ARLIS AGM Minutes – 2013 Page 3 of 3
Minutes of the AGM held Wednesday 13th April 2016 at The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London
The AGM was reminded that documents would be proposed, seconded and the meeting would then be asked if there were any objections to approving the document without a vote. If a vote was not requested the document would be approved.1. / Apologies and Welcome
Apologies were received from -Jan Conway, Wendy Fish, Gustavo Grandal Montero, Gillian Varley, Anthony Hopkins, Sue Breaknell, Matt Davies and Erica Foden-Lenahan
2. / Minutes of the 2015 AGM
Accepted as correct.
Proposed: Emma Floyd. Seconded: Liz Kerr
3. /
Matters arising
There were no matters arising.4. / Officers’ annual reports
The full Officer annual reports were published on the ARLIS website and on the new ARLISmatters blog. Questions on the annual reports were invited and answered throughout the proceedings.
4.1 Chair
David Pulford thanked members for attending the meeting. DP reported that it had been an exciting year, after extensive planning and preparation the Art Libraries Journal is now being published by Cambridge University Press and we have introduced a new blog to replace the printed News-sheet. DP thanked the Editors and all those involved. The Officers, Council and Membership Working Group have recently been discussing the membership survey results with regard to the future of ARLIS, new business models are being considered, discussions continue. DP thanked those who responded to the survey.
The Cardiff Conference was a success, feedback has been passed to the Dublin 2017 group.
4.2 Honorary Treasurer
The Annual Statement of Accounts was distributed to help illustrate the Financial Report.
4.2.1 Year's finances
Helen Pye-Smith reported that expenditure is still greater than income, it was noted that this has been the trend for the last few years. Income generation (including membership) is under review, we are aiming for stability by 2017.HPS thanked sponsors for conference support.
4.2.2 Year’s awards
The awards for the year went to:
- International Delegate Award – Catherine Hammond, E H McCormick Research Library
- Student Bursary – Suzie Hall
- Travel and Study Fund – Jonathan Franklin, National Gallery and Eleanor Gawne, Architectural Association Library
HPS proposed that independently audited accounts are accepted by the AGM.
Proposed: Penny Dade. Seconded: Chris Fowler.
4.3 Honorary Secretary
4.3.1 Council election
Vicky Brown that the four Ordinary Members were elected unopposed. Darlene Maxwell will be stepping down as Chair of the PDC and will officially become Hon. Secretary at the 2016 AGM.
The Chair Elect post is still vacant, we hope to have a person in post by AGM 2017.
Joseph Ripp and Darlene Maxwell were thanked for hosting Officer and Council meetings.
VB thanked the Officers and Council for their support during her time as Hon. Secretary.
4.4 Business Manager
LB thanked the Officers, Council and Committees for their continued support.
5. / Committee Annual Reports
The full Committee annual reports were published on the ARLIS website and on the ARLISmatters blog. Questions on the annual reports were invited and answered throughout the proceedings.
5.1 Committee for Art and Design Archives
Sue Breaknell could not be present, the CADA annual report was tabled
5.2 Cataloguing and Classification
Joseph Ripp reported on committee membership and events for the year.
5.3 National Co-ordination of Art Library Resources
Wendy Fish could not be present, Elizabeth James, Committee Secretary reported on committee membership and matters for the year.
5.4 Professional Development Committee
Darlene Maxwell reported on committee membership and events for the year. DM also welcomed Nicholas Brown as the new Chair of the PDC.
5.5 Publications
Jan Conway could not be present, Alex Duncan reported on committee membership and publications for the year plus gave a demonstration of the new ARLISmatters blog.
5.6 Visual Resources
Matt Davies could not be present, May Warren reported on committee membership and events for the year.
6. / A.O.B.
DP thanked the Officers, Council and Committees for their hard work over the year. DP also thanked the Paul Mellon Centre for hosting the event and the event sponsor- Chris Mees, Art:Search for his support.
The meeting was brought to a close and was followed by the Guest Lecture given by Tom Scutt, Digital Manager, Paul Mellon Centre.
© ARLIS 2012 / Registered Charity No. 1048642 /