Page Manual 2012-2015
South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution
Updated January 2015
Dorothy Ricks Lind
State Regent
Katherine H. Sutherland
State Page Chairman
Charlotte Wiedenman
State Page Vice Chairman
Table of Contents
What is a Page?
Paging Attire
Important Information for Pages
Page Responsibilities and Protocol
Pins and Points (Outstanding Junior)
Duties of Conference Pages
Appendix A and B
Examples of Official Sashes
What is a Page?
Paging dates from the early days of the NSDAR when thirteen young women, one from each of the original states, were selected to act as pages during Continental Congress. Today, members between the ages of 18 and 40 are encouraged to serve the State and National Societies as Pages. Pages gain a greater knowledge of the work accomplished by the Society. As time has shown, the pages of today become the leaders of tomorrow. We are proud to count many past State Regents as “Page Alumnae.” Pages wear white attire, a Page sash, and are noted for their friendliness, enthusiasm, and an inexhaustible supply of energy. Service, courtesy, and common sense are essential for being a good Page. Their duties and responsibilities are many and varied, but they are interesting, rewarding, and FUN!
Eligibility and Invitations
The State Regent appoints all Pages, but anyone may recommend a young lady for appointment. In order to serve, a Page must be eligible to be or be a current member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution and not more than forty years of age.
The Page Chairman is in charge of all Pages, followed by the Page Vice Chairman. The State Regent is the ultimate authority in South Carolina DAR.
Page Attire
In General: Pages wear white, off-white, cream and winter-white. NO light yellow, light pink, beige, dark champagne, and whites without touches of color. Pages wear white gloves: short for daytime, longer, if you wish, for evening. Shoes must also be white or ivory, and stockings with day and evening wear are preferred. Break in your shoes before conference; there are legendary stories of blisters for those who didn’t follow this advice. Choose your undergarments with care. White or nude garments are essential. Wear a slip, even if your skirt is lined.
Page Sash: Your Page Sash will be given to you at the Page Meeting before the start of the event. Your sash is worn over the right shoulder and pinned at the left hip with the ends crossed. Decorative pins may be used to secure your sash. Remember, you cannot wear a flag pin on your right shoulder. Your DAR Insignia pins are worn on your left shoulder and over your heart.
Fall Forum/State Conference
Daytime: Business attire. Suits with a skirt, skirts and sweater sets, dresses with jackets are appropriate. The rooms tend to be chilly, so bring jackets or sweaters. Shoes should also be business attire, but comfortable. No floppy sandals or sneakers, please. All white Mary-Jane style Sketchers are acceptable. Shoes must have a back or strap across the heel for safety. Stockings are no longer mandatory; if you choose to wear them flesh colored is preferred. Short white gloves are necessary at the conference, but not usually at Fall Forum. It is suggested you bring at least two pairs as they sometimes get lost or dirty. Gloves are for sale at the Junior Shoppe. Also check bridal stores, online stores and Christian Book Stores.
Thursday Evening: Business attire. This is not a formal session so dresses can be knee length or longer.
Memorial Service: A white or ivory hat, along with gloves, must be worn while paging in the Memorial Service.
Friday Night Banquet: A white formal dress, Tea-Length or longer, is required with formal gloves. Remember that you’ll be working, so avoid strapless or revealing gowns, gowns with high slits, or debutante fancy gowns.
What Not to Wear: No slacks or split skirts are allowed during SCDAR functions, not even nice pant suits. Clothing that is too short or tight is also not appropriate.
Suggested Packing List
§ White daytime dress, suit or skirt (3)
§ White formal for evening sessions (1)
§ White gloves (2)
§ White shoes for day and evening
§ Neutral colored hosiery
§ White or neutral colored undergarments
§ White hat for the Memorial Service
§ White sweater or jacket
§ Official DAR Insignia
§ Breath Mints
**While this may seem like common sense, please try on your gowns and tops to make sure that when you lean over or stoop to pick something up necklines and hems are not too revealing.
Important Information for Pages
Magnolia Mamas
“Ask and you shall receive!”
We are fortunate in South Carolina to have a group that takes care of the Pages. They are a wonderful committee that insures that Pages have basic needs met and provides emergency care during State and National events. There is a bright pink emergency kit that usually stays with the Page Chairman. It contains items like pain relievers, white duct tape, clear nail polish, Band-aids etc. If any items are low or need replacing let the Magnolia Mamas know. They indeed make our job a little easier.
Page Hotel Rooms: Pages need to arrange for their own hotel rooms during DAR events. When funds are available, Pages will be given some monetary reimbursement for their hotel room at Fall Forum and State Conference.
Official Officer Ribbon Sashes: Pages must be able to recognize office ribbon sashes that are worn by Officers of our State and National Societies. There are several variations of the sash ribbons that a Conference Guest might wear. Please be aware that anyone wearing a sash ribbon is either a current or past officer of our Society. Here is a brief description of the ribbons. Pictures are located in the appendices:
§ The widest sash is worn by the President General and has a blue center with white edge stripes.
§ The State Regent’s ribbon is a center strip of blue with white edges.
§ The wider the sash, the higher the office.
§ More blue means current office holder, more white means past or honorary.
