Name: Date:

Directions: Circle the correct answer for each multiple choice question. Then answer the open- ended question.

1.  What is VE Day?

A. Day of Victory in Europe

B. Day of Victory in Japan

C. Day of Victory in U.S.

D. Day of Victory in Asia

2. When did VE Day take place?

A. June 8th, 1945

B. May 8th, 1945

C. May 9th, 1945

D. May 8th, 1946

3. Where is VE Day celebrated?

A. Only in Europe

B. Europe and U.S.

C. Europe and Asia

D. Around the world

4. What event led to VE Day?

A. Battle of Rome

B. Battle of Berlin

C. Hitler’s Death

D. Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt

5. How long did the Battle of Berlin last?

A. 10 Days

B. 13 Days

C. 1 Day

D. 13 years

6. Who is the Italian leader who died during the end of WWII?

A. Benito Mussolini

B. Adolf Hitler

C. Emperor Hirohito

D. Anne Frank

7. How did people in England celebrate VE Day?

A. Through the Piccadilly Circus

B. At Winston Churchill

C. At Hiroshima

D. At Nagasaki

8. What is the Piccadilly Circus?

A. A place where clowns live

B. Mass firework show

C. Traffic circle

D. Parade

9. VE Day is an important holiday for the allied forces.

·  What is VE Day, and what event led up to it?

·  How did VE Day affect people around the world?



Name: Date:

Directions: Circle the correct answer for each multiple choice question. Then answer the open- ended question.

1.  What is VE Day?

A. Day of Victory in Europe

B. Day of Victory in Japan

C. Day of Victory in U.S.

D. Day of Victory in Asia

2. When did VE Day take place?

A. June 8th, 1945

B. May 8th, 1945

C. May 9th, 1945

D. May 8th, 1946

3. Where is VE Day celebrated?

A. Only in Europe

B. Europe and U.S.

C. Europe and Asia

D. Around the world

4. What event led to VE Day?

A. Battle of Rome

B. Battle of Berlin

C. Hitler’s Death

D. Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt

5. How long did the Battle of Berlin last?

A. 10 Days

B. 13 Days

C. 1 Day

D. 13 years

6. Who is the Italian leader who died during the end of WWII?

A. Benito Mussolini

B. Adolf Hitler

C. Emperor Hirohito

D. Anne Frank

7. How did people in England celebrate VE Day?

A. Through the Piccadilly Circus

B. At Winston Churchill

C. At Hiroshima

D. At Nagasaki

8. What is the Piccadilly Circus?

A. A place where clowns live

B. Mass firework show

C. Traffic circle

D. Parade

9. VE Day is an important holiday for the allied forces.

·  What is VE Day, and what event led up to it?

R: VE Day is the day when the allies won WWII after the Germans surrendered.

S: On page 1 in section 2, the Battle of Berlin was a very important part of VE Day, due to Adolf Hitler committing suicide.

S: To me, VE Day is a very important holiday that wouldn’t exist if the Battle of Berlin never happened.

·  How did VE Day affect people around the world?

R: VE Day has affected many people throughout the world.

S: On page 2 on the last section, it states that VE Day is a well known holiday celebrating the allied forces who have fought against the Axis powers, and to celebrate the end of the war.

S: In my opinion, VE Day is an important holiday that is celebrated for the great warriors who helped us fight against the Axis powers. This holiday must be treated with the greatest amount of respect.