2nd May 2012



PRESENT:Sara Walsh (Chair)

Roger Forster

Stephen Jasper

April Gardner

Jenny Beaumont – Clerk

District Councillor Tina Knight

5members of the public

12/062Election of Chairman

Cllr. Sara Walsh nominated for Chairman, Council RESOLVED and AGREED unanimously. Chair signed acceptance of office.

12/063. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received and accepted fromCouncillor Andrew Tetlow, Councillor Charles Turner & County Councillor Simon Walsh

12/064. Declaration of Interests


12/065. Public Forum

a)Report from District Councillor on matters relating to the parish of Debden.

Flood warning in the area

Meeting with Highways in reference to Fox Cross Roads; over the short term

  1. re-do markings
  2. Cut back hedging/ verge/ trees

A potential long term resolution to apply a 50 miles per hour speed limit from Elder Street to Newport.

District Councillors New Home Bonus (£2,000 to be shared between Wimbish & Debden but does not have to be shared equally) Comments received reflect a desire for something permanent within the village. Annual Parish meeting (23rd May) will be an opportunity to provide ideas.

b) Report from County Councillor on matters relating to the parish of Debden.

Flood Warning – (contact telephone numbers posted onto the website)

The past year has again been very difficult for the County Council, but with its Transformation Programme, and has delivered £90 million in savings and on track to have saved £330 million by 2013, that is £30 million more than originally planned.

For the second year running we have held Council Tax at its present level, with an impact on services although key front-line services will continue to be supported. Examples:

  • Some library opening hours reduced, but NO libraries closed.
  • Two Recycling Centres have been closed, the rest have had their hours reduced slightly; however, minimal change to your local one at Saffron Walden.
  • School transport arrangements have been reviewed, and buses with low numbers of pupils no longer have escorts.
  • A new Highways Contract with Ringway Jacobs will replace 10 separate maintenance contracts and will deliver cash savings of at least £5 million per year.
  • Children’s’ Homes will no longer be run by the County Council, better child-centred care packages will be arranged with other providers.

Over the past year a number of achievements have been recognised:

  • Children’s’ Services has continued to improve, and has now been removed from Government Intervention.
  • Adult Social Care continues to win awards and is recognised as one of the best and innovative in the country.
  • We have supported nearly 1,400 apprenticeships; 80% higher than that before the scheme was launched.
  • We have completed –on time and on budget- Essex’s only 2012 Olympic Venue, the Mountain Biking track at Hadleigh. We also support and contribute to the Lea Valley Park, which has the White Water Canoe Course just across the county border in Hertfordshire.
  • Recycling rates across the county now exceeds 50%
  • New A12 Junction 28 in North Colchester opened 3 months ahead of schedule, and Rosscommon Way Extension in Canvey opened recently. Junction improvements at Saddler’s Farm on the A13 are well advanced.
  • Selected as one of only 4 pilot areas by the Government for Whole Place Community Budgets, which will link a number of public organisations to jointly allocate funds to key projects.

Of interest is a £5 million investment in superfast broadband across Essex.

As your County Councillor, I now Chair the Economic Development, Environment, Highways Policy and Scrutiny Committee. It has a wide ranging remit, and can be regarded as a ‘super-committee,’ with 18 members.

c) Report from the councillor registering a declaration of interest


d) Public

Agreed to take item 12/072 at this point in the meeting as permitted by standing order 5 (a) (vi) – to alter the order of business on the Agenda for reasons of urgency or expedience.

Request made by a resident to discharge additional rainwater from the extension roof into the ditch via a 4 inch pipe. The building inspector has no objections. Council are to consider the following;

  • the effect of the ditch on pavilion foundations
  • When the new village/Memorial hall is built it is intended to fill in the ditch to give access to the temporary car park behind the pavilion.
  • It would also be a benefit to have this water fed into the village pond to keep it topped up in the summer.

Council discussed in light of the excessive rain it has shown water levels close to the top of the ditch, this standing water could impact the ground around including that of the pavilion foundations secondly the size of roof would create an extremely high volume of water that potentially the ditch couldn’t contain.

The Council therefore RESOLVED and AGREED to allow a pipe to take rain water away from the house but instead of ending at the ditch to run along the ditch behind the pavilion and pass under the pathway blocking the ditch leading to the UVA car park.

Sign on the High Street

The children’s crossing sign is showing exposed wires to the bottom of the sign. Clerk to log issue with Highways. If anyone sees problems on the highways please log directly by Tel: 0845 6037631, or online reporting portal then click ‘report a problem’ and click ‘online report tool’

Speed Watch

Mike Fairchild, Community Speedwatch co-ordinator, raised residents’ concerns about speeding on the Debden to Thaxted Road at the Debden Green crossroads. This stretch of road is outside the remit of Speed Watch as it is unrestricted. He said he would take up the matter with the police and report back to the parish council.