Voting Procedures: If you are serving as a voting delegate from your chapter as well as a Page, care must be taken not to express a voting opinion while you are in your Page capacity. Be sure to remove your Page Sash before speaking to any point or expressing an opinion. Additionally, you must remove your Page Sash before entering the line to vote. Resolutions may require a standing vote and elections require a ballot vote. The assistance of Pages with these counts will be in accordance with the Teller Committee Chairman’s instructions, but all floor Pages should be alert during a vote and prepared to take a standing count.
Page Responsibilities and Protocol
It is the duty of all Pages to be helpful and keep the conference running smoothly in every way possible. Pages should be courteous, on time, and professional. Please remember that as long as you are wearing your Page Sash – you are “on duty”. For example, if you are at the hotel elevator, always hold the door open for others, be the last to enter or exit and offer to push buttons for floors. Become familiar with the hotel layout in order to assist members in finding the restrooms and appropriate rooms for conference functions and meals.
§ No chewing gum while on duty.
§ Leave your cell phone in your room.
§ Do not express your opinions about DAR activities while serving as a Page; if you wish to address an issue in the Business Session, remove your Page Sash.
§ DAR members with sashes are current or past State or National Officers. They should be allowed in elevators, restrooms, and other rooms ahead of others. They will probably be attended by personal pages; if you have a message for them, give it to their page.
§ Always remove your right glove for the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. Your left hand should remain empty.
§ When a speaker is at the podium, keep room movement at a minimum. Wait, if possible, for the speaker to finish before walking or opening a door.
§ Avoid distracting behavior, such as whispering or unnecessary moving about.
§ You are expected to attend all functions, unless otherwise approved. You are expected to stay until they are over—no cutting out early.
§ Always remove or cover your Page Sash and all DAR Insignia before entering a restaurant or cocktail lounge or before you leave the hotel.
§ Always have an event program, pen and pad of paper available. Your room key and meal ticket can be placed behind your name badge.
§ Move up and down the side aisles as inconspicuously as possible. Avoid using the center aisle or creating a distraction at the back of the room opposite the platform.
§ Never approach the front of the platform to speak to someone sitting at the table.
§ If you have a problem or find yourself in a difficult situation, please see the Page Chairman
Do memorize The Pledge of Allegiance, the American’s Creed, Salute to the South Carolina Flag, the first verse of The Star Spangled Banner, and Blest Be the Tie that Binds, which are all in Appendix A of this document. Become familiar with the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America, the DAR Creed, and the fourth verse of The Star Spangled Banner, in Appendix B of this document.
Pins and Points
It is hoped and expected that Pages will serve for the entire Conference. We are aware, however, that there are situations which prevent this.
South Carolina Page Pin Requirements: To qualify for a South Carolina Page Pin, you must perform the duties of a Page at three (3) sessions at State Conference. (Page Training, Memorial Service, Opening Night, Morning Business Session, Tamassee Luncheon, Afternoon Business Session, Saturday Banquet, Sunday Business Session and Awards Luncheon)
Outstanding Junior Points: Each year at the Banquet, South Carolina recognizes an Outstanding Junior member that has been nominated by her chapter. To be eligible to enter this contest, a junior member must be 35 years of age or younger and have a minimum of ten (10) points accumulated in the area of DAR Leadership; i.e., chapter offices held, paging, chairmanships, etc. To claim State Conference Paging credit, you must perform the duties of a Page at three (3) sessions at State Conference, and obtain a certificate from the Page Chairman. Points for Paging are only available for State Conference and Continental Congress. If you have any questions about this contest please visit Junior Membership on the Members only section of the National website or ask your Chairman or Vice-Chairman of Pages and Junior Membership.
Duties of Conference Pages
Page duties are assigned by the Page Chairman. Because duties vary in duration, you may have more than one assignment. All Pages will assist with the Memorial Service and the evening processionals.
Jump Seat Pages
When we have multiple reports in succession we do what is known as Jump Seating. This is usually done with Chairmen when they are presenting reports during the business sessions or for presenters of awards during any award luncheon.
· Chairmen are usually arranged in program order assigned seats in the first several rows on the right side of the room. Generally 3 chairs are set up beside the lectern where they will give reports.
· When one is reporting the next three to report will be arranged in order in the 3 seats set up.
· When a Chairman is finished reporting they exit to the audience and the next Chairman stands up and goes to the microphone and the other two slide to the next seat closest to the lectern. Then a Page assigned to jump seats escorts the next Chairman to the jump seat furthest from the lectern.
· Be aware that some Chairman may be working during the session and will need to be sent for shortly before it is her time to report. Also the Credentials Chairman can only give her report at certain times and will immediately be placed at the front of the line to give her report to the membership.
During evening sessions, luncheons and business sessions we generally process into the room. The Flags always process in first followed by Honored Guests, State Officers, Honoraries, National Officers and the State Regent. The State Chairman in charge of protocol will help ensure we are in proper order.
§ As a Page you may be asked to process a group of people in or a single person to their seat. Make sure to ask the Protocol Chairman or your Page Chairman where the person you are leading is going to ensure you all end up in the correct placement.
§ Processions can be single file or two by two. When processing two by two Pages will “pinky” in (hold each others’ pinkies to keep in step with each other) and will break at the platform and go to opposite sides.
§ It is very important to assist ladies up the stairs onto the platform. They don’t always want your assistance, but always offer.