/ Elektrische Signalverarbeitung Dr. Fischer GmbH

Harmonised messages
Localized communications for Europe
A Release 2 C-ITS standard from ISO


Germany / Blaubeuren area (details disclosed upon registration)

1.March 2017


The seminar informs about the result of harmonization activities suggested by the EU/US Task Force Harmonization Task Group 3, and performed by ISO TC204 WG16 and IEEE 1609 WG. It is designed for C-ITS application designers and for communication protocol implementers of the localized communications protocol.

The harmonized message format for localized communication is standardized in ISO 16460. A selection of features and specification of related protocol procedures is done in the IEEE 1609 WG and in the ISO TC204 WG16.

The seminar explains protocol features and their usage as being specified in ISO 29281-1, not restricting to a specific implementation context. It informs also about the limitations of the WAVE short message protocol standardised in IEEE 1609.3, and about interoperability details between these two protocol versions of localized communications.

It is beneficial to also attend the seminar ESF-2017-02-a on service advertisement.




Conditions for attending the seminar ESF-2017-03-a

The total price for attending the seminar is 700,00 Euro plus 19% German VAT per person. Registration is due one week prior to the event. Payment is due one day prior to the event.

For attendance at ESF-2017-02-a and ESF-2017-03-a, the total price for both seminars is only 1.200 Euro plus 19% German VAT per person.

The total price includes:

  • Attendance at the seminar
  • Lunch including non-alcoholic beverages
  • Snacks and refreshments during breaks
  • Electronic copy of presentations

The seminar will be performed once at least two attendees registered. A maximum of eight attendees is allowed.

Cancellation of a registration is only possible in case the number of attendees will not fall below the minimum number requested. A cancellation fee of 100 Euro plus VAT applies.

The seminar will be recorded on video.

Registration for the seminar ESF-2017-03-a

Company:Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.

European VAT-ID:Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.(ifapplicable)

Family name:Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.

First name:Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.

ZIP code and city:Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.

Further address details:Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.

Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.

Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.

VAT is not applicable:☐Reason: Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.

Special food required:Klicken Sie hier, um Text einzugeben.

Please fill out one copy of this form for every participant, print them, and send it to

ESF GmbH - Seminars

Fichtenweg 9, 89143 Blaubeuren / Germany

Upon reception of the required number of registrations we will send invoices. Upon reception of payment you will receive further details on the seminar.

We will assist you finding appropriate transportation to reach the location. Next airports are Stuttgart and München. Next railway stations are Blaubeuren (only local trains) and Ulm (all trains).