(2B Explain how changes in society have led to diverse uses of physical features)
(6B Explain the processes that have caused changes in settlement patterns, including urbanization, transportation, access to and availability of resources, and economic activities)
(8A Compare ways that humans depend on adaptation, and modify the physical environment including the influence of culture and technology)
VOCAB / ESPNIndustrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution = A major shift to a new way of manufacturing things (1760-1820).
Previously things were made from hand but now transitioned to being made with machines in a factory line.
The Industrial Revolution started in Britain.
Children and immigrants worked dangerous factory jobs for little pay.
Standard of living increased for many by the 1900’s because of the Industrial Revolution since good were cheaper to buy since they were mass produced on assembly lines rather than made one by one, by hand.
Textiles were made (cotton spun by machines) to make fabric or carpet
Gas lighting, textiles, cement, steam power, paper machine, Dutch plough, threshing machine, concrete were all either discovered or improved on during that time period. / What was the Industrial Revolution?
What did the Industrial Revolution do to the standard of living of many, by the 1900’s?
What was some of the things that came out during this period of time?
Deforestation = removal of trees off of land that previously had trees growing.
Deforestation leads to soil erosion since the soil had normally been held in place by the roots of the tree and without the tree, soil easily eroded away.
Reforestation is the opposite of deforestation since it is planting of new trees. / What is deforestation?
What is reforestation?
Shifting Cultivation
Shifting cultivation is when farmers use land on a temporary basis and then after the soil is not rich enough to support the crops anymore, farmers then move on to other fields.
Shifting cultivation can be good if the farmers are rotating the fields on which they plant and go back to the land after so many years, it is bad when the tropical rain forest is cut down so farmers can farm land for only a few years. / When can shifting cultivation be a good thing?
When can shifting cultivation be a bad thing?
Industrial Waste
Industrial waste is left over waste that is made from some kind of manufacturing or mining process.
The Industrial Revolution has greatly increased the amount of Industrial waste that is produced.
Industrial waste is toxic and should be avoided. / What is Industrial waste?
Toxicity is the dangerous effect a substance can have on somebody. The toxicity risk may be low or high.
Do not eat, drink, or touch anything that is toxic.
Bleach and arsenic (rat poison) are both extremely toxic / What is toxicity?
What are some things that are toxic?
Water pollution
Water pollution is when something (other than water and dirt) gets into the water.
Water pollution can be due to runoff from farms (fertilizer chemicals used to grow plants bigger) or from farm manure from the animals.
Water pollution can also be from chemicals people use on their lawn and also from chemicals that are used by corporations. / What are 3 examples of water pollution?
Petrochemicals are chemical products made from petroleum.
To get the plastics that we use today, they use petrochemicals. / To get the plastics today, we have to use what?
Air pollution
Pollution of the air with chemicals is referred to as air pollution. Some cities have higher air pollution than others.
China currently has a air pollution problem that they are trying to solve.
More manufacturing = tends to raise the air pollution risk up / What is air pollution?
Which country have we studied so far that had trouble with their air pollution?
Transportation = the means of how you get around
Car, Train, Bus, airplane, metro, subway, bicycle, bike, Truck, scooter, skateboard, and hoover board are means of transportation.
In big cities it is extremely expensive to own and to park cars, so most people commute to work on the subway.
In small towns in Texas, most people have some type of transportation since there is no subway type of transportation available yet.
Insurance cost, tire costs, oil filter changes, registration costs, title costs, and repair costs are problematic if you don’t have much money (and why many people that live in cities just use public transportation since they just don’t have the money). / What are 8 examples of Transportation?
Do you know how you will get the transportation that you will need t get a job?
Soil contamination
Soil contamination is the contamination of the soil with chemicals.
Soil tends to contaminated often with lead from manufacturing plants. Whole areas that are new certain plants, have contaminated dirt areas and sometimes several feet of soil throughout town have to be removed.
Lead contamination = more violent (aggressive behavior) / What is a common contamination of the soil?
What type of behavior does too much lead cause in people?
Nuclear Power plant
Nuclear Power plants basically use radioactive material to heat up water to make electricity.
Nuclear power is extremely expensive since it tends to take at least 10 years to build a Nuclear Reactor the right way. The nuclear waste also will need to be stored for hundreds of years/thousands and building storage facilities that can do that kind of a job, is beyond our means right now. / What are nuclear power plants?
