Table S1. Selected colorectal cancer patient characteristics by BMI category, N=634
BMI§ / p
<25 / 25-29.9 / 30-34.9 / >=35
Age / 55.64(14.44) / 57.66(13.57) / 57.51(11.46) / 55(11.61) / 0.243
Age, by median
<50 / 53(30.64) / 61(25.74) / 32(21.33) / 25(33.78)
>=50 / 120(69.36) / 176(74.26) / 118(78.67) / 49(66.22) / 0.137
Male / 73(18.67) / 167(42.71) / 101(25.83) / 50(12.79)
Female / 100(41.15) / 70(28.81) / 49(20.16) / 24( 9.88) / <0.0001
White / 145(28.16) / 197(38.25) / 114(22.14) / 59(11.46)
African American / 8(16.33) / 17(34.69) / 16(32.65) / 8(16.33)
Others / 20(32.79) / 22(36.07) / 20(32.79) / 7(11.48) / 0.303
Alcohol status
Never / 90(29.80) / 100(33.11) / 75(24.83) / 37(12.25)
Former / 28(26.42) / 40(37.74) / 25(23.58) / 13(12.26)
Current / 51(39.53) / 91(70.54) / 47(36.43) / 23(17.83) / 0.497
Smoking Status
Never / 96(28.15) / 122(35.78) / 78(22.87) / 45(13.20)
Former / 58(25.44) / 89(39.04) / 59(25.88) / 22( 9.65)
Current / 17( 9.09) / 26(13.90) / 12( 6.42) / 4( 2.14) / 0.539
Type 2 DM
No / 162(29.24) / 216(38.99) / 119(21.48) / 57(10.29)
Yes / 11(13.75) / 21(26.25) / 31(38.75) / 17(21.25) / <0.0001
Weight change
Weight loss / 55(37.41) / 39(26.53) / 38(25.85) / 15(10.20)
Weight stable / 95(25.07) / 159(41.95) / 82(21.64) / 43(11.35)
Not specified / 23( 7.49) / 39(12.70) / 30( 9.77) / 16( 5.21) / 0.008
Tumor and Treatment Characteristics
1 / 13(22.03) / 21(35.59) / 19(32.20) / 6(10.17)
2 / 36(24.16) / 54(36.24) / 37(24.83) / 22(14.77)
3 / 47(29.38) / 81(50.63) / 47(29.38) / 26(16.25)
4 / 72(45.00) / 78(48.75) / 45(28.13) / 18(11.25) / 0.203
Well / 8(29.63) / 5(18.52) / 9(33.33) / 5(18.52)
Moderate / 136(27.20) / 192(38.40) / 111(22.20) / 61(12.20)
Poor / 26( 6.67) / 33( 8.46) / 26( 6.67) / 8( 2.05) / 0.321
Proximal colon / 41(28.47) / 51(35.42) / 39(27.08) / 13( 9.03)
Distal colon / 44(29.93) / 57(38.78) / 31(21.09) / 15(10.20)
Rectum / 85(45.21) / 128(68.09) / 80(42.55) / 46(24.47) / 0.601
Curative surgery
No / 36(39.13) / 28(30.43) / 17(18.48) / 11(11.96)
Yes / 137(25.28) / 209(38.56) / 133(24.54) / 63(11.62) / 0.043
Chemo and MTT¶
No / 49(25.00) / 67(34.18) / 54(27.55) / 26(13.27)
Yes / 124(28.31) / 170(38.81) / 96(21.92) / 48(10.96) / 0.289
Chemo and radiation
No / 114(31.15) / 131(35.79) / 82(22.40) / 39(10.66)
Yes / 59(22.01) / 106(39.55) / 68(25.37) / 35(13.06) / 0.084
1 / 29(25.00) / 36(31.03) / 37(31.90) / 14(12.07)
2 / 23(41.82) / 16(29.09) / 11(20.00) / 5(9.09)
3 / 9(37.50) / 8(33.33) / 3(12.50) / 4(16.67)
4 / 45(32.61) / 57(41.30) / 23(16.67) / 13(9.42)
5 / 14(28.00) / 18(36.00) / 11(22.00) / 7(14.00)
6 / 43(21.72) / 81(40.91) / 51(25.76) / 23(11.62)
7 / 6(15.00) / 17(42.50) / 11(27.50) / 6(15.00)
8 / 4(30.77) / 4(30.77) / 3(23.08) / 2(15.38) / 0.205
§BMI: Body Mass Index
¶MTT: Molecular target therapy
1- Surgery only;
2- No surgery, chemo + MTT or/and chemo + radiation, using 5-FU;
3- No surgery, chemo + MTT or/and chemo + radiation, using Capecitabine or others;
4- Surgery and chemo + MTT, using 5-FU;
5- Surgery and chemo + MTT, using Capecitabine or others;
6- Surgery and chemo + radiation, using Capecitabine
7- Surgery and chemo + radiation, using others
8- Unknown treatment
Table S2. Association between colorectal cancer patient characteristics and PFS, N=634
Variable / Recurrence/progression at 10 yrs.
