Oak Ridge Industrial Development Board 2

August 4, 2008




DATE: August 4, 2008

TIME: 4:00 pm

PLACE: Municipal Building Training Room

PRESENT: William Biloski, Stephen Grady, Doug Janney, Hal Osucha, William Pardue, Harold Trapp, David Wilson

ABSENT: John McKittrick, Alan Liby

ALSO PRESENT: James O’Connor – City Manager; Ken Krushenski-City Attorney; Steve Jenkins – Deputy City Manager, Angie Marshall-City Staff, Parker Hardy and Kim Denton - Chamber/Partnership, John Huotari-Oak Ridger, Stan Mitchell – Oak Ridge Observer; Charlie Hensley – City Council; Lou Dunlap

Mr. Janney called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Approval of Agenda

Mr. Biloski made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 7, 2008 as submitted. Mr. Trapp seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Mr. Trapp reported that the regular account balance (General Fund) is $369,037.29 in a CD, and a balance in the bank account of $1,328.93. The IDB special fund balance (operational) is $64,215.92 in a CD and $7,539.75 in the account. Mr. Wilson moved to accept the treasurer's report as submitted. Mr. Biloski seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Prospect Activity

Ms. Denton reported on one positive item and one not-so-positive. She brought the press release that was released for the SAIC announcement, which had been code named Project Alignment and had been in the works since February. This will bring initially about 150 jobs to the area. The not-so-good thing is that Project Pioneer has terminated. The company is focusing on internal matters. She reported on an inquiry from a manufacturer with an interest in the Pathway Bellows facility. Ms. Denton provided the quarterly update of space listings that had been requested.

Attorney’s Report

USEC Lease – This is still in negotiation. The expiration date of the USEC application is September 8, 2008, one year from the IDB approval.

Theragenics Closing – The closing occurred on July 23, 2008, and the deed was recorded in the Register of Deeds office in Roane County. The consideration for 21 acres paid was approximately $530,000. The building was a separate transaction, and Theragenics Corporation transferred the building itself, and Horizon Center transferred the land. HJN Properties is now the owner, and is marketing the property.

Committee Reports

Spec Building Proposal – The TVA Spec Building Loan application has been approved. The TDEC grant application has been completed and is ready for submittal. City Council approved a resolution to transfer the funds from the Horizon project to the Heritage LLC project, and a resolution for the TDEC grant application. Conveyance of the property from DOE is reported to be imminent. Mr. Janney will check on that status. Mr. Wilson suggested requiring a timeline for the property transference. Mr. Osucha made a motion to set a deadline on continued consideration of the ED-5 West site should the DOE land transfer should significant progress on the DOE land transfer not have occurred by the October 6, 2008 IDB meeting. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

Answer Financial Equipment Purchase - Mr. Janney said the IDB has not received a formal letter from Answer Financial formalizing the re-initiation of that interest in selling the switching equipment. Mr. Krushenski said he was concerned about not going through the State, and also that Anderson County, CROET, as well as the City all had a part in this grant. His opinion is that a response is needed from all the participants. He will investigate this further.

New Business:

The September meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday, September 2, 2008 due to the City Holiday on the regular meeting date of Monday, September 1, 2008.

Mr. O’Connor asked if there were any questions about his request for Council direction on the Holiday Inn tax abatement application. This tax abatement has not been formally requested at this time, and there will have to be a pre-application meeting held prior to such formal application. Mr. O’Connor said he was seeking Council direction on how they wanted him to respond at the application review meeting that would follow the pre-application meeting. Mr. O’Connor said that he would also request Council direction prior to an application review meeting for any future controversial projects. Mr. Janney, Mr. Biloski, and Mr. Hensley suggested that this might be handled by polling Council members versus placing it on Council’s regular meeting agenda prior to the application review meeting.


Mr. Osucha made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 5:05.


Harold Trapp