Cllr Walsh said residents were also concerned about speed of vehicles approaching the crossroads from Elsenham. She would check whether this stretch of road was within a 30mph zone.

Mike Fairchild suggested the council might explore scope for flashing 30mph warning signs in Thaxted Road, Debden. Such devices were very successful in Quendon. Although some people are adverse to additional signage on roads safety comes first and the success at Quendon could not be discounted.He would provide the council with feedback from the police on this suggestion.

12/066. Minutes of the last meeting

Chairman signed as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 4th April 2012

12/067. Planning

i) Applications

To consider any comments to be returned to Uttlesford District Council on the following applications:

UTT/0633/12/FULDemolition and replacement side and rear single storey extension and garage. Conversion of outbuilding for residential use. New access to site

Site: Ivy Todd Cottage, Ivy Todd Hill, Debden


UTT/0634/12/LBDemolition and replacement side and rear single storey extension and garage. Conversion of outbuilding for residential use. New access to site

Site: Ivy Todd Cottage, Ivy Todd Hill, Debden


ii) Decisions/ Results – Conditional Approval

UTT/0229/12/FUL Replacement side extension and Dormer window to rear extension

Site: Glebe Cottage, Elder Street, Debden

UTT/0230/12/LB Replacement side extension and Dormer window to rear extension

Site: Glebe Cottage, Elder Street, Debden

UTT/0403/12/FUL Replacement single storey side and rear extensions

Site: 7 Smiths Green Debden

12/068 Confirmation received for the ‘absent’ seat to be co-opted

Uttlesford has advised no requests have been received for an election; therefore the Parish Council can now co-opt somebody to fill the vacancy. Council to discuss how to advertise the position e.g. parish pump, leaflets or other.

Request for candidates will be made at the annual village meeting.

12/069 Playground Signs

A quote has been received from ‘The Sign Co.’ for a plaque to be placed on the aerial runway in order to reflect donators name; The Searle Trust. Councillors to process sum £43.00+VAT and agree to action the quote.

Council RESOLVED and AGREED value of £43.00+VAT for a plaque.

12/070 Jubilee

Insurance documents to be confirmed received and sent back to Suffolk Acre for events 4th June and 22nd,23rd & 24th June. Council to nominate a Councillor Representative for each Jubilee event.Jubilee committee to make a £100 donation. Council to discuss if there is a deficit in donations raised for the creation of Jubilee mugs will the Parish Council contribute to the cost.

Insurance documents received from Stewart Luck with Councillor Stephen Jasper in attendance on the set days (22nd -24th June), and documents to follow from Elisabeth Blackie for events on Monday 4th June, Councillor Roger Forster aligned Council member.

Council recognised £100 donation from the Jubilee committee;

Council RESOLVED and AGREED spend for the barn dance £100.

Council RESOLVED and AGREED to provide £150 if funds cannot be sourced from external areas for Debden Children’s Jubilee mugs.

12/071 Fox Cross-Roads

A number of incidents have taken place at Fox Cross Roads prompting renewed attention, the Parish Council requested support from District Councillor Knight. On contacting Highways they have advised

  1. Potential feasibility to install a 50mph speed limit
  2. Essex Police will conduct a speed survey at Fox Cross Roads in the next month
  3. Installation of a VAS sign, an illuminating crossroad sign, triggered by a car. Funding required from local highways panel

Council to discuss options and other ways to gain support for safety measures to be


Reference District Councillor Knights comments;

Meeting with Highways in reference to Fox Cross Roads; over the short term

  1. re-do markings
  2. Cut back hedging/ verge/ trees

A potential long term resolution to apply a 50 miles per hour speed limit from Elder Street to Newport.

12/072 Recreation Ground – Ditch

Agreed to take item 12/072 within the public forum section of the meeting as permitted by standing order 5 (a) (vi) – to alter the order of business on the Agenda for reasons of urgency or expedience.

12/073 Recreation ground 2013 event

Council to discuss request for use of the recreation ground for a wedding, June/July 2013. Debden Parish Council Insurance for the recreation ground will only cover events taking place by the Council not private events, separate insurance will be required.

Council RESOLVED and AGREED to allow hire of the recreation ground within the terms and conditions relating to its hire.

