St. Elmo Board of Education, April 20, 2016
The Board of Education of St. Elmo Community School District No. 202 met in Regular Session at 7:30pm, Wednesday, April 20, 2016. Present were: Andra Carson, Jared Stine, Shannon Moss, Kevin Maxey, Mindy Healy, and Doug Aderman. Also present were Deb Philpot, Brian Garrard, Sean Hannagan, and Jill Hill.
Procedural Business
Roll Call
Recognition of Visitors
Consent Agenda
Motion by Healy seconded by Moss to approve the consent agenda items: Meeting Minutes from March 28, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, Administrator Reports, and Bills and Financial reports were approved. Ayes: Aderman, Carson, Maxey, Moss, Healy, and Stine. Nays: None.
Old Business
New Business
Motion by Moss seconded by Healy to approve the Annual Illinois Elementary Association Membership was approved. Ayes: Aderman, Carson, Maxey, Moss, Healy, and Stine. Nays: None.
Motion by Carson seconded by Healy to approve the 1st reading of the IASB PRESS Policies was approved.
Ayes: Aderman, Carson, Maxey, Moss, Healy, and Stine. Nays: None.
Motion by Moss seconded by Aderman to go into Closed Session to Discuss the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the District, Including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged against an Employee or Against Legal Counsel for the District to determine its Validity at 7:37pm was approved. Ayes: Aderman, Carson, Maxey, Moss, Healy, and Stine. Nays: None.
Motion by Stine seconded by Aderman to return to Open Session at 7:48pm was approved. Ayes: Aderman, Carson, Maxey, Moss, Healy, and Stine. Nays: None.
Motion by Moss seconded by Healy adopt Resolution Authorizing Honorable Dismissal of Lisa Bain was adopted. Ayes: Aderman, Carson, Maxey, Moss, Healy, and Stine. Nays: None.
Motion by Aderman seconded by Stine to employ Amanda Copeland as High School Varsity Volleyball Assistant for the 2016/2017 school year was approved. Ayes: Aderman, Carson, Maxey, Moss, Healy, and Stine. Nays: None.
Motion by Stine seconded by Aderman to employ Marissa Thomason as Jr. High Cheerleading Coach for the 2016/2017 school year was approved. Ayes: Aderman, Carson, Maxey, Moss, Healy, and Stine. Nays: None.
Motion by Aderman seconded by Moss to adjourn. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0
Meeting adjourned at 7:51pm.
Signed: ______
Board President
Attest: ______
Board Secretary