No / Yes / Log-rank P
<50 / 95(23.81) / 76(32.34)
>=50 / 304(76.19) / 159(67.66) / 0.0045
Male / 249(63.68) / 142(36.32)
Female / 150(61.73) / 93(38.27) / 0.890
White / 329(63.88) / 186(36.12)
African American / 28(57.14) / 21(42.86)
Others / 42(60.87) / 27(39.13) / 0.692
Alcohol status
Never / 194(64.24) / 108(35.76)
Former / 70(66.04) / 36(33.96)
Current / 126(59.43) / 86(40.57) / 0.385
Smoking Status
Never / 213(62.46) / 128(37.54)
Former / 149(65.35) / 79(34.65)
Current / 32(54.24) / 27(45.76) / 0.173
Type II DM
No / 343(61.91) / 211(38.09)
Yes / 56(70.00) / 24(30.00) / 0.111
<25 / 105(60.69) / 68(39.31)
25-29.9 / 148(62.45) / 89(37.55)
30-34.9 / 101(67.33) / 49(32.67)
>=35 / 45(60.81) / 29(39.19) / 0.418
Weight change
Weight loss / 94(63.95) / 53(36.05)
Weight stable / 240(63.32) / 139(36.68)
Not specified / 65(60.19) / 43(39.81) / 0.528
Tumor and Treatment Characteristics
Proximal colon / 90(62.50) / 54(37.50)
Distal colon / 91(61.90) / 56(38.10)
Rectum / 216(63.72) / 123(36.28) / 0.426
1 / 51(86.44) / 8(13.56)
2 / 114(76.51) / 35(23.49)
3 / 141(70.15) / 60(29.85)
4 / 81(38.03) / 132(61.97) / <0.001
1 / 18(66.67) / 9(33.33)
2 / 315(63.00) / 185(37.00)
3 / 56(60.22) / 37(39.78) / 0.310
Curative surgery
No / 41(44.57) / 51(55.43)
Yes / 358(66.05) / 184(33.95) / <0.001
Chemo and MTT¶
No / 146(74.49) / 50(25.51)
Yes / 253(57.76) / 185(42.24) / 0.006
Chemo and radiation
No / 224(61.20) / 142(38.80)
Yes / 175(65.30) / 93(34.70) / 0.033
1 / 96(82.76) / 20(17.24)
2 / 18(32.73) / 37(32.73)
3 / 10(41.67) / 14(58.33)
4 / 63(45.65) / 75(54.35)
5 / 36(72.00) / 14(28.00)
6 / 134(67.68) / 64(32.32)
7 / 29(72.50) / 11(27.50)
8 / 13(100.00) / 0(0.00) / <0.001

Grade: 1- Well differentiated; 2-Moderately differentiated; 3- Poorly differentiated.

¶MTT: Molecular target therapy
1- Surgery only;
2- No surgery, chemo + MTT or/and chemo + radiation, using 5-FU;
3- No surgery, chemo + MTT or/and chemo + radiation, using Capecitabine or others;
4- Surgery and chemo + MTT, using 5-FU;
5- Surgery and chemo + MTT, using Capecitabine or others;
6- Surgery and chemo + radiation, using Capecitabine
7- Surgery and chemo + radiation, using others
8- Unknown treatment
§BMI: Body Mass Index
Table S3. Association between BMI and 10-year PFS in colorectal cancer patients
BMI§ / Univariable / Multivariable¶
All patients / HR / 95%CI / P trend / HR / 95%CI / P trend
<25 / 1.11 / 0.81-1.52 / 0.91 / 0.64-1.28
25-29.9 / Ref / Ref
30-34.9 / 0.82 / 0.58-1.16 / 0.94 / 0.65-1.36
>=35 / 1.04 / 0.69-1.59 / 0.318 / 1.15 / 0.74-1.78 / 0.43
<25 / 1.41 / 0.81-2.46 / 1.32 / 0.69-2.49
25-29.9 / Ref / Ref
30-34.9 / 1.11 / 0.57-2.15 / 1.97 / 0.90-4.28
>=35 / 1.42 / 0.71-2.84 / 0.889 / 1.96 / 0.89-4.35 / 0.215
Never smoker
<25 / 1.40 / 0.91-2.17 / 1.10 / 0.68-1.79
25-29.9 / Ref / Ref
30-34.9 / 0.96 / 0.59-1.55 / 1.25 / 0.76-2.08
>=35 / 1.54 / 0.90-2.62 / 0.804 / 1.85 / 1.03-3.32 / 0.100
Stage I-III
<25 / 1.19 / 0.73-1.94 / 1.13 / 0.67-1.91
25-29.9 / Ref / Ref
30-34.9 / 0.77 / 0.46-1.32 / 0.76 / 0.43-1.32
>=35 / 1.27 / 0.71-2.27 / 0.674 / 1.37 / 0.74-2.53 / 0.927
Weight stable
<25 / 1.21 / 0.80-1.83 / 1.10 / 0.70-1.73
25-29.9 / Ref / Ref
30-34.9 / 0.86 / 0.54-1.37 / 1.05 / 0.64-1.73
>=35 / 1.62 / 0.97-2.71 / 0.801 / 1.43 / 0.82-2.50 / 0.451
§BMI: Body Mass Index
¶Adjusted for age, sex, alcohol drinking status, clinical stage, grade, and treatment