English Eight Course Outline

Vedder Middle School

Participation and Excellence

Mr. Allanson2017-2018

Room B218

Email: hool Website:

Homework Page:

Welcome to English Eight! The aim of English Eight is to provide students with a variety of approaches to enhance your skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to become aware, take ownership, and practice active citizenship in your community, country, and world. You will continue to develop your skills for communicating through literature, grammar, editing, composition, spelling, and vocabulary. English Eight will enable you to take control of your learning and become educated not only about the curriculum but also about yourself and the people around you, as you make connections to the material you are learning.

Here are a few things you need to know in order to have a successful school year.

Year Outline: Topics to be covered this year will include the following:

Vocabulary Development (Grammar, Parts of Speech)

Current Events

Novel Studies (Assigned Novels )

Writing (Sentence Structure, Paragraph Writing, Essay Writing)

Short Stories (Literary Elements – Plot, Characters, Theme, etc.)

Media Unit (biases, opinions)


Conventions (Spelling, Punctuation)


BinderBlue/black/red pens ONLY

DividersPencil crayons



Student Expectations:

To ensure that the greatest benefit is derived from this course, the following minimal standards are expected from each student. The standards come from a basic understanding of and commitment to RESPECT- respect for self, respect for others and respect for learning.

If your actions prevent any member of the class, including me, from feeling comfortable and safe, you will be asked to leave.

1)Regular Attendance

2)Arrive to class on time.

3)Report to class with ALL necessary books and supplies.

4)Complete each assignment to the best of your ability and hand it in on time.

5)Demonstrate responsible, cooperative behaviour at all times.

6)No gum or hats in class.

7)Cell phones and iPods are allowed in class; please turn them off while in class.

Classroom Procedures You Need to Know

Entering the room:

When you come into the room, walk to your seat quietly, sit down and have your material open and ready to start. Chatting is acceptable until I ask for your attention. Time wasted at this point is yours as a class to make up.

Addressing the Class:

When anyone is addressing the class as a whole for any reason, it is expected that you will be a respectful listener. Whether I am giving instruction for an assignment, a class member is giving a presentation, or we have a guest speaker, you must show that you’re listening by looking at the speaker.

Getting My Attention:

If no one is addressing the class, raise your hand to ask or answer questions, get permission to leave the room, make a comment during class discussions, etc. Calling out is not acceptable. If you would like to talk to me about any individual concerns you may have with English or Social Studies, I would be happy to discuss them with you outside of class time. Do not ask to leave the room when someone is addressing the class.

Food and Drinks in the Classroom:

Water is the only drink allowed in class. Do not bring food items or drinks to class unless you want Mrs. Fugger or myself to have them. It is against school rules.

Leaving the Classroom:

You need to ask me when you are leaving the classroom (water fountain, washroom, locker). You need to take the MAP with you.

Leaving the Classroom as a Group:

When we leave the classroom as a group, we will proceed down to the library, gym, bus, or wherever our destination might be as a group. Stopping for drinks, the washroom or your locker is not acceptable. Furthermore, do not talk when in the hallways, as other classes are in session.

Neatness in the Classroom:

I spend all day, five days a week, in Room B218. Garbage belongs in the garbage can and paper belongs in the recycling bin. Should these items, or anything else, be found around the room, you will be required to spend your time after school or at lunch cleaning the class.


If you are late for any reason, enter the room quietly, give me your slip from the office if you have one, sit down and open your books. If I am in the middle of teaching, just listen and I will get you up to speed after. If the class is doing an activity and you don’t know how to join in, put up your hand and I will assist you.

Teacher on Call:

If I know I am going to be away, I will give you plenty of notice and I will ensure that you, and the TOC, know what you will be expected to do for work. If I have an unexpected absence, you are still expected to be on your best behaviour and complete all assigned work.


Handing Assignments in:

There is an in-basket, clearly marked with the class and block, on the back counter in the classroom. All assignments, unless stated otherwise in class, must be handed into the basket at the beginning of class, or when I ask for them. If you are handing in an assignment late, you may give it to me directly or hand it into the office where it will be placed in my mailbox. Do not put late assignments into the basket.

Due Dates and Late Assignments:

Due dates and quiz dates will be posted well in advance on the board. If there is a major conflict with another class assignment or test, let me know! With enough notice, due dates are flexible.

Late Policy:

All assignments must be submitted on or before the due dates. You will be assigned to detention or study hall if your assignment is not handed in on time, unless your parents can explain that you were ill or otherwise excused. If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to ensure you pick up any missing work. Any student wishing to boost their letter grade may do bonus activities or extra assignments throughout the course of the year. A word of caution, bonus work can only move you up a couple of percent each term. As well, students who receive an “Incomplete” notice at the end of the term must finish any outstanding work along with an alternate package during the last two weeks of the term.

Note: Assignments that are ripped, crumpled, or otherwise demoralized, will not be collected or marked. Take pride in your work!

Grading for English:

Written Assignments / Homework40%


Quizzes 20%

Evaluation: (Year)

Term 125%

Term 225%

Term 325%

Term 425%

Final Exam**This will be included in your Term 4 mark.**


Letter Grades and Effort Marks

A86 – 100%E= Excellent

B73 – 85G = Good

C+67 – 72S = Satisfactory

C60 – 66N = Needs Improvement

C-50 – 59

F 0 – 49

**I have read the English EightCourse Outline and have shared it with my parent(s)/guardian(s).**

Parent/Guardian Signature:______

Student: Signature: ______
