

  1. Is SQL installed on this server?
/ Full SQLSQL Express
  1. Asp.net Installed

  1. OS Version(s)(please be specific)
  2. Service Pack
  3. 32 or 64 bit
/ # of workstations / # of branches
  1. RAM

  1. What version of IE is installed?

  1. If there are different versions of IE deployed to workstations please indicate those versions.

  1. Do ALL workstations have Adobe Reader installed?
/ Yes No
  1. What version of Adobe Reader is installed?

  1. If there are different versions of Adobe Reader deployed to workstations please indicate those versions.

  1. Hardware (if applicable)
  2. Signature pad model(s)
/ Connection Type Topaz driver version
Other Information Important to your TotaleAtlas Upgrade
  1. Do you use an imaging system?
/ if Yes, Name of imaging system
  1. Total # of DocQ sessions (TotaleAtlas) from EACH live FI

  1. Total # of DocQ sessions (TotaleAtlasWeb) from EACH live FI
/ Note: These sessions are NOT in the cloud.
  1. List the # of FIs from the root of the “TeAASP” folder (EXCLUDING FI1)

  1. Archive Setting
/ Archive Individual Documents Only
Archive Document Sets Only
Archive Both Individual and Document Sets
  1. Login Method for TotaleAtlas
/ Windows Authentication
Anonymous Authentication
  1. Total number of documents:

  1. Does IMM manage, map and design your documents?
Yes No
  1. Does IMM do the initial mapping and designing of your documents and you maintain them for on-going changes?
Yes No / If Yes, which document designer software and version do you use? LiquidOfficeAutonomy Form Designer (AFD NA
If Yes, Do you have your latest original XFMs/ PDFs (those which have not been uploaded to TeA) saved on a location for each dictionary type?
Yes No
  1. Do you map, design and manage your own documents without IMM involvement?
Yes No / If Yes, which document designer software and version do you use? LiquidOfficeAutonomy Form Designer (AFD NA
If Yes, Do you have your latest original XFMs/ PDFs (those which have not been uploaded to TeA) saved on a location for each dictionary type?
Yes No
  1. Do you have an outside vendor mapping and designing your documents?
/ YesNo
  1. Do your documents contain custom JavaScript?
Yes No / Do you have custom JavaScript for making signature fields mandatory?
Yes No
Do you have custom JavaScript which enables locking of either primary or joint applicant fields after signature fields are signed and retrieved from DocQ?
Yes No

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