Updates on 2015 mini-survey action plan:

1. To improve feedback relating to getting through on the phone in the afternoon: GP call back extended to ensure all calls responded to. Duty Doctor takes over after this. No further complaints received at September 2016

Lunch breaks now staggered for reception staff to ensure adequate coverage of phones. Rota reviewed and now covers any staff shortage areas

2. Booking appointments with doctor of choice and with any doctor: All patients assigned new ‘usual clinician’ which has helped feedback. Later survey shows higher level of satisfaction mostly due to stable staffing structure and new GPs in place

3. Time waiting for emergency appointment whilst in waiting room: Receptionists do apologise to patients who have been waiting 30 minutes or more. This can be unavoidable during busy afternoons where UCC appointments are used up. Satisfaction scores are higher in the new survey

4. Prescription delays – comment: Prescription Clerks now in place – having great positive impact on feedback. Clinical Pharmacist employed through NHSE CP Pilot Project – settling in nicely. Senior CP starts September 2016 and will great source of support to CP and Prescription Clerks Team.

New Survey comments:

5. Continued comments regarding obtaining an appointment: but less than previously. Patients who do only call when they are genuinely very ill are finding GP call back frustrating, however this does help the clinicians to assess patients’ records prior to consultation and to consider possible explanations for illness. To monitor and discuss with PPG

6. Prescriptions changing and going missing: We are monitoring this and find it is mostly when the Pharmacy tells a patient they have not received their prescription and send them back to the Practice. Most times, the Pharmacy does have the prescription and will find this when checking for a second time.

Sadly, some patients say that they have ordered medication when they have not, or they have sent a third party who has forgotten. Orders cannot go missing from a sealed box

7. On line – difficulties accessing website and on line bookings availability: We have been updating the Website recently and this may account for ‘down time’. This is now up and running. On-line bookings have been expanded to allow more spaces (1 more each day) which should have an impact for our computer-minded patients. The Admin Apprentice will monitor the website also. Our patient leaflet gives lots of information about ways to book an appointment.

8. Pharmacy adverse feedback: I will pass on to Amanda, their Manager for further consideration.

9. Letting patients know about changes: when systems are ‘tweaked’ we generally don’t send out a universal letter to advise of this. Sadly, this means that patients that only occasionally access services may find out about changes when they next call in or phone up. We do update our wall posters and the patient leaflet regularly and this does give full information about current services.