enVision Math Common Core Oct. 22-26
Monday---Students will complete Topic 4 Addition and Subtraction Facts to 12 Assessment (multiple choice and constructed response)
Tuesday---Topic 5 Addition Facts to 20
Teacher will use the story, “Monkey Doubles” in the big book on the easel to introduce today’s lesson.
Lesson 5-1 Doubles
Objective: Students will recognize the doubles relationship and use it as a strategy for remembering addition facts with 2 like addends.
Common Core Standards: 1.OA.6, 1.OA.1, 1.OA.8
Teacher will introduce today’s lesson 5-1 with computer CD (in black case in this stack of work). Will also need to click source on the Smart Board black remote for it to show on the Smart Board. Run the CD, click on Topic 5, then on lesson 5-1, and play.
1. Daily Common Core Review worksheet 5-1: Teacher will place the worksheet under the document camera. Students will discuss and complete together to review the concepts: ways to make 7, addition facts, and finding missing parts of numbers.
2. Develop the Concept: Interactive: (page 163 in packet) Follow instructions on pg. 163 in teacher’s guide. Teacher will use sheet 163 under the document camera and connecting cubes to provide students whose Popsicle sticks are drawn out the opportunity to identify and show doubles facts to 20.
3. Develop the Concept: Visual: Teacher will discuss the tops of packet pages 164-165 to model how to identify and show doubles to 20. Also, class will work together on problems on sheets 164-166 (place under the document camera) to answer questions posed on teacher’s guide these pages and to develop the concept. Reteaching 5-1 and Enrichment 5-1 worksheets will be discussed and worked through also.
4. Independent Practice: Students will complete Practice worksheet 5-1. This will be checked and rechecked until students have correct answers or teacher copy of this sheet can be placed under the document camera and students can discuss correct answers and check their work.
5. Formative Assessment: Teacher will place a copy of Quick Check 5-1 worksheet under the document camera. Students will copy and complete. May check these together using teacher copy or take these up and grade.
Wednesday---Topic 5 Lesson 5-2: Doubles Plus 1
Objective: Students will master addition facts where the addends are 1 apart.
Vocabulary: doubles plus 1
Common Core Standards: 1.OA.6, 1.OA.1, 1.OA.7, 1.OA.8
Teacher will introduce today’s lesson 5-2 with computer CD (in black CD case in this stack of work). Will also need to click source on the Smart Board black remote for it to show on the Smart Board. Run the CD, click on topic 5, then lesson 5-2, and play.
1. Daily Common Core Review worksheet 5-2: Teacher will place the worksheet under the document camera. Students will discuss to complete together to review the concepts: subtraction stories, applying subtraction facts, and number sentences.
2. Develop the Concept: Interactive: (packet sheet 167) Follow directions on pg. 167 in teacher’s guide. Teacher will use sheet 167 under the document camera and connecting cubes (18 red and 1 blue) to provide students whose Popsicle stick names are drawn out the opportunity to use doubles facts to find the sums of doubles plus 1 facts.
3. Develop the Concept: Visual: Teacher will discuss the tops of packet sheets 168 and 169 to model how to use doubles facts to solve doubles plus 1 facts. Also, class will work together o problems on sheets 168-170 (place under document camera) to answer questions posed on teacher’s guide these pages and to develop the concept. Reteaching 5-2 and Enrichment 5-2 worksheets will be discussed and worked through also.
4. Independent Practice: Students will complete Practice worksheet 5-2. This will be checked and rechecked until students have correct answers or teacher copy of this sheet can be placed under the document camera and students can discuss correct answers and check their work.
5. Formative Assessment: Teacher will place Quick Check 5-2 worksheet under the document camera. Students will copy down questions and solve. May check these together using teacher copy or take up and grade.
Thursday---Topic 5 Lesson 5-3: Doubles Plus 2
Objective: Students will master addition facts where the addends are 2 apart.
Vocabulary: doubles plus 2
Common Core Standards: 1.OA.6, 1.OA.1, 1.OA.7, 1.OA.8
Teacher will introduce today’s lesson 5-3 with computer CD (in black CD case in this stack of work). Will also need to click source on the Smart Board black remote for it to show on the Smart Board. Run the CD, click on Topic 5 and then lesson 5-3, and play.
1. Daily Common Core Review worksheet 5-3: Teacher will place the worksheet under the document camera. Students will discuss to complete together to review the concepts: using models to solve, using double facts, and writing addition sentences.
2. Develop the Concept: Interactive: (packet sheet 171) Follow directions on pg. 171 in teacher’s guide. Teacher will use worksheet 171 and connecting cubes (16 blue and 2 yellow) to provide students whose Popsicle stick names are drawn out the opportunity to use doubles facts to find doubles plus 2 facts.
3. Develop the Concept: Visual: Teacher will discuss the tops of worksheets 172-173 to model how addition doubles facts can help you find doubles plus 2 facts. Also, class will work together on problems on sheets 172-174 (place under the document camera) to answer questions posed on teacher’s guide these pages and to develop the concept. Reteaching 5-3 and Enrichment 5-3 worksheets will be discussed and worked through also.
4. Independent Practice: Students will complete Practice worksheet 5-3. This will be checked and rechecked until students have correct answers or teacher copy of this sheet can be placed under the document camera and students can discuss correct answers and check their work.
5. Formative Assessment: Teacher will place Quick Check worksheet 5-3 under the document camera. Students will copy the questions and complete. May check these together using teacher copy or take these up to grade.
Friday---Teacher will use Promethean Planet, Discovery, Brainpop Jr., and other sites to further review the concepts of doubles facts, doubles plus one facts, and doubles plus two facts.