PRESENT:Cllr Mrs J. Crisp (Mayor)
“ A. Bennett
“ E. Breeze
“ Mrs C. Edwardes
“ Mrs L. Evans
“ A. Griffiths
“ K. Hawkins
“ Mrs M Jones
“ S. Lees
“ G. McArthur
“ Mrs A Morgan
“ G. Morgan
“ Mrs P. Smith
1 member of the press
Town Clerk
Before the meeting commenced, Clerk explained that Lady Hooson had been taken into Aberystwyth Hospital with a Chest infection and therefore the presentation of a Certificate to confirm her Honorary Alderman status was postponed. The Mayor read out a poem composed by Mr Penri Roberts which Councillors thought very appropriate. It was agreed that a small scale presentation to Lady Hooson will take place at Summerfield once she is home from Hospital.
The Mayor expressed her gratitude to the Council members on the Carnival Committee and wished a letter of thanks to be sent to the Carnival committee thanking them for the hard work they put in to such a successful day.
MinuteNumber / Actions
425/01 / APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllr P. Davies
Declaration of Interest Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes. Cllr G. Morgan declared a personal interest in all matters concerning PCC as the local member, and in item 6 (Llanidloes Primary School) and item 14 (Llanidloes Services Committee). Cllr Hawkins declared an interest in item 6 (Llanidloes Primary School) as she is a Committee member of the Friends of Llanidloes Primary School. Cllr Breeze declared in item 6, Llanidloes Primary School as he is a Governor, and item 18 Football Club Planning application (his Father is President) and Dyfnant Planning application (his Employer is the owner of adjoining premises).
425/03 / MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-
Minutes of Council Meeting held on 26.06.17 Cllr G Morgan queried item 424/14 Day Centre minutes should include “Council unanimously agreed to donate £10,000 for fiscalyear 2018/19 as has been previously agreed to donate £10,000 for 2017/18”. Otherwise the minutes were agreed as a True Record
a)Letter of Thanks from Llanidloes Cricket Club – Received
b)Invitation to Quilt Exhibition Friday 4th August 2017 - Received
c)Statement from Public Sector Deposit Fund - Received
d)Letter of Thanks from Montgomery County Music Festival - Received
e)Letter of Thanks from Citizens Advice Powys - Received
f)Letter of Thanks from Bobath Childrens Therapy Centre Wales - Received
g)Letter of Thanks from Wales Air Ambulance Charity - Received
h)Letter of Thanks from Llanidloes Community Transport - Received
i)Letter of Thanks from Tenovus Cancer Care - Received
425/05 / TO DISCUSS QUOTATION FROM TRIANO SERVICES (Biomass Boiler) Clerk read out an e mail received from Triano stating that they would not be providing a quotation as they have cut down on their installation works. The Mayor explained that we must draw a line under this fiasco and move on and there should be no recriminations and finger pointing. It is now of the utmost importance that the system is up and running before Autumn. She explained that Mark Bufton has been asked to come in to look at the system and will provide a quotation to rectify the problems we have. Clerk will send out an e mail once any information has been received from Mr Bufton. Cllr Morgan wished to be included in any meetings with Mr Bufton. / TC
425/06 / TO DISCUSS REQUEST FROM LLANIDLOES PRIMARY SCHOOL FRIENDS OF THE SCHOOL FOR DONATION TOWARDS NUMERACY AND LITERACY SHEDS Cllrs Breeze, Hawkins, G Morgan and Mrs M. Jones declared an interest and leftthe room. Clerk explained that Friends of the Primary School are hoping to purchase and install the sheds over the Summer holiday and would therefore be grateful of a prompt response. Councillors were impressed with the photographic presentation and agreed to donate £400 from s137 monies, leaving £1,000 to be distributed in October. A vote was taken and it was unanimously agreed to donate £400.
425/07 / TO DISCUSS LETTER FROM ST JOHN RE LLANIDLOES DIVISIONAL PREMISES Council agreed to send a letter of support to the County Commissioner at St John Wales. Cllr Morgan suggested inviting the Cabinet portfolio holder for Property (County Councillor Phyl Davies) as well as an officer from PCC to a meeting along with Mr Tranter (County Commissioner). Clerk will set up a meeting. / TC/PD
425/08 / TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON DAY CENTRE SERVICES AND TO RECEIVE A LETTER AND CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS LLANIDLOES DAY CENTRE SERVICES FROM CAERSWS COMMUNITY COUNCIL Council agreed to send a letter of Thanks to Caersws Community Council. Cllr Morgan explained that he is now sitting on a scrutiny committee and discussions are still ongoing. Cllr McArthur has composed questions for Dominique Jones which will be distributed and sent out this week.
425/09 / TO RECEIVE BANK RECONCILIATION FROM LLANIDLOES BURIAL JOINT COMMITTEE - Cllr Edwardes asked why there is an item “Cover for phone calls” on the Finance sheet. Cllr Smith explained the situation with changing the Councillors names on the mandate with Barclays Bank. Cllr Edwardes asked why the Clerk and Caretaker wages were shown together. Clerk stated that those are now the rules – and comes under “contractual matters”.
425/10 / TO DISCUSS E MAIL RECIEVED FROM PCC YOUTH SERVICES ON THE IMPACT OF CLOSURE OF LLANIDLOES YOUTH CLUB Cllrs had not received much feedback. Cllr Aled Griffiths thought it strange that PCC are requesting this information now and not before they closed the Youth Club. It was agreed to write and ask for the impact study which should have taken place prior to the closure. / TC
425/11 / TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON PALLIATIVE CARE UNIT (Cllr Mrs Margot Jones) Cllr Margot Jones explained that the League of Friends has taken the project forward and lots of fundraising has taken place - £60,000. The tendering process is underway and by Christmas the unit should be open. Plans were available for Councillors to look at.