12/074 Allotment Contract

Council to review the annual allotment contract, confirming all points and releasing the clerk to sign and send to allotment plot holders

Moved to June 2012 Agenda in order to allow time to review new contract

12/075 End of Year Accounts

Council to approve and sign off the Parish Council accounts for the year ending 31st March 2012.

Council RESOLVED and SIGNED in AGREEMENT Parish Council accounts years ending 31st March 2012

12/076 Annual Governance Statement

Council members to acknowledge the internal governance statement to ensure sound internal controls

Council RESOLVED and SIGNED in AGREEMENT the Annual governance statement

12/077 Open Spaces – Flower Displays

The cost of flowers displays for 2011-12 has gone over budget, council to recognise over spend of £153.00, the years spend is also above the previous spend by £411 which cannot be attributed solely to the replacement of stolen tubs. Council are required to discuss ways to curb costs.

Council RESOLVED and AGREED recognised overspend £153.00

Council discussed solutions to reduce spending, suggestion to agree with those who organise the displays a realistic budget and gain a discount from one garden store.

Council also noted the removal of a tub at Debden Green (second incident at location) potential replacements could be to create a bed using drought resistant plants or the use of concrete containers installed for the ‘jubilee year’.

12/078 Finance Summary

Income Banked April 2012
£ 20.73 & £75.92 Allotment Payment
£2281.00 Grant provided by The Searle Trust for Debden Village Clock
£7500.00 Precept (payment 1 of 2)
£ 40.00 Face painting income
April cheques approved for payment and signed:Chairman S.Walsh & Councillor A.Gardner
Parish Council account
000254 / £451.76
£200 / J Beaumont (Salary £411.7644.5hrs/ Office & Telephone expenses £20+ mileage £20)
Village hall committee (Annual hire payment)
Recreation Ground Acc
000096 / £ 78.00
£3986.76 / Ace of Spades (March grass cut)
Wicksteed (final playground payment 5% held back for 1 year)
Direct Debits
PC Acc
PC Acc / £22.26
£22.50 / E.ON (Monthly energy use by Street Lights)
A + J Lighting Solutions (Street light maintenance contract)
Cheque signed April Council meeting
Chq number 000252 £40 Poppy wreath was signed at April Council meeting, the cost was approved at Octobers 2011 parish council meeting, minuted 11/174.
Debden Parish Council 2011/12 Audit, internal auditor to review accounts and make recommendations. Notice for Public to view accounts is on the boards (14 May – 8 June). Audit to be sent for external review 9th June to be received for 11th June deadline.

12/079Clerks Updates

Action updates and Correspondence is strictly for the exchange of information and consideration of future agenda items only.

Action Updates

  • Allotments, 2011 payments outstanding x 1 total £13.00; 2012 payments 12 of 30 outstanding.
  • Annual Parish Meeting, Agenda posted on boards and invites are in the pump. Invitations to the clubs and societies going out this week.
  • Football club, cost of materials to re-do Pavilion interior
  • Samson’s lane; Highways response: Essex operates an ‘open access policy’ but a paper is currently being written that requests the need to protect green lanes by closing in Winter. Debden cannot move forward until this paper is published and endorsed. Clerk has the name of the engineer writing the paper and will email the critical issues at Samson lane.
  • Tree survey booked for Tuesday 1st May
  • Street light reported faulty by Pat Hemmings (logged with A&J lighting)


Essex Life / Opportunity to list Debden events, email sent to Elisabeth
Blackie, Stewart Luck and Rev.Hilary Davey
Transport / Request to list business’ licenced to provide vehicle hire for wheel chair users
Ollys Wheelchair Friendly - Saffron Walden (07905 645849)
Acme Transport - Takeley (07971 432376)
NCS - Widdington (01799 542818)
24 x 7 Elsenham and Stansted Airport (01279 816126)or (01279 661128)
E-Cabs - Great Dunmow (01371 873323)
Uttlesford (Peter Snow) / Minutes from a meeting at Uttlesford outlining the acceptance for new code of conduct and complaints procedure.(emailed to council)
Uttlesford (Tree) / A sapling has been planted at Weavers, Mill Road. Highways are aware as this is Highways land. All trees require 1. A tree licence 2. Ideally of native varieties 3.consulted upon in order to locate correctly
Uttlesford (Andrew Taylor) / Invite to London 31st May, for the ‘Community Asset transfer event’

12/080 Date of Next Meeting

  • The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 6th June2012 at 8pm in the Debden Memorial Hall (village Hall).
  • The Annual Parish Meeting (meeting of the village) will be held 23rd May 2012 at 8pm in the Debden memorial Hall.
  • ‘Meet your Council’, Saturday 19th May 2012, 11-12am at the village shop with Councillor Stephen Jasper