Solar Power
Solar power uses the sun to provide us with electric current.
Solar panels on top of houses are one way to harness the sun’s energy.
Solar paint is also being investigated.
In the desert, they tend to use mirrors which they turn to catch the sun’s rays, and then focus them onto a tower with water in it. The water heats up, turns the turbine and then electricity is made. / What are 3 different ways that people are harnessing solar power?
Wind Power
Wind power is though windmills.
The wind spins the blades, which turns the turbine.
Problems with wind technology is that it interferes with some government radar and it also kills birds.
Some people also complain that the humming sound gives them headaches and other issues. / What is a few problems with wind power?
Hydroelectric power
Hydroelectric power is the power that one gets using a Dam to hold back water. Some of the eater is released, which turns the turbine, which makes electricity.
The Three Gorges Dam in China is one of the largest dams in all of the world. / How do dams generate electricity?
What is one of the largest dams in all of the world?
Coal is considered very polluting but still is a quick easy way to make electricity. It is also the cheapest way to make electricity.
Coal must be mined out of the ground. Many coal mines are in West Virginia.
The Industrial Revolution needed a lot of cola to power the factories so child labor was used, unfortunately. / Why is coal still used?
A reservoir is a man-made lake to hold water for the needs of the city. / Why do cities make reservoirs?
The electric company is the company that you buy electricity from. They will change you based on how many kilowatts you use. Sometimes they get the electricity form other companies and sometimes they generate their own electricity.
Electric company have power lines that the electricity goes through (flow of electrons).
Step up transforms, are you increase the voltage before the electrify is carried across a long way.
Step down transformers are to step the voltage down, before sending it into your house, otherwise your appliances would be fried. / Which type of transformer is right by your house?
Tidal energy
Tidal energy is energy from the tides moving in and out.
Tidal energy is only on the coast. / Where is tidal energy located at?
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is energy that is made from using the grounds heart.
Geothermal energy is going around sites that are very active in volcanic activity. / Where is geothermal energy located at?
Natural Gas
Natural gas is a type of gas that is being taken out of the ground in Texas.
Natural gas is highly combustible (explosive) and should be treated with extreme caution. / What is natural gas?
A subway is a small train that is in thecity that people ride so that they don’t have to use their car.
Subways are only available in larger cities. / What are the benefits of riding the subway?
Urbanization is the process of the cities being built up due to people (from the country) moving to the cities.
Urbanization has increased due to the Industrial Revolution since more factories opened which means more jobs are available in the city / What is urbanization?
Sewers are where waste is pumped to when you flush the toilet.
Sewage is often treated and the water is recycled and cleaned.
California refuses to use treated sewer water while other cities recycle it and use it as the tap water that comes out of the facet. / What happens to the sewer water after it is treated?
Railroads expanded greatly with new improvements of the steam engine.
Railroads helped the West expand and grow into the places that it is today. / What way key to building up the West?
OKLAHOMA (US State of FOCUS for the Unit)
Nickname: The Sooner state
Produces: Oil, natural gas, and crops
Danger: Part of Tornado alley….so when it has tornadoes…tends to have 3-4 at a time. (storm shelters are a must if you live in Oklahoma)
Counties: 77
Largest Cities: Oklahoma City and Tulsa
State Animal: American bison
State Game bird: Wild Turkey / What is the nickname for Oklahoma?
What things does Oklahoma produce?
How many counties are in Oklahoma?
What is the state animal?
What is the state game bird?
CANADA (Country of FOCUS for the UNIT)
Canada is our neighbor to the North. Canada is under our agreement NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement).
Royal Canadian Mounted Police wear red uniforms.
It can get rather cold in Canada as in (negative temperature type of cold).
Canada has a huge amount of lakes.
The word Canada means village.
The British and the French both were trying to claim Canada in the 16th century.
Native Americans in Canada belong to the First Nations and Inuit people.
Canadians have a Constitution too.
Tourist attractions: Niagara Falls, Montreal, and Quebec
OTHER important info……you will be looking up as RESEARCH….(which is why I didn’t list it) / Draw the Canadian flag
Canada is our neighbor to the what?
Which countries are in NAFTA?
What are their police called?
What does the word Canada mean?
What kind of temperatures could you expect if you lived in Canada?
What are some of the names of the Native peoples that live in Canada?
What are some of the tourist attractions you might visit if you went to Canada?