425/12 / TO DISCUSS E MAIL SENT FROM CLAIRE OWEN, MID WALES TOURISM RE MEMBERSHIP It was agreed that Council would benefit from a meeting with Mid Wales Tourism and explain to them that we are taking a positive view. / TC
425/13 / TO DISCUSS LETTER RECEIVED FROM MR WILLIAM PRICE RE OVERHANGING TREES AND PATHWAY AT ALLT GOCH WOODS Cllr Edwardes explained that this council does not have anything to do with the footpath. E mails from Emma Guy and Helen Tatchell were read out. It was agreed to reply to Mr Price sending him copies of the e mails we have received. / TC
425/14 / TO DISCUSS PUBLIC TOILETS AT THE REAR OF THE TOWN HALL FURTHER TO INSPECTION FROM LLANIDLOES SERVICES COMMITTEE (Cllr G Morgan) Cllr G. Morgan explained that there is going to be a meeting of the Committee on Friday this week, to find out if the committee are interested in taking the project forward. Cllr Morgan has looked at the premises with an electrician and he thinks the Gents toilets need to be gutted and re fitted. The Ladies toilets require new hand basins and updating as the water runs into an open drain in the floor, fittings e.g soap dispensers are required and he estimates approx £20,000. To leave it as it is is fine but to bring it up to current standards will take some monies. Healthmatic have been contacted for a quote to install doors and pay machines. Entrust agree that it would be possible but a new scheme should be created which would involve separate bank accounts etc. Landfill tax could be a possibility. It will need to rely on substantial amount of monies (approx £7000) from Town Council as £7000 available at the Gro scheme is not available for these toilets. Cllrs G Morgan and Mrs A. Morgan left the room while Councillors discussed the options. Cllr Smith asked how much of an increase £7000 would be on the Council Tax. Cllr Breeze stated that it would be approx £6 to each household. Cllr Jones stated that this is the best offer we could have. Clerk suggested we ask Coffee Bean for a donation. Councillors were in agreement that a letter should be sent to the Coffee Bean requesting funding. Cllr Jones proposed that we take up Cllr Morgan’s offer. This was seconded by Cllr Griffiths and unanimously agreed upon. / GM
425/15 / TO RECEIVE BRIEF RESUME OF STAFF APPRAISALS (Cllr Breeze) AND TO CONSIDER PAY INCREASE TO GROUNDS MAN (Confidential matters) Cllr Breeze explained that the Appraisals have taken place and there were no serious issues. One item was discussed and is reported under confidential notes.
425/16 / TO RECEIVE ANNUAL RETURN FROM EXTERNAL AUDIT Clerk explained that the Return has not been received but is taking it that no news is good news. This will be reported at the next Council meeting
425/17 / TO DISCUSS QUOTATIONS FOR BADGES FOR PAST MAYORS Councillors agreed that £65 per badge was too much. Cllr Lees offered to find new quotations and will report back at the next meeting. / SL
P/2017/0744Improvements to vehicular access at Vaynor Park Bryndu Road Llanidloes Powys - No Objections
P/2017/0749 Advertisement application for consent to display of various non-illuminated and illuminated signs at Supermarket and premises Llangurig Road Llanidloes Powys - No Objections
P/2017/0793 (Cllr Breeze declared an interest and left the room) Replacement of 20m floodlight with 25m mast to support 3x telecommunications antennae (floodlight to be refitted at 20m height). Installation of 2x dishes and 5x group based equipment cabinets at Football ground Victoria Avenue Llanidloes Powys Plans for football pitch - No Objections
P/2017/0766 (Cllr Breeze declared an interest and left the room) Erection of 2 dwellings, formation of new vehicular access and all associated works at Dyfnant, Llanidloes Powys - No Objections
P/2017/0765 (Cllr Breeze declared an interest and left the room) Erection of 3 dwellings, formation of new vehicular access and all associated works at Dyfnant, Llanidloes, Powys - No Objections
425/19 / ACCOUNTS
The following Accounts for JUNE were confirmed and agreed unanimously
Chq No
100571Petty Cash 78.18
100572Severn Trent 6,872.33
100573J. Crisp 500.00
100574LAS Recycling 61.32
100575Petty Cash 82.60
100576Inland Revenue 791.36
100577Wynnstay 119.30
100578PCC (Pension) 535.42
100579Motor Control Warehouse 61.20
100580Border Supplies 38.46
100581Milwyn Jenkins & Jenkins 432.00
100582Viking 265.33
d/dTotal GP 291.87
s/oWages 2995.80
Total £ 13,125.17
Cllr G Morgan read out a petition he had received from residents in FoundryTerrace regarding traffic flow. Mr Chris Lloyd from PCC has asked Cllr Morgan to mention it to the Town Council to find out their views on it. The residents were requesting Double yellow lines to prevent parking on the narrow road. Council agreed to ask Chris Lloyd what he suggests but agreed that would like to see 20 mph signage there. Cllr Morgan will set up a Site meeting and will invite the Mayor.
Cllr Griffiths expressed his concern regarding play equipment at the Hafrenydd play area and was asked to send photographic evidence to the Clerk who would then forward on to Mr Steve Gealy at PCC
Clerk was asked to chase up the invitation sent to the Police commissioner inviting him to meet with Town Council / GM
425/21 / THE FOLLOWING DATES WERE CONFIRMED Monday 25.09.17 – Full Council Meeting
Meeting closed at 9.10 pm