Work Experience Reflective Report Skills Worksheet
Stick this sheet in (so that you can see both sides) and answer questions in your book.
Task 1: Write using the past tense.
Choose the past tense sentence out of the following.
a) WoodvilleHigh School students complete work experience in week 6.
b) WoodvilleHigh School students will complete work experience in week 6.
c) WoodvilleHigh School students completed work experience in week 6.

Find the tense errors in the following paragraph and correct:
I worked at Kmart Port Adelaide and I will be very nervous before starting. I’m not sure what to do, so I hope they will explain it to me. The first task I completed was folding all of the clothes and putting them on the shelves so it will be easier for the customer to find. I am nervous when a customer asked me a question and I wasn’t sure of the answer.

Write a short, past tense paragraph about some of the tasks you might need to do at:
a) Kentucky Fried Chicken
b) A primary school
c) A pharmacy (or chemist… a place that sells medicine and other goods)
Task 2: Write using formal language
Choose the formal sentence out of the following:
a) Some of the tasks were handling customers, making some food and keeping cool under pressure.
b) I had to undertake several tasks, these included communicating with customers, refilling shelves and answering phone calls.
c) I thought it was okay, but it wasn’t a whole lot of fun.

Find the formality errors in the following paragraph and correct:
I always thought it working at the Zoo would be pretty slow, but lots of people come each day. The gorillas were pretty sick although their noises got pretty annoying after a while. I got along pretty well with everyone, Ben was the most awesome though because he pretty much let me do what I wanted.

Write a short, formal paragraph about some of the tasks you might need to do at:
a) A hairdressing salon (a place where you get your hair cut)
b) An electrician
Task 3: Writing about showing skillsand attributes
Choose the sentence that shows using skills out of the following:
a) One of the skills I showed was customer service when I treated all of my customers with kindness and respect.
b) One of the skills I showed was handling money, another was communication.
c) I showed many skills including being confident, answering the phone and adaptability.
List of Attributes:
Loyalty, honesty, intergrity, enthusiasm, reliability, personal presentation, common-sense, positive self-esteem, sense of humour, balanced attitude between work and home life, ability to deal with pressure, motivation, adaptability.
Choose 5 attributes you don’t recognise or aren’t sure of and find the meaning of them.
Choose 5 attributes you think you might show in your work experience and write at least one way or example that you can display this attribute for each of the 5.
When I do work experience at a children’s centre, if a child throws up on me I can show a sense of humour by laughing it off and making a joke instead of getting angry or crying.
Task 4:Evaluating
Choose the sentence that shows evaluation (talking about whether it was useful) of work experience:
a) I liked work experience.
b) Work experience involved many tasks including cooking, cleaning and waiting tables.
c) I thought my work experience was important because I learned many skills that can help me in the future, like speaking to customers and solving problems.
List of Evaluating words:
Effective, successful, relevant, engaging, pertinent, applicable, appropriate, significant, important, valid, useful, of interest, constructive, practical, positive, valuable, informative, advantageous, beneficial, worthwhile, productive, practical.
Choose 5 evaluating words you don’t recognise or aren’t sure of and find the meaning of them.
You have recently done an oral presentation in ESL. Use evaluating words to talk about whether or not it was useful and will help you in the future.
I don’t really like writing a resume but I know it will be valuable for when I go for a job. I will be able to use it and show the employer why they should hire me, and a well written resume will help me get a job.
Task 5: I didn’t understand…
Write down what parts you didn’t quite understand (or didn’t understand at all) so that you can ask for help!