EDUC 690School Internship in XXXXX


10 credit hours

Semester/Year: XXXXX

Office Telephone
Office Hours
Cell Phone

This course requires participation in a pre- and post-semester orientation that follows the school district calendar. Contact the course instructor for specific requirements.

Course Description from the Catalog

EDUC 690 School Internship is a full semester, field-based student internship in area schools. Teaching assignments will be appropriate to licensure area. Supervision and evaluation of the internship will be provided by Winthrop faculty and public school mentor teacher(s).


Prerequisites include completion of all MAT admission and core course requirements except EDUC 695. Because content studies are a major component of this degree, students are expected to complete all pedagogical courses, all required prerequisites and no fewer than nine semester hours of content study prior to supervised teaching. A course in methodology specific to the content area must be included. Prerequisites also include full admission to the Teacher Education Program.


EDUC 695 is a co-requisite.

Course Goal(s)

The internship provides applied experiences that help students develop skills in planning, providing instruction, managing the classroom environment, demonstrating professionalism, and demonstrating skills particular to the content area.

Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Standards

Learning Outcomes / Standards / Student Performance Assessments
The student will develop a Long Range Plan.
*supervisor decision to remove outcome if completed in Internship I / APS 1 / Long Range Planning
Internship Evaluation: Planning—Domain 1
The students will plan appropriate lessons. / APS 2 / Short Range Planning
Internship Evaluation: Planning – Domain 1
The student will use instructional strategies to facilitate learning and provide content for students. / APS 4, 5 and 6 / Internship Evaluation: Instruction—Domain 2
The student will maintain an environment that promotes learning. / APS 7 and 8 / Internship Evaluation: Environment—Domain 3
The student will demonstrate appropriate professionalism. / APS 10 / Professionalism Task
Internship Evaluation: Professionalism—Domain 4
The student will demonstrate competency in providing content. / SPA standards applicable to the appropriate content area / Internship Evaluation: Content Area Outcomes
Required Texts and Materials
  • Developing Teachers as Educational Leaders: Responsibilities, Policies, and Practices for the Internship(Available online at:
  • LiveText account (Available for purchase at the campus bookstore)

Reading List: Not applicable to the internship.

Relation to NCATE and the Conceptual Framework

The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) sets standards for accrediting programs that prepare teachers. Each teacher education program must develop a conceptual framework that (1) describes its mission, philosophy, knowledge base, and performance expectations and (2) provides guidance for constructing a system of performance assessment for teacher education candidates. Assessments must provide documentation that candidates meet standards of national professional organizations, certification standards for the state of South Carolina, and standards of Winthrop University. Winthrop’s standards for teacher education candidates are specified in the Teacher as Educational Leader conceptual framework.

According to NCATE 2008 standards, teacher education candidates must demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions that enable them to address the needs of a diverse group of learners. Interns must provide evidence that their teaching results in learning for all students. To this end, interns will analyze their students’ work samples, reflect on objectives of lessons, and develop lesson plans to help students who have difficulty mastering the concepts that are taught. Further information about NCATE standards is available at the following web address:


Please see the internship handbook, Developing Teachers as Educational Leaders: Responsibilities, Policies, and Practices for the Internship, to find a description of the intern's responsibilities. Successful completion of EDUC 690 requires achieving the acceptable level on all domains of the Internship II evaluation, satisfactory participation in a mock interview session held on campus; and attendance at various seminars arranged by the University Supervisor and/or the Office of Field and Clinical Experiences.

Grading System

Students are evaluated using the Internship Mid-term and Final Evaluation Reports. Results are conveyed to students during mid-term and final evaluation conferences with the university supervisor and mentor teacher. Copies of the Internship Mid-term and Final Evaluation Reports are located on the Student Academic Services website. Copies of the Internship Mid-term and Final Evaluation Reports are located on the Field and Clinical Experiences website: . Students receive a grade of Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) for the internship.

Class Attendance Policy for EDUC 690

Absences are not allowed. The attendance policy is described in the handbook, Developing Teachers as Educational Leaders: Responsibilities, Policies, and Practices for the Internship.

Students with Disabilities Policy

Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education. If you have a disability and require specific accommodations to complete this course, contact Gena Smith, Program Director, Disability Services at 323-3290. Once you have your official notice of accommodations from Services for Students with Disabilities, please inform your university supervisor as early as possible in the semester.

Reading Workshop

Secondary majors who are need of the Reading in the Content Areas course will be notified in advance of the semester. This online course must be successfully completed before the beginning of the internship.

Expectations for Attendanceat the Internship Institute

Plan to attend all sessions of the Internship Institute and to arrive on time for class. Notify your instructor in advance about any absences that arise due to emergencies. Instructors will require assignments to make up for activities missed due to absences. Expectations for attendance during the internship are described in the internship handbook.

Final Exam Date and Time

The final assessment is the Internship Final Evaluation Report. The Final Evaluation Report is due to the Office of Field and Clinical Experiences on or before the due date set by the Director of the Office of Field and Clinical Experiences (XX/XX).

Student Code of Conduct

As noted in the Student Conduct Code, “Responsibility for good conduct rests with students as adult individuals.” The policy on student academic misconduct is outlined in the Student Conduct Code Academic Misconduct Policy in the Student Handbook online: (

Syllabus Change Policy: The syllabus reflects expectations for the course; however, the instructor may find it necessary to make changes in the syllabus after the course begins. In such cases, students will be notified accordingly.

