Application Form Local Film Festivals Open Access Fund

Please read the Programme Guidelines carefully before completing this Application From.

Please type the information or use a blue or black pen.

If completing the form electronically, please remember to sign the hard copy before submission.

If answering the questions on a separate sheet, please head the sheet with your details.

Name or Organisation:

Main Contact:

Address for correspondence regarding this application:



Website (if relevant):

1 Description of the film festival

Please describe the festival or activities. What is the central idea driving the event? For existing festivals, include details of previous events. For new festivals, include a detailed outline of the programme and the aims for the festival.

2 Your Organisation
Please describe how your organisation is constituted and managed, where it operates, what are its strengths, and who your audiences and other beneficiaries are, or are anticipated to be.

3 Programming quality

Please describe screening and activities programme for your forthcoming festival. This should include: who is responsible for programming; what audience consultation has taken place; an outline screening schedule, and information on other activities such as Q&As, events, and filmmaker introductions. For existing festivals, please include a sample programme from a previous event.

4 Marketing

Please describe how you will inform audiences about your festival and the screening programme, and how you will seek to build new audiences through the activities of the festival.

For existing festivals, include attendance figures for previous events. For new festivals, include estimates of attendance at each type of activity planned (e.g. screenings, workshops, exhibitions).

5. Contribution to cinema audience development and the exhibition infrastructure.

How will your festival or event contribute to the development of cinema audiences, especially in under-provided areas of Scotland?

How will the staging of your festival increase skills and experience for the organisers?

6 Wider context

Please note here any other film or moving image festivals, forms of cinema and screening provision in your target area for audiences (e.g. multiplex, regional film theatre, arts centre with regular screenings, mobile cinema, film club).

7 Budget

Please attach a detailed budget for the festival and associated activities and use the template provided as a guide. Please also provide details of any funding from other sources including in-kind support. You should detail whether sources of income are confirmed, have been applied for, or are in preparation. Significant in kind contributions should be included.

Please state the figure you are applying for from RSS LFFF here:

8 Timeline

Please note here your key milestones and dates, working back from your proposed start date (e.g. marketing, venues confirmed, programme locked). If you are applying to cover extra staff, please include their start and finish dates.

Dates of festival:


Please list here any backup material you are enclosing or links to pertinent web pageshere.

Name of Applicant (who must be an authorised signatory):

Signature of Applicant

Electronic versions must be ‘signed’.



Information continues below-

Important notes

1Applications along with any supporting documents must be received by RSSat least 8 (eight) weeks prior to your festival and events starting. (An email acknowledging receipt of document will be sent to the main contact listed on the application form.)

We have introduced a rolling application programme for the remainder of the year. Applications can be made at any time and will be considered within six weeks. The final deadline for the Open Access Fund is 7th November 2016.

Please ensure that your application is submitted well in advance of your proposed event.

Further details, if required, can be obtained by emailing

An email acknowledging receipt of document will be sent to the main contact listed on the application form.

2Electronic copies of applications are acceptable providing that a signed hard copy is supplied prior to the assessment deadline dates detailed below.

3The schedule for applications and assessment decisions is detailed below:

4The Local Film Festivals Open Access Fund is limited to £24,000 for year 3. Once the fund has been spent no more applications will be accepted. We are now making awards for Year 3.

5This scheme offers funding for a single edition of a festival or event at a time to a maximum of £3000.

6 Both funds are provided through devolved funding from Creative Scotland and Film Hub Scotland, part of the BFI’s Film Audience Network. This means neither funding from Creative Scotland nor the BFI can be used to match this fund.

This document provides information on:

–Aims of the scheme

–Application eligibility

–Assessment criteria

–Grant application procedure

–Standard Conditions of Regional Screen Scotland Financial Support.
(This includes use of the Regional Screen Scotland logo, if a grant is awarded.)

7Completed application forms along with any supporting materials should be sent to:

Email: and cc with LFFF/ Name of your festival in the Subject box. Hard copies can be sent to LFFOAF Regional Screen Scotland 20 Forth Street Edinburgh EH1 3LH

Regional Screen Scotland – Local Film Festivals Open Access Fund

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