Susan Sales

Born: 1951 Hartford, CT

Current residence: Dallas, TX


2009At This Point In Time, Chiaroscuro Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM

2008Under the Influence, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

2007Unrelated Incidents, Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, CO

2006Multiple Personality Disorder, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

2005No Reasonable Explanation, Uffelman Gallery, Cannon Beach, OR

2004Winter Exhibition, Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, CO

A Decade of Dallas, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

2002Earlier Unrelated Incidents, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

2001Left Thinking, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

2000Eye Candy, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

1999The Reality Series, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

1998Works from the Construction Zone, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

1996The Transition Series, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

The Chaos Series, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

1995The Road Series, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

The Hope Series, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

1994The Edge Series, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

1993Since We Last Met, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

1992The Adventure Series, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

1991New Work, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

1990Introduction, Artist’s Studio, Santa Fe, NM


2009Grand Opening at 702 ½ Canyon, Chiaroscuro Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM

Recent Arrivals, Chiaroscuro Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM

2008Gallery Artists Group Show, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

Land of Color and Enchantment: The Southwestern Art Collection of Charles and Jeanette Gilchrist White, Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences, Peoria, IL

Susan Sales


2007Art Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM

CADD Inaugural Exhibition, Dallas, TX

2006The Trinity River, The MAC, Dallas, TX

The Complexity of Simplicity, LongviewMuseum of Fine Arts, TX

200343rd Annual Invitational Awards Exhibition, LongviewMuseum of Fine Arts, TX

New Adventure, Uffelman Gallery, Cannon Beach, OR

An Ongoing Thing, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

Another Round, Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, CO

2002Grids, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

The Season Opens, Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, CO

2001Contemporary Art Without a Mouse, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

A Show of Colors, Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

2000Revisiting Abstraction, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

Salsa, Spirits and Soul, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe, NM

1999Friends of Contemporary Art, Santa Fe Museum of Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM

The Power of Paint, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

1998Wet Paint, LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

Artist as Curator, ConceptArtGallery, Pittsburgh, PA

1997Susan Sales and Marla Ziegler, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

New Work by New Artists, Posner Gallery, Birmingham, MI

1996Primarily Paper, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

The Animal Show, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

Dreamers, Doers and Unsung Heroes, MeyersonSymphonyCenter, Dallas, TX

Monothon 10, SITE Santa Fe, NM
1995All Creatures Great and Small, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

The Colors of a Trio, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

Figurative Show, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

Art About Town, Wichita FallsMuseum, Wichita Falls, TX

1994Oot’i Gallery, Corte Madera, CA

The Many Roads to Heaven, Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

1992Malke-Sage Galleries, Redwood City, CA

Angel Art and Fantasy, Santuario de Guadalupe, Santa Fe, NM

1991Aesthetics ’91, McPherson College, KS

LafayetteArtGallery, Lafayette, LA

1990New Directions ’90, Barrett House Galleries, Poughkeepsie, NY

Fourth Annual Shrine Show, The Armory, Santa Fe, NM

Susan Sales


Cornerstone Research, Menlo Park, CA

D Magazine, Dallas, TX

Houston’s Restaurants, Phoenix, AZ

Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Dallas, TX

Modern Luxury Magazine, Dallas, TX

Nano Systems, King of Prussia, PA
Rosewood Properties, The Mansion on Turtle Creek, Dallas, TX

St. VincentHospital, Santa Fe, NM

Zigler Corporation, University Park, TX

Select Bibliography

Neiman Marcus Christmas Book 2008 (cover).

THE Magazine, Dallas/Ft. Worth, November 2008.

Celeste, Eric. “On Top of the World.” D Home, October 2008.

Land of Color and Enchantment (catalog). LakeviewMuseum of Arts and Sciences, Peoria, IL.

Giovannini, Joseph. “Invoking an Ideal.” Architectural Digest, June 2008.

Zimmerman, Nancy. “Santa Fe Art: The Ties that Binds an LA Couple.” TrendMagazine, Winter/Spring 2008.

“Dallas Dazzler.” Décor Magazine, Volume 4, No. 1, 2007

“Grants Help Longview Arts Bloom.” Longview News-Journal, May 18, 2006.

Evans, Glenn. “Artists Share Layers of Works’ Complex Simplicity.” Longview News- Journal, May 5, 2006.

Kutner, Janice. “Bright Hues on View at Gallery.” The Dallas Morning News, November 3, 2004.

Loos, Ted. “Texas Surprise.” House Beautiful, September 2003.

Jukoff, Helene. Pathways to Creativity, 2001.

Indyke, Dottie. “Art on the Edge.” Santa Fean Magazine, May 2001.