Tentative Course Calendar: Provided by the individual university supervisor.

Internship Important Dates – December, 2014 Graduates

Dates are subject to change.
University supervisors will set assignment due dates and time for evaluation conferences.

Week of August 11 – report to host school to begin internship /
  • Report to assigned school when teachers in district report at the beginning of the school year

Friday, August 8-Deadline /
  • Deadline for anyone not previously completing EEDA and BBP on-line courses (Students needing these courses will be notified.)
  • Deadline for Reading in the Content Area– Online Course
    (Students needing this course will be notified.)

Friday, August 15 /
  • Internship Institute
1:00 - 6:00 (Withers, 401)
Wednesday, September 3 /
  • Required Seminar- Panel: “Techniques for Successful Job Hunting” 5:30-7:00 (Withers 401)

Week of September 8 /
  • IWS Dimension 1 draft due to 490/695 instructor

Week of September 15 /
  • IWS Dimension 1 final due to 490/695 instructor

Week of September 15 /
  • IWS Pre-Assessment draft and Dimension 2 draft due to 490/695 instructor

Monday, September 22 /
  • Long Range Plan (APS1) uploaded to LiveText to be graded by university supervisor- (Specified programs/interns – Interns will be notified by university supervisor)

Week of September 22 /
  • IWS final Pre-Assessment and final Dimension 2 due to 490/695 instructor (must have feedback from instructor in order to administer Pre-Assessment)

Wednesday, September 24 /
  • Required Seminar –Resume” Writing” by Winthrop University Career Services - 5:30 pm-7:00 pm (Withers 401)

Week of September 29 /
  • IWS Dimension 3 draft due to 490/695 instructor

Week of October 6-November 7 /
  • Full time teaching (minimum) – IWS to be taught during this time with Dimension 4 lesson plans submitted to LiveText for grading by university supervisor

Friday, October 10 /
  • Long Range Plan (LRP) grade due by university supervisor – rubric on Internship Evaluation

Week of October 13 /
  • IWS Dimension 3 final due to 490/695 instructor

Week of October 13 /
  • Mid-term conferences

Friday, October 24 /
  • Midterm Evaluation Report Cover Page with supporting evidence due to the Office of Field and Clinical Experience and midterm evaluation grade submitted on LiveText by university supervisor

Saturday, October 25 /
  • Required – Mock Interviews
9:00-12:00 (Withers building – various rooms)
Sunday, November 2 /
  • IWS Dimension 4 (lesson plans) due to university supervisor on LiveText

Wednesday, November 5 /
  • Required Seminar – NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Health)
5:30 pm-7:00 pm (Plowden Auditorium)
Monday, November 10 /
  • Supervisors report IWS Dimension 4 (lesson plans) grades to interns for any rewrites

Monday, November 17 /
  • IWS Dimension 4 (lesson plans) rewrites due to university supervisor on LiveText

Week of November 17 /
  • IWS Dimension 5 draft due to 490/695 instructor

Monday, November 24 /
  • IWS Dimension 4 (lesson plans) grades reported on LiveText by university supervisor

November 19-25 /
  • Final evaluation conferences

Monday, December 1 /
  • IWS Dimension 5 final due to 490/695 instructor

Friday, December 5 / Last Day of Internship in the schools
December 8-19 /
  • Days available in host schools for internship make-up

Friday, December 12 /
  • Final Evaluation Report Cover Page with supporting evidence due to the Office of Field and Clinical Experience and final evaluation grade submitted on LiveText by university supervisor

Thursday, December 18 /
  • Winthrop University Graduate Commencement Ceremony
7:00 pm – Winthrop Coliseum
Friday, December 19 /
  • Convocation – 4:30 pm – Withers (Plowden Auditorium)

Saturday, December 20 /
  • Winthrop University Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony
11:00 am - Winthrop Coliseum

In addition to the dates above, university supervisors may conduct seminars with students throughout the semester upon request of the intern(s) and/or university supervisor.

Expectations for Interns in EDUC 690 Internship in xxxxxxx

1.Follow all policies and procedures in Winthrop’s Developing Teachers as Educational Leaders Internship Handbook and those of your school.

2.Conduct yourself professionally and dress appropriately at all times.

3.Be on time to school every day. Follow your teacher’s schedule, not that of the students.

4.Make up all time missed during the internship (full days, half days, etc.).

5.Notify the school, your mentor teacher, and your supervisors immediately if you are ill or have an emergency and must be late or absent.

6.Write a lesson plan for each lesson that you teach. Write a full lesson plan for each formative or summative observation conducted by supervisor, site-based observer, and mentor teacher. Provide word-processed copies of all lesson plans to your mentor teacher (and to school-site personnel and supervisors) at least two days in advance of the day you are teaching the lesson.

7.Maintain an organized notebook with copies of all lesson plans and reflections in sequence.

8.Attend all scheduled internship seminars.

9.Provide drafts and final copies of all Internship Work Sample and Long-Range Plan (APS 1) when they are due.

10.Participate in one mock interview session on campus.

11.Contact supervisors promptly if you have a question